Newbie Fast Path to Cash by Peter Osigbe - HTML preview

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Newbie Fast Path 2 Cash This report comes with full distribution rights. You may pass this on to as many people as you wish to who you feel will benefit from this information. You may give it to friends & family, give it away on your website, send to your email list or anything that you wish to do providing the information is not changed.
I understand that some people make their money off lawsuits, so I would like to make a little disclaimer yet. It is my intention to be as accurate in fact, detail as possible. However, I peter Osigbe & any of my companies cannot be held responsible for any error in detail, accuracy or judgement whatsoever. This book is made available for you on this understanding. The author does not guarantee any earnings, you may earn as much as you want depending on the effort you put in or you may earn nothing What You Will Get in This Ebook Number 1 Free Method To Get Paid Online Get Paid Online Doing Surveys There’s a lot of Scam online, I Show You The True Legitimate ones
Affilliate Marketing The Ins & Out of Affilliate Marketing 3 Top Sites You Must Register at So You Don’t End Up Chasing Your Tail How To Promote Using Article Method , again you can do this Free Free Method 11, Using Forums to Promote at no Cost Social Media Promotion (This is Big) Facebook Myspace Bebo & Many More Social Networking Nuggets Google Adsense How To Get Paid with Google Blogs Incorporating Them Into Your Marketing So You get Paid Big Time

Make Money Online Without Spending A Dime

You can make money online without spending any of your Own money. If I was starting all over & I had to make money online without spending a single penny, this is what I would do.

There are three simple things anyone can do providing you know how to use Microsoft word & have an email address.

Fill out Company Surveys
Become an Online Affilliate
Google Adsense.

Paid Surveys

The good news is that you can now get paid for your opinions and it does not require hardwork and skill. All it requires is that you have an email address & you can type.

Why Do I Get Paid to Fill Out Surveys

Many Companies spend alot of money on big media advertising without knowing what their customers want. Companies paying to fill out surveys is just a way of paying you to help them do their market research
This is the number 1 site that I will recommend for paid surveys, its called Cashkrate. Click here to register for a free account. It is totally free to Sign up & they will hook you up with lots of companies that want to pay you for your opinion everytime you fill out a survey.

Paid surveys are perfect for stay at home moms & students, in this recessionary times, practically anyone can start making a few hundred dollars a week. You might have lost your job, or are not able to work because of illness, I don’t know your situation, but I know that a few of these work at home gems in this report can help you make a few hundred dollars a week and maybe thousands a month.

I think this is all the information, you will need on getting paid to fill out online surveys. However, If you need more information for whatever reason, simply head to my favourite search engine, google.

Type in ‘’Paid Surveys’’ with the quote, you will have more than enough information to make your decision & start profiting.

Benefits of CashCrate
Sign up for free, No strings attached

Complete al types of offers, free offers, paid offers, Cashback offers
At the moment, the minimum payout is $20 & you get paid every month like Clock work.



Sometimes you have to wait for the company to confirm with Cashcrate that you have completed your offer.


You are required to input in your mobile phone number for some offers & you get lots of text.

FAQS About CashCrate & Other Reliable Online Paid Surveys IS Cashcrate or Online Survey a Scam?

Companies like Nike, Toyota , Blockbuster, Warner, Disney and many more are the one paying you to perform this market research for them. These are million dollar companies and some of them in the billions. I am sure they wouldn’t want to cheat you out of a few Dollars. Therefore Cashcrate has never missed a payment to me, they pay me as long as the company confirms to them that I have completed my survey.

I can also see my stats at all times, my current earnings & my pending earnings.


Do I have to Put in alot of Work or Time?

It takes me a few minutes to fill out several surveys.Obviously some may take longer because the payouts on each survey differ.

Is my personal Information Safe?

I have never had any issue with my personal information being compromised. You can set up a separate email address just for your paid survey business so that you don’t mix survey emails with personal ones, just use google mail or yahoo, free to set up.

For credit card offers, you can use gift cards, nowadays there are also prepaid credit cards


Will I Make any Money?

Definitely, as long as you complete a handful of surveys. Unfortunately you don’t get paid till the end of the month. At the moment I think it’s every 1st day of the month.

You have nothing to lose, Just Sign up here Now


Affilliate Marketing

Another way to making money online without spending a dime online is by becoming an affiliate. Most affiliate merchants allow you to sign up to their website for free & they generally pay at least 50% for every customer you send them straight to your paypal account or mail a cheque to your address.

To better help you understand what the affiliate business is, I will tell you what affiliate marketing is in my own words.

Affiliate marketing is the promotion of product(s) by a third party in exchange for the cut of the sale or action taken by a customer.

There are several affiliate merchant sites you can join on the internet totally free of charge.

Once you have signed up at this site you will be given a website link which will look something like this : for clickbank for paydot com. If you copy and paste any of these URL’s into your browser, you will find out that they will open into a sales page and as an affiliate I am credited with anybody who buys through this link. In my experience Clickbank & paydotcom are reputable companies who track your commissions properly & always pay on time.

You get the point, you can make this long URL you are given look abit better by shortening it for free at or

For the sake of simplicity, I suggest you focus on using Clickbank & paydotcom because they only sell digital products & your referrals can get their products immediately after they have made a payments.

You are not only limited to Clickbank & paydotcom, many top marketers also run their own independent affiliate programs outside of Clickbank & Paydotcom.

However I want you to be careful & make sure you are dealing with a reputable merchant. You don’t want problems of not receiving payment or worse your customers not receiving products which they paid for.

One marketer who I can personally vouch for and I am a member of his affiliate program is Russell Brunson. He even has a Two tiered affiliate system , what this mean is that you can refer people to become affiliate & also get paid on their efforts.

If you would like to get paid for showing people how to make money during this recessionary period, sign up here. Well, that’s it on the basics of affiliate marketing, now its time to show you the lifeblood of online marketing which is getting free traffic to your online offers.

Getting Traffic to Your Online Offers

There are several ways to get people to visit your online website, offers and blogs. There are paid methods and free methods, in this guide we are only going to talk about the free methods since this is what I promised in the guide. Traffic (getting visitors to your blog or website) is the lifeblood of any online business. If people can’t find you online & don’t see any of your offers, you don’t make money period.


The number one free method I am going to talk about is Forum marketing. In my case am in the make money online, Business opportunity, Internet marketing niche so I know what forums I will be involved in. If you are in this same niche or planning to get involved, these are my top 3 best forum .

If you want to make money on other subjects like gardening or something like that, simply go to my best friend google and they will help you. So this is what you , you visit and type in ‘’gardening forums’’ in quote. This will bring out the top ranking forum in this niche where you can usually register for free.

After you register on your chosen forum, I don’t suggest you go and plaster your affiliate link everywhere. Don’t go telling everyone you have found the best thing since sliced bread.

You will be kicked out of the forum and if by a stroke of luck, you are not kicked out, nobody will listen to you anyway, they will only see you as a spammer. Remember, people don’t like to be sold to but they sure as hell like to buy from those they like & trust.

Using our Gardening example, I have just gone to google & typed in ‘’Gardening Forums’’ , the website that come on top is So what you would do is click around the forum once you have registered. Your aim is to identify a common problem that alot of people want an answer to.

You start contributing & answering questions related to this topic. You might be thinking I might not know the answers to this questions myself.

Simply go to google & type in whatever their problem is & you should be able to give them an answer. If this still doesn’t help which is highly unlikely, there are other websites you can use and even get a person live online to answer your questions.
Go to, to use Yahoo answers.

To get traffic from this, make sure you have set up your signature file which will link the visitors to the affiliate product you are promoting which can be found on Clickbank or paydotcom.

Alternatively you can direct this people to your blog which is free to create, simply go to or & you can have your own blog on the internet without spending a penny.

Article Marketing

You can market your affiliate program by writing articles & submitting them to article directories. At the end of your articles, you are allowed to put a simple resource box which can include whatever site you want, in this case you would put your affiliate website or blog website

In my experience, the topic sites where you can post your articles are:

These article directory sites cover alot of subjects from fitness to gardening, to making money online. If you don’t do anything else in this guide, stop reading right now and sign up for this sites. It will cost you nothing to sign up.

If you submitted 2 articles a day to this websites, that will be 300 articles a month. Imagine what that could do to your income as an affiliate. Please don’t think you can’t write, you do not have to be Stephen King, John Grisham or Terry Mcmillan.

I am no University graduate, I dropped out of college because I was bored & frustrated. All you need to do is provide useful information in an area you know something about, it could be gardening, knitting, whatever.

I am writing about make money online because I know a little bit about make money online. I have studied under the feet of many gurus even while I wasn’t putting it action, I was still soaking it up. So you see it’s impossible for me not to know anything about marketing online. I have written all this out the top of my head.
While, I do not claim to be a guru or to have made millions, I make hundreds every week online & thousands every month.

Well all this ranting, just to let you know anybody can be a writer online as long as they have basic primary education. Craigslist Marketing

Craigslist is the biggest online classified ad site on the internet. It’s also free to place ads on this site. You can simply register online at or I run my business mostly to the UK market so I mostly use the latter. You do not have to place your adson your country of residence’s Craigslist, if your product appeals to people that live in other countries, you can advertise there as well.

Another reason why I love Craigslist is that you don’t even have to register to post ads on this website, you can simply post your ad on Craigslist. So you see, for those of you who want to promote make money online products from Clickbank or paydotcom, Craigslist is a vital free tool in your marketing arsenal.

Social Media

There are alot of Social Media websites you can use to market on the Internet today. I will just pick a few that have been the most successful for me when marketing for free.

Facebook Marketing

Facebook is a social network site that allows you to connect with friends all over the world. You can sign up for free by going to www.Facebook.Com.

Once again, it’s totally free to sign up, you just nee to fill in your name, email address and be at least sixteen years old and you are good to go. Once you are signed up to facebook, you can start adding people unto your network.

Facebook allows you to market to your network of friends but you will have to do it in a very subtle way. So you are not allowed to go about messaging everyone & pasting your affiliate links to them, Facebook will shut you down, I can attest to that because they have shut down my account in the past when I didn’t know any better.

So you are asking how then can I market to people using facebook.

Well, let’s get into it, the first place you can market to people is using your Facebook profile. On your profile , you are allowed to put in as many website URL as you want. Although I suggest you put in no more than two so people don’t see you as a salesman or spammer.

Make sure you have a picture of yourself on your profile so people can see that you are a real person.
So how do you really market to people on Facebook aside from just the people that will see your profile.

Facebook has a feature called groups. On the top right hand corner of the page, on the search menu, simply type in ‘’Groups’’.

You will be directed to another page where you can search for groups or where you can ‘’ Create a new Group’’. Click on Create a new Group and name your group. Let’s stick to Gardening as our niche example, you can name your group ‘’Gardening Secrets’’.

This is very important because it will allow the people you invite to join your group decide quickly whether they would like to receive information about what you are offering.

You simply fill in a few more details about your group, what’s about, the website of your group and you are good to go. Where it says website, you can put your affiliate ID for the affiliate program you are promoting.

You can now invite people to join your group. Once a reasonable size of people have joined your group, you can create an event. An event is where you educate your group members on the topic of the group. From here you can send them to your websites, to your blog & any other thing you are offering. This is how you can market to lots of people on Facebook without spending any money.
The same process applies on other social networking sites like myspace & Bebo.

Go to www. to get your free account.

Remember, you are not limited to one facebook account, you can do this across different niches, gardening, fishing, make money online etc.

Other Classified site

Earlier on, we talked about Craigslist, the reason why we gave Craigslist it’s own section is because Craigslist is the largest & most popular classified ad online. However, there are many more you can exploit for your own profits.

This is another great classified ad, however unlike Craigslist you will have to register to place your ads. Again, there’s no specific requirement to sign up. I guess this is just a step they take to confirm your email. Once you have registered, you login , choose your category & can post your ad which appears on the site almost immediately.

I am from the UK, so I am going to include a lot of UK websites, that doesn’t mean this won’t work for
opportunities you are promoting if you are outside the UK, since people can buy from you wherever you are in the world as long as you have an internet connection.

Google Adsense

With the help of google, you can now make money with google & other websites paying to advertise on your website. Since we are concentrating on free methods, in this case your website will be a blog. There are two main websites that will allow you to run a blog at no charge.

.For simplicity sake and since Google owns blogger, I will suggest we use blogger. So just head over to & sign up for your free blog. Google will handle everything for you, give you the codes & place the ad on your blog for you. They also pay you by cheque every month. I won’t rattle on, you can read everything you need on under their advertisement programme. I won’t rattle on, I am sure google can explain better than I can. I wish you many successes.

Your Partner in Profit
Peter O

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