List Building by Ian Jackson - HTML preview

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~ Get a Domain Name ~

Searching for your domain name

There are tons of sites on the net where you can go and type in a potential domain name to see if it is available. Like anything else, domain names come with different prices and have to be renewed yearly, so shop around for the best price. You don’t need to pay a fortune to get a good domain name.

Another important thing to mention is to always try to get a dot COM extension to your domain name, not a dot ORG or dot TV. It is easier for people to remember a dot COM and they are more used to typing than they are
Here are a few sites to check out domain names.

Godaddy – One of the best places to get a domain name. They also have domain name auctions where you can bid on buying someone’s domain name. Again, don’t pay a fortune for it.

Network Solutions


Net Firms

Google n&utm_source=en-ha-na-us
google&utm_medium=ha&utm_term=domain%20name%20registration, they will give you a free domain name if you build your web site with them.

