MySpace Secrets by Debbie Cohen - HTML preview

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Myspace Marketing Blueprint

Launching Your Myspace Campaign

It is a good idea to make a myspace profile for your business or organization in order to add another degree of personalization to your company. If you have a list of subscribers you can tell them to go check out your myspace website and add you as a friend. I have seen countless of movies know adding myspace profiles about the actors in the movies in order to help generate awareness about the movie and you can do the same. Your myspace profile can be like a fan site for you and your company. Once you set up your myspace profile which was explained earlier (not a hard process) you can edit the look and feel of your myspace profile by using html or CSS. A lot of the profiles look dull and are not enticing. You can hire a graphic designer to take care of the myspace layout for you if you’re not good at graphics like me. There are some sources you can go to get free templates for your myspace website, check this out:

Having a unique myspace website and adding interesting and useful content will stand you apart from the millions of users. Make sure to sprinkle your niche keywords throughout your myspace profile to help increase your search engine ranking both in the major search engines such as Google and in the myspace search engines.

Make friends or potential joint venture partners?

You can also use myspace to size up the competition and see what other people in your niche are doing, and this can be accomplished by using the myspace search engine. Make sure to click myspace because it is originally defaulted to search the web as labeled in figure 9.

Figure 9


The friends forever and the heart was there by default, I circled the myspace link and search button to remind you so you will get results within myspace. You can also consider the next syntax that im about to show you. If your niche market is fishermen then the syntax that you will type into Google is: fishermen


Figure 10


Lets see how many people are fishermen on myspace, seems like their are only 2,540 indexed profiles into Google about fishermen so im going to tinker with the keywords a little. This time im going to use the keyword “fishing” and hopefully I will get more profiles that have the keyword “fishing” listed as a hobby or interest so I can start adding some friends.

Figure 11


Okay once I changed up my keywords I now find 122,000 profiles indexed into Google which is a whole-lot-better. However, be careful because all of these profiles do not necessary have anything to do with this particular keyword. I have clicked on some profiles and have found that some of them could just be stage names of bands or such so make sure to check and read their profile to discover their interests and hobbies before adding them as a friend. If they have interests in your particular niche then send out an invitation as a friend. Sometimes they will accept you sometimes they won’t so don’t take it personally if they don’t. After your friend accepts you just don’t not talk to them ever again, send an email and introduce yourself and what you’re about. A lot of times people will just add friends and abuse the bulletin system and that is about it, I will cover the bulletin system later. Talk to them and make some “real” friends, if you have to pick up the book “how to win friends and influence people” this is a very appropriate network to apply these techniques in, it’s a social network. People are more likely to purchase from you if they now you so try and build up some rapport on this network. Tell them who you are and what your goals are and how they can help. Believe it or not, people are generally good by nature and if you try telling them where you need help they will most likely try to help you out. It could be as simple as adding your banner to their myspace profile, but the main thing marketers forget is to build friendship that is what this network is about, not marketing. Of course if you have a myspace profile of one million friends then this will be very hard to accomplish so you can take one of two routes:

  • One, you can try to maintain a small but royal network of friends.
  • Two, you can get a large network of friends but it will most likely be a network of people that you don’t know and also untargeted.

Each one has its pros and cons so it’s truly up to you. As again, from my personal experience having a lot of friends can be useful for myspace if you have general offers, freebies where you make a commission ,videos, items like dvds, ringtones etc (which you can find in affiliate programs or via amazon). If your marketing to teenagers then you shouldn’t be marketing a very expensive product, but if it is trendy it will do good.


Another good idea is to add friends that are owners of large groups that have a direct interest in your products. You can do this by clicking the groups tab in your profile.

Figure 12


You can then search the group’s categories that are mostly related to yours. For example, if you sell weight loss or fitness products then you will most likely need to check out the “health, wellness, and fitness” category that currently have 4,454 different groups. This can also be an interesting way to help scout future niches. Whatever category has the must members must have the most interest generated about it. Selling an information product or an adsense product around these categories may not be a bad idea, and could be a good way to monetize your site. Let’s take a look at the health, wellness, and fitness groups more closely.


Figure 13


Good, myspace does us a huge favor by listing the groups in chronological order: ranging from the groups with the most members to those with the least members. Let’s see, the muscular training developing group has 143,263 people that are interested in this topic and was founded in March 23, 2005 a little over a year so it is a rapidly growing group which is another plus.  So, it’s like approaching someone who owns an ezine or a newsletter except it’s more personal because you can actually see them. Join the group first, make some quality posts on the forums, compliment the people, and make some friends and most importantly, add the group owner as a friend.

(See full report included purchase for details on approaching the group owner for a JV deal.

In the paid version of this report the remaining pages go into the following topics in detail:

A) Effective ways to approach the group owner to have him mention your report to his group.

B) Using the Forums and Classified Ads Section of MySpace

C) Selling Advertising

D) How to Comment Effectively to Get Visitors

E) How to Use Blogs for Traffic

D Using trains to get more friends

E) How to Use Bulletins Effectively

How to get lots of friends

Before I describe some ways to get more friends to your myspace profile lets talk about the old fashioned way before there were any software or trains that would enable us to do this automatically. One famous example is Tila Tequila; she has a myspace profile of over one million friends and has made some offline appearances because of her fame. Some others are a recent singer who just recorded a big record label that goes by the name of “Cassie” and the list can go on. It seems like people want to be surrounded by people who are:

  • Confident
  • Charismatic
  • Nice-looking
  • Ambitious
  • Unique
  • Accomplished
  • Cool

Just think back to high school for a moment, who were the people that were extremely popular? Most likely, the same principles will apply to even adults, I guess something’s never change as I mentioned earlier.

Now, don’t run off if you don’t have all of these characteristics because they are not all needed, and some of them can be learned. People can learn a lot from people just by the way they write and by the way they act. That is why you should take some time and put some serious thought into your myspace profile.  I sometimes get random friend invitations that are not the result of automated software because once my friends add me they would say “I like your profile.” If you make your profile creative then people would add you as a friend just as a result of it. You should always add bands because bands usually never reject a friend, well not as I know of.

Don’t get banned

There are some things to keep in mind with myspace because you don’t want to get banned. You shouldn’t add too many friends in one day or less it will be viewed as spamming and you will get banned. Around 500 people is the maximum you can add to avoid this. You should look at it as a regular online forum, join communities, make posts, and reply to posts often.

There are tools that do this automatically to add friends such as


If you want to get the full version of this bonus (which is 35 pages), to explode your traffic, find out about  the 43 groups that don't delete marketing ads, learn how to use youtube on myspace (or without it to explode your traffic to your business or website) plus some special myspace secrets, stop by at the link below to get the full package:

Myspace Groups That Don't Delete Marketing Ads+Tips on Using Youtube

If you haven't signed up for the free newsletter I send out where you will receive a free ebook on myspace or another traffic generation method each time, just send an e-mail to

or fill out form at It is sent once or twice a month and ALWAYS has a free valuable ebook or two as I buy a LOT of plr ebooks and reports!



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