Secret to Create High Converting Landing Pages by Rajat arora - HTML preview

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What looks better would convert better!


That’s what I thought when I joined LeadSquared in April 2013.Having a background in visual design, I started off making landing pages that looked good, but they weren’t getting many conversions.  I was at a loss for what was wrong. They looked all right.


Later, my CEO, Nilesh Patel would make small text changes (at least they looked small then) and the conversion rocketed to almost 300% . He would change the headline, the call to action and the form headline.


Three years have passed, and as I still learn the art of conversion, I notice that most businesses still don’t use landing pages to capture leads.


Even if they do, these pages (even the good-looking ones), seem plagued with same misconceptions as mine.


But, I stand corrected.


What looks better may not convert better.


In this book, I will reveal the secret I learnt after spending countless hours and thousands of dollars, so you don’t have to.



