Sales Tactics by Tabula Rasa - HTML preview

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Look the Part

People are impressed by how a man looks. They are often not aware of exactly why they treat one man like a VIP and another gets the bum’s rush. Their reactions may be subliminal, below their conscious awareness. If you are well dressed, neatly groomed, hair trimmed, etc., and are driving a snazzy car, you will be well received; while a guy who is wearing sloppy clothes, unshaven and unclean, and who is driving an old heap, will hardly get any attention at all. Look as good as you can and back it up in other ways.


Add the other elements of power image too. Clothing – it is worth investing some money to be well dressed. Buy suits on time payments if you can (a credit car is very useful for this). That way, the clothes are helping to get power, and therefore money, for you while you are paying for them. Don’t forget about the car you drive around in; if the one you have is not impressive, then rent one that is. Rental cars don’t cost that much and driving a good one pays dividends in the power sphere.
Try to join clubs and organizations (business, social, political) that have important and influential members. If at first you can’t become a member, then maneuver a member into taking you as his guest.

00069.jpgMoney and power beget money and power – the more they think you have, the more you’ll get.

We must repeat that, for most people, those who belong to the power elite are those that appear to belong to it. Unless recognized personally, a millionaire will be turned away from a classy restaurant if he’s not well dressed.