Service Sellers Master Course by Ken Evoy - HTML preview

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2. DAY 2 Position Your Service

“Do What You Love... The Money Will Follow.”



Goal-of-the-DAY... Determine the most profitable way to present your service in an online marketplace, whether your potential client is around the block or around the world.

Brainstorm and discover if possible, three “themes” that relate to your service. Then narrow each one as tightly as possible, noting keyword opportunities, and a potential secondary income stream.


You have just arrived at the most important part of your entire effort in using the Web to grow your service-selling business. Some of you may not have started one yet. And some of you may have a service business that you are looking to jump-start to higher sales. In any case, you really want to get going! And yes…

Your start will be delayed if you prepare everything before you begin. But once you have completed preparations, you’ll roar ahead. There’ll be nothing to repair or repeat once you launch. The few hours or so that you spend here in preparation will determine exactly how big your success will be.

Most people fail in any business because they don’t plan adequately. That’s three times as true for an Internet business and five times as true for what you are about to do. If you don’t take the time to position your service properly on the Net, nobody will find you... and you’ll be missing out on some fantastic opportunities.

Your goals are important and it’s worth spending time to build a solid foundation to meet them. Take a look at what these people found when they took the time to build a site that works… Think about how you want to spend your time. Benjamin Franklin’s words may keep you on track through these beginning