Mobile GeoSocial Intelligence by Dwayne Anderson - HTML preview

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When you created your business’ website, you did so because you wanted to create visibility on the internet.

Well, now that everyone takes the internet everywhere they go, your internet visibility is even more important than before. So, if by chance you don’t have a website, creating one should be your first task.

Depending upon the size of your business and your own technical savvy, you may choose to create your website through one of three methods:

  • Outsourcing website creation to a company that specializes in this service. They can maintain the website for you, as well.
  • Using internal IT employees to create and maintain your site (assuming you have them)
  • Creating your website yourself using one of the many software tools readily available.

Regardless of how you create your website, you’ll then need to develop content to be posted there. This is where you want to showcase your products, services and expertise in a fashion that looks attractive and professional. You may want to outsource the layout of your website to a professional web designer and you may want to use a professional writer to create content for the site.

Keep in mind that an ugly, poorly designed website with buttons that don’t work and copy that is full of typographical errors will simply turn off potential customers. If you’re not willing to dedicate the time and resources to develop and maintain a fully functional, attractive site that gives valuable information to your visitors, try starting off with a simple Mobile website and improve it progressively . Focus to start

Now that we’ve established that you have a website, and that it can provide information about your products and services, let’s talk about how the mobile user will view your website. Keep in mind that mobile users are viewing your site from a very small screen. This means that your website must be optimized to accommodate these visitors; if your website is not optimized for viewing on any size and type of device, mobile visitors to your site will have difficulty reading the content and navigating through the pages.

Professional web designers with expertise in Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) will have the skills required to make your website easy to navigate and read from mobile devices.

And, it’s important to note that there are a wide variety of types of mobile devices out there. In order to reach a wide audience, including those users that have two year old phones as well as those with brand new phones that boast high resolution and color screens, you’ll have to make a decision. You can either then your web pages must be optimized either limit yourself to the most basic markup, which means that your page can be viewed on any phone, or you can identify the specific capabilities of each phone that you want to be able to view your content.

This sounds very tedious, but many content providers do it, and the protocols are not that different. Once you have the current list coded, you just add new models as they become available. This method allows you to offer rich content, most like viewers get from their desktops.

You may also elect to make some changes to your content aimed at mobile viewers. Every business is different, so it’s difficult to give specific recommendations about how you, personally, should change your content. But, consider this: would a person visiting your website from a remote location, such as his car or in an airport, need or want anything different than a person accessing your site via his home or office computer?