PDQ Cash by PDQ Cash - HTML preview

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Getting the Sale

Closing the deal is where every sales person starts to get that excited feeling and scared they are going mess things up...so at request, here’s some closing help!
So here we are and the guy has verified in email
Model: You all logged in babe?
Guy: yeah now what
Model: just click on live chat with me
That’s it, block him and wait for the sale to show up
Sales Tip:
Don’t focus on money at all, or getting the sale...just focus on the customer service of talking him through the sign up...if you forget about the money so will he! Don’t take no for an answer. Just because they say no the first time doesn’t mean they won’t sign up. Keep talking to them in sexy talk or whatever talk they need to hear and get them to sign up. Ive had hundreds of guys tell me no and then I’d keep talking to them and they would sign up. Remember its only $1 dollar which anyone can afford. CONVINCE then to sign up and they will. If you don’t think they will sign up then just block them but don’t give up on every customer who says no the first time because the majority will sign up if you keep talking. Most importantly is to GET THE SALE NO MATTER WHAT.
1. When a customer contacts you, The FIRST thing you should say is ASL. This means Age/sex/Location, It will give you an idea of how old they are, If they are male or female, and where they live. Google where they live if you don’t know exactly.
2. They will almost always ask you Asl back. Tell them your age/sex/location. Don’t tell them your REAL location, Tell them a location close to them so they feel more comfortable about talking to you. If not then just tell them a city or even say USA but do NOT tell them your real location.
3. Now you know where they live and they know where “you” (the model) lives. Now its time to gain their trust. The most important thing is too not get off track too much. Remember this is sales not casual talk. Don’t waste your time with someone who won’t sign up. Many times they will say no and then say yes later, Use your best Judgment at this point. 4. It really depends how you’re promoting but for the most part, just start off by casual “sexy” talk. Remember you need to get them to sign up for an adult themed web cam site. Start off by being “sexy” but do NOT mention the cam. You need their trust first. I’d say talk to them for 5 minutes to gain their trust.
5. Once you have gained their trust by “sexy” casual sex talk, ask and or tell them that you want them to sign up for your cam and that you will give them a personal 1on1 show for only a dollar.
6. Send them your link, I recommend sending them a model specific page or send them a direct to join page
7. At this point ask them yes/no questions. You need to SELL it. You need to CONTROL the situation. Ask them if they are signing up. If they say “yes” that’s a good sign but you’re not finished. A good thing to say if they say they are signing up is, “Do you want me to strip for you or start off naked”. (This will not only make them more willing to sign up but it will also let you know if they intend to sign up or not.)
8. If they aren’t responding or they aren’t saying they will sign up, BLOCK THEM. They most likely wont sign up at this point. Use your best judgment at this point.