Newbie's Guide to Online Fortunes by Henry Gold - HTML preview

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You Can Still Make Money...

“What if I don’t have what it takes to create my own product? What if I can’t source for other people’s product to sell?”

“Can I still make my money from the Internet?”

I heard you and the answer is a resounding YES. You can still have a business online even if you have NO products to sell. No one should question this possibility since people are doing this everyday.

“But how do they do that?” you wonder. In the last chapter, you have found that the 10 steps have a lot to do with setting up a product-sellingorientated business. In this chapter, you will find out how people can still make their money even without selling a product.

The concept

Imagine you own your daily newspaper. How do you earn a lot of money from it? Selling them to your readers for a dollar or less each isn’t going to profit you. So how are you going to profit from selling your daily newspaper?

Selling advertisement spaces in your content? Precisely!
Quite simply, the more people read your newspaper, the more money you can charge for your

Congratulate yourself if you’ve guessed the answer correctly. Give yourself a knock on the head if you have not! Okay, I was joking about that one but you can’t be serious ALL the time, can you? Anyway, we’ll move on with the subject.

The concept works the same for Internet Business. However, when you operate an Internet Business, you have the following advantages that you won’t have if you run a conventional business:

You don’t have to invest a lot of money and effort into your Internet Business as opposed to conventional business.

You don’t need to deal with the delivery of your newspapers to reach to your readers on time every day.

Publishing a newspaper is something that is beyond the reach of any individual together with the rewards that come with successful publication.

The risk in conventional business is simply too high compared to Internet Business.
Publish your own news letter

With the Internet as your medium to deliver to your subscribers, you can publish your own newsletter daily.
STEP 1 Choose a topic

If you follow the right strategy, you don’t even have to write the content or even a SINGLE word if you wish, and your subscribers wouldn’t mind! (I’m serious!)

Since you will be writing your own newsletter, it is best that you choose a topic that is non-time sensitive. This will give you a lot of freedom in selecting your content since you’re not going to send out the latest news such as the latest results on the American Idol (as I write this, it’s the final showdown between Bo Bice vs Carrie Underwood and by the time you read this, I guess you already know who the winner is), terrorist attacks, and the like. Examples of non-time sensitive topics are jokes, insults, recipes, short stories, horoscopes, tips, and ideas.

Another great advantage of choosing a non-time sensitive topic is that you can work ahead at a time. For example, you can start compiling the content for the first 30 days in one day.

STEP 2 Format the newsletter

Assuming you’re going to send out short stories to your subscribers, how many stories are you going to send daily? Perhaps two or three short stories a day.

More short stories (or other content) give you more spaces for advertisements but this also means that you’ll have to work harder in creating or sourcing for more content.

STEP 3 Look for your content as long as you include the author bylines.

You need to source for content which are copyright and reprint free. Search engines and article websites are good places to start. You can also source for content from article base web sites like

If you are an expert on the topic, you can choose to write. However, bear in mind that it can also consume your time and effort in a long run.

You can also receive contributions from your loyal subscribers and publish them with a mention of their help. They’ll be happy to help you out.

STEP 4 Set up an auto responder

You need to set up a proper system to deliver your newsletters to your subscribers. Your auto responder must have the features that will make your daily routine of sending out, maintaining your subscriber list and adding new subscribers as automated as possible.

You can get a good auto responder system from the following:
STEP 5 Create your website

While this is optional, the most important component of the “Freebie” Internet Business Model is your newsletter. However, creating web pages can also open to other possibilities of making money to you in the process as you can sell advertising spaces in those pages.
plan through this step carefully as to whether you would want to create web pages or not.

When setting up your business following this Internet Business Model, you will want to think and
STEP 6 Get subscribers
Here are some ways to get subscribers:

Forwards or Word of Mouth – if your subscribers like your publication a lot, they’ll likely tell their friends about it. This can be the most powerful viral tool to spread the good name of yourself and your newsletter.

Buy subscribers – you can buy subscribers from 3rd parties selling subscriber names and e-mail address. Some of them are:

Writing Articles – when you submit your free articles related to your topic to article directories such as, or, this gives you permission to tell your readers about your newsletter. You can tell briefly about yourself and explain how your readers can subscribe to your newsletter.

Placing a subscription form on your web site – this enables you to convert visitors and passer-bys to become your subscribers. From the view of conversion rate, this method is better compared to requesting your visitors to send a blank e-mail to your auto responder address.You need to be able to make everything as convenient as possible for your prospects because they can very well be your customers. places to promote your ezine and get targeted subscribers. Be sure to write a short compelling description of your ezine before submitting them to the ezine directories. The following is a list of directories where you can submit your ezine. You can search for more ezine directories in search engines.

Submit your newsletter to newsletter directories – Ezine directories are great
While this is only the tip of the iceberg, there are still many more ways to gain subscribers.
STEP 7 Start making money!
This is how you make your money (probably the most interesting step of all steps!).

You source for advertisers who are interested in advertising in your daily newsletter. Like any daily newspaper, the more subscribers to your newsletter, the higher the advertisement rate you can charge simply because a lot of people are going to see the advertisements.

You can begin sourcing for advertisers the moment you have 20,000 subscribers or more. Assuming you have 20,000 subscribers, you can charge your advertisement rate $20.00 a day. And since you have different areas of advertising space in your newsletter, your advertising rate can also be variable.

Your advertisers make their own advertisements. Therefore, there is no need for you to do that work for them. You simply copy and paste the ads into the allocated spaces in your newsletter and send them out.

IMPORTANT! When you have no one buying advertising space in your newsletter or have yet to reach 20,000 subscribers before sourcing for advertisers, you can:

Secure the spots with advertisements of products you’re selling (if any) until you get an advertiser, or

Create an advertisement stating that it’s vacant for other advertisers. This way, you can attract the attention of potential advertisers and hopefully they will contact you to place their advertisement in your newsletter for a fee