Recruiting Super Affiliates by Adrian Johnson - HTML preview

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Whether you want to attract affiliates to your program or train the next super affiliate. This short guide will help you make a profit and good impression with all affiliates that stop by your affiliates page. While there are plenty of programs to train affiliates in general marketing, it's your job to get them interested in promoting your program. You do that by following these steps and fulfilling your role as affiliate manager, if you don't manage your affiliates someone else will.

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Building value on your affiliates page.

Putting up a couple of banners and text on a plain Jane affiliates page, is not enough to capture the attention of affiliates to your program. You need to spend as much time and effort on your affiliates page as you do on the ad copy and product itself.

Providing all the necessary materials will not only give the page a fuller appearance but will show an interest in your affiliates success. Some basic material you should provide is: banners, Sales text for: newsletters, signatures, landing pages, review sites and classified ads, eBay auction templates, sample keywords and ad copy for PPC.

The more tools and material you provide your affiliates, the easier it is for them to promote your product. The easier the product is to promote, the more likely affiliates are to promote it. Let's expand on a couple of these if you are new to running an affiliate program or your looking for a new approach to entice some affiliates.

Landing pages

Landing pages are the new sales pages. Most affiliates will promote your product on a landing page. This is to capture email addresses and Google has made it almost impossible to promote a general page directly. So the good affiliates are using landing pages. So make it easy and convenient for them to add your product. Provide some sample reviews and text just for the landing pages. You could convert some of your newsletter text into a short paragraph or two. You want to be on these pages. Make it a simple as cut and paste.

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eBay auction templates

As of late eBay has started accepting a classified ad format. While most merchants dread the day their product shows up on eBay. This new option allows affiliate to legally attract buyers through a classified ads leads system. So make it easy for affiliates by providing a template to use on the site. Otherwise you never know what they are saying.

By providing as much material as possible you are on your way to building value in your affiliate programs. This value will reward you with new higher quality affiliates.

468 Is out. Odd is in!

Providing a large selection of banners in essential to your affiliates. 120X60 is by far the most used banner. So give your affiliates an excessive selection of these banners, both animated and static. Along with some common odd sizes i.e. 200X150 600X160. You should be to make it easy for an affiliates to scrap the nickel and dime Adsense ads for a nice looking product banner.

You could also consider adding some stock picture for affiliates to use on landing pages. If you run a fitness niche add some before and after. If it's knitting provide some yarn pictures, these graphics are inexpensive and could earn you the top spot on a landing and squeeze page.

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Test your affiliate page.

It's a common question I've asked it a few times myself. "What do you think of my website or product?" How come no one ever asks "What do you think of my affiliates page” Most likely you wouldn't want to ask it that way, so pose it in a good information gathering fashion. "Which banner is your favorite" " If you promoted this product what would you like to see?" While it might be better to ask your friends or partners first it is a good way to draw attention to your affiliate page. And if you have followed what we said before you will entice people to promote your product.

Keep your affiliates current.

An up to date affiliate notification system is essential. As an affiliate one of the first thing I check is the date on your affiliates page. If I have to scroll down to the copyright and it says 2005 and nothing tells me otherwise. Your product is considered stale. Please don't put one of those stupid JavaScript date scripts if an affiliate falls for that, they are not the ones you want promoting your product. Put a little box at the top for updates.

If you are not actively providing your affiliates new material, they are not likely to promote with your old material.


Provide Communication

If you plan to run an affiliate program, plan to have affiliates contact you. So provide a multitude of ways to contact you. Like email, IM and a home base so to speak. Places where they can talk shop and learn new tricks and gain knowledge. A forum makes a great home base, however starting and maintaining a forum can be a pain. So find a good one and establish a reputation. eWealth is a great affiliate forum and a great place to send your affiliates. Not only can you gain some new affiliates it is easy and affordable to keep in touch and grow your affiliate network.

Collect Affiliate Emails.

This is a vital step in staying in touch with affiliates. You can inform them of future releases and any changes to the existing program. You definitely need to let them know if you are going to update the site or do any changes well in advance of the changes. Changing a site without notice is on of the biggest complaints I here about.

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Promote your affiliate program

Forums and directories are the two most effective ways to promote your affiliate program. Submitting your website to directories is pretty straightforward. A forum can provide you with a venue to directly contact affiliates. Here is a short article I wrote on how to effectively market your program or product on a forum.

Do you operate an affiliate program? Are you are a member of An affiliate program? What you are about to read will elevate your affiliate endeavors to a whole new level. Following these ten simple steps will magnify your online presence and help you build an army of affiliates.

1. Don't put all your affiliates in one basket. There are a number of affiliate forums and it is important to establish presence at a good cross section of forums. Naturally, you will connect with the people on one board more than another so it is inevitable that one forum will become your "online home" as you develop relationships with the other forum members .Having friends does have benefits. Need a logo? Well, more than likely there is several web designers who are active on the forums. The work might not be free it is likely that you will get a better deal than one that would be offered to a "stranger".

2. Post early and often. On a forum your post count is often a status symbol. You might own Google but if you have never posted on a particular forum you look like another spammer looking to make a buck. So get involved! You don't have to spend all day, every day on the forum but at least make a post or two a week. It is important to put some time in to build credibility.

3. Signature first, promote second. Put your site in your signature. Even if they have an announcement section don't go plugging your site. If they are curious they will check your signature. Example: Hi, I'm Dave I run be sure to check it out. Better example: Hi, I'm Dave nice forum you have here, glad I found it. Many forum members are turned off by the hard sell. It is best to ingratiate yourself with the forum, build relationships, and let the business come to you.

4. Offer knowledge and advice freely. Most questions can be answered with a proper Google search. Spend a few minutes to find an answer. If you do SEO and there is another SEO on the board agree with them if they make a good point. You will have made a new friend and the questionnaire gets a second opinion for free. If your wrong, admit it. This will increase make you more likable and adds to your credibility.

5. Spell check it. Give all your posts a once over. If you can't spell try Google or . Grammar is on a lesser level but is still important. Don't over do it, but if you want to sound smart you should at least know how to spell.

6. Be nice! People are going to argue and disagree. If you can help it, don't get involved. Remember you are there on business so keep it professional.

7. Search it! Most forums have a search feature. Use it before you ask a question. Some places get the same questions over and over. If you still need an answer place a reference to the previous post. This way everyone knows you looked around before you posted. This will put another likable notch on your belt.

8. Study group dynamics. Learn who is who. Bob might be Neal's brother. And since Neal's the moderator it's in your best business interest to stay on Neal's good side. Remember this IS business. You are at an affiliate forum to make money. If you want to talk about movies go to a movie forum. While it's good to know some of each other's personal interests, you do not want to alienate other members. Avoid controversial subjects such as politics and religion. These subjects usually cause divisiveness within the forum. It is never a good idea to engage a potential business partner in a controversial discussion.

9. Be an expert in your field. If you promote SEO and someone asks an seo question you should help out as much as you can without giving away your product. If it's your product you should be able to lead them into buying it without saying "Buy it now". Leave some open ends on your answer. At some places newbies have a real hard time getting questions answered. Reach out to them and create a new prospect. Again, you don't know if they are the next Cory Rudl.

10. Lead by example! The best way to get your army moving is to lead by example. Today I'm going to go over how to make a review site. Does anyone want to trade links and improve our Search engine ranking? How about starting a collective Adwords campaign from scratch? Discuss individual secrets to gathering keywords.. Give updates on how the campaign is doing. The conversion ratio/ ROI etc. The key is be very detailed; hold their hand. Answer questions promptly. This technique modifies the old phrase "You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink." You can however put a funnel in the horses mouth and pour the water in. Would you rather have 100% of 200 dollars or 20% or 2000 dollars.

Using these simple tips can increase your forum presence, build your program's image in the affiliate marketing community, and create invaluable business relationships.

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Running Contests

Everyone loves contests and forums are the best place to run a contest. While you could run a contest via a newsletter, sending an email every other day to give updates will get you black listed by some companies. While it may cost a little money to run a contest on a forum, nothing generates buzz like some bonus cash. Depending on what kinds of program you run this could really jump-start your affiliate power.

Offer Bonuses to super affiliates

A structured bonus system will help drive affiliate sales. If your offer is 50% of sales include a cash bonus at 50 sales, 100 sales, and up. These are the Super Affiliates you want to keep around, make it worth their while to add a couple $100 to the Adwords budget.

Create a Hub For Your Network.

While having one profitable site is great, having a network of sites is so much better. You do not have to reinvent the wheel every time, change the name, and change the target wheel every time, change the name, and change the target year-old guys, then make one to target 40-year-old women. The core product is the same only the sales pitch is different. After your second site, your third site should be a hub for your affiliates. This would be a place where you can showcase all your sites and when a new one is released you have an immediate influx of affiliates.

Stop Giving Away Your Affiliates.

It is on almost every merchants affiliate page, affiliates instruct to put a link in their signature. Then they are sent off to promote your site on some forums. While this is a proven and valid method of promotion, Let go over some reasons why you should send them to eWealth.

1. eWealth pays you $2.00 for every affiliate that signs up for free. You work hard to get Affiliates to your page, don't just give them away. Its simple send 1000 affiliate sign ups get $2000 dollars.
2. eWealth is "the #1 affiliate hangout" aside from occasional contests; our members are affiliates or people who want to be an affiliate. We do not offer members cash just to hangout, they are here to learn or because it's their business.

3. eWealth offers you affordable ways to stay in touch with your affiliates and gain new ones. Some forums charge over $7500 for a newsletter announcement. eWealth has options to advertise your program for as little as $50 dollars.

By sending your affiliates to eWealth, you can monetize your affiliate power instantly. By offering you low advertising prices, we make it easy when you need to stay in touch.

The Next Level - Becoming a Power Promoter.


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Own a section on a major forum

By having your own section on a major forum you increase affiliate traffic period. Other bonuses include showing the profitability of your program. If you don't make enough to advertise your program, your affiliates will be leery of the programs profitability.

Lets go over a short example. One year ago, the top Professional cash affiliates were earning 40 to $50K monthly. But with a continued presence and support on the eWealth forum these same affiliates are now in the 70 to $80K range. That's an increase of almost 100%.

With your own section you are free to run contest, keep in touch your affiliates, answer questions from new affiliates without filling your inbox. Your affiliates will learn from each other. Affiliate #13 asks a question about keywords, affiliate #127 has the same question. Instead of emailing you he/she finds the answer in your section of the forum.

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Why this report was created.

Most of the resident programs on eWealth are stacked with super affiliates. Because of this Newbies in training and a number of experienced marketer are always looking for good programs to promote. I want to bring eWealth to your attention and give you the knowledge of what eWealth affiliates are looking for in a program. This in combination with a little advertising and promotion your program is sure to attract the attention of super affiliates waiting for new programs at eWealth.

Thanks For Reading. Adrian Johnson


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