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4. How To Pick The Right Keywords That Shoot Your Sales Up The Roof

4.1 Why Keyword Research Is Critical For Your Business

Keyword research can make or break your affiliate marketing business. The correct keywords get you tons of targeted traffic and sales, while lousy ones waste your time, money and efforts. We will see how this is so.

Marketing the product means driving traffic to your website and the sales page. You can buy the traffic or get it for free. The most common way to get instant targeted traffic to your website is to buy it through pay-per-click (PPC) search engines like Google Adwords. As for free traffic, the most laser targeted traffic is from the search engine results, or what we call organic search traffic. Both make use of the principle that people searching for the keyword terms are already presold on the product, ie they are a warm market that is looking for the product.

Keyword research finds exactly what keywords these prospects are typing in the search engines and expose our product to them when the search results show up.

4.2 Targeting Long Tail Key Phrases

Long-tail key phrases are important 4 to 5 word phrases containing the main keywords. For example, main key phrase may be “passive income”, and long-tail key phrase is “earn passive income for free”.

Google Adwords provides the largest chunk of PPC traffic in the world. But it is not cheap to bid on common and popular keywords like “internet marketing” and “make money online”. One click can cost you few dollars. It makes sense then to target keywords that are less popular but still have sufficient searches each month (ideally at least 50 – 500 searches in Overture). The clicks are way cheaper and laser-targeted to specific customer needs at the same time.

For example, “make money online on low marketing budget” is highly targeted and such keywords are proven to convert traffic into sales better. So if you have an ebook titled “How to Make Money Online On A ShoeString Budget”, voila!

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Long-tail key phrases have low search counts naturally. So you need to target many of such long-tail key phrases for your PPC campaigns in order to drive enough traffic to your website and sales page.

Another use for long-tail key phrases is for search engine optimization (SEO) purposes. Build web pages on content with the long-tail key phrases. There is a good chance that these web pages would rank high in the search engines and prospects searching your targeted key phrases would find your website and sales page. Such traffic is the BEST you can get because it is laser-targeted and FREE!

Here’s a free secret trick on how to find key phrases that enjoy a good amount of searches and yet not competitive enough so that your web page can reach top 10 in the Google search results. Repeat it until you have at least 10 – 20 key phrases.

1. Go toOverture and search the main keyword for a list of related key phrases. For example, “make money online”


2. Target one of the long-tail key phrases (50 – 500 searches)

3. Find a keyword/key phrase in quotes with lower than 4000 to 5000 search results in Google. This measures the competitiveness of the keyword as all returned results would show web pages that contain the keyword/key phrase.

Take the example of the key phrase, legitimate make money online ways, type in “legitimate make money online ways” in Google search. It shows 987 search results which is great!

4. Next, here is a secret weapon to test if you stand a chance to make it on top 10 in Google for that key phrase. Objective is to confirm there are no Page Rank (PR)
5 competitors in the top 10 search results.

Tips: Go to Page Rank Search and type in your key phrase in quotes. If the top 10 are 3 – 4 PR web pages, the competition is weak! You may also download this free ebook worth $97 on SEO and pick up some secret SEO tips at this blog!

Affiliate marketers use a secret weapon, Keyword Avalanche – a private membership forum gives you 100 free Nichebot credits for 100,000 keywords monthly. With the credits, you can easily locate profitable long tail keywords that are high in demand but little competition. Perfect for PPC and SEO!

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4.3 Secrets To Building Huge Keyword Lists

Typically, a good Adwords campaign requires you to start with a huge keyword base of 300 – 2000 keywords at least to sieve out profitable ones by trial and error. Where are you going to find such huge product-related keyword lists?

There are several ways making use of the keyword tools I mentioned on Page 6:

1. Go to Google’s keyword tool, under Keyword Variations, type in your keywords. It should give you a list which you can dig deeper. Using this method, you can build a list of 100s of keywords.

2. Another trick using Google’s keyword tool is to use Site-Related Keywords tab to find more keywords related to your product.

Say you are promoting an ebook on acne home remedies, go to Google search and find the top 10 sites’ urls for “acne home remedies”. Search each of the url under the Site-Related Keywords tab and remember to check “Include other pages on my site linked from this URL”. This trick will reveal all the keywords your competitor is using on his/her website. You will be surprised to find keywords that you have not even thought of!

3. The most direct method is to useOverture, WordTracker or NicheBotClassic, start with the main keywords and dig deeper into each related keyword.


4. If you prefer using free software, tryGood Keywords.


5. Find misspell words at

While these methods can get you a huge keyword list for you to market your product, the process is very time-consuming. Imagine doing this for a few or even many products! This is why many affiliate marketers including myself use automated tools like NicheBot and Keyword Elite to build huge profitable keyword lists. By the way, you get 100 free NicheBot credits every month when you sign up Each credit gives you a 1000 word list.

Tip: You can also download a free ebook worth $97 on how to win with Google Adwords and read some good keyword techniques at this blog.

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