Starting Your Internet Business Right by Chris Malta - HTML preview

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2. You'll find the competition impossible to deal with. Most of these 'Agents' only give you access to one drop shipper. Even

those 'Agents' who give you access to several drop shippers (and charge you more for it!) are doing something that can bury your business before it gets started. They are causing intense competition! They are going to advertise their service all over the Internet. Thousands, or even tens of thousands of people will pay for it. Guess what happens then? YOU, and all of those thousands of others are all trying to use the SAME small handful of Drop Shippers! The competition becomes way too intense, and you'll never sell anything!

Let's take a step back and go over the whole issue.

A real Wholesale Drop Shipper or Bulk Wholesaler ALWAYS owns their OWN warehouse. They have offices in, or attached to that warehouse. It's a physical building, with walls, windows, doors, maybe a few trees outside on the lawn. There is a loading dock, where trucks back up and deliver pallet loads of products. They have people working for them in that warehouse. The people who run their web site peek their heads out of the office doors and say, "Hi, Wanda!" and, "Hey there, Mike!" to actual human beings who work there, receiving inventory from manufacturing plants, packaging orders for Drop Shipping or Bulk Wholesale, putting a new filter in the Coffeemaker, etc.

Drop Shipping "Agents" work very hard to make you think they own their own warehouses. There are some who are very good at that. They tell you that you can access thousands, or even tens of thousands of products from their 'warehouse', or from many of their different 'warehouses' in different locations.

Again, here's the first important part. Drop Shipping "Agents" do NOT own their own warehouses. They are MIDDLEMEN.


No matter how many products or warehouses these people claim to have, they don't have a single one. They're just sitting in a house or a rented office somewhere, thinking up clever web site text and new ways to make you think they are the real thing.

Some of them are even more clever. There are 'Agents' out there who will actually TELL you that they ARE 'Agents'. They'll tell you that even though they ARE 'Agents', they don't really make any money by acting as a middleman. Some of them want you to believe the do it out of the goodness of their hearts. Others will tell you that they make their money only from your 'Membership Fees'. However they say it, they usually bury this information in their sites, hoping you won't pay attention to it, and they sugarcoat it in such a way that it sounds really good to you if you DO realize what they are up to.

Here's how they operate:


q They go out on the Internet and find one, two, five, ten, or sometimes more real wholesale drop shippers.

q They contact these real drop shippers, and say, "Hey, send us a list of your products and a bunch of pictures, and we'll help you sell them online through OUR order system". Most real wholesalers know better than to deal with something like that. However, there will always be some who will go along.

q They create a web site that makes it look for all the world that they are the Universe's Answer to Drop Ship Warehousing and Wholesaling.


q The small ones simply have one group of products you can order. When you place an order, they will turn around and send that order to the real drop shipper, who will send it to your customer.


q The bigger ones will tell you that they have a whole bunch of "warehouses" all over the place, with clever names. North

Warehouse. South Warehouse. East and West Warehouses. Pink Warehouse. Blue Warehouse. Plaid Warehouse. You get the idea, right? They'll tell you that you can order from any one of those "warehouses", for a price. Some of them give you one or two "warehouses" for your initial 'Membership Fee', and then jack up the 'Membership' cost if you want to order from more of their "warehouses". Again, these people don't have any warehouses! Their "warehouses" only exist in cyberspace! They're nothing more than a collection of product images that these middlemen got from a wholesaler. Each one of those "warehouses" is only a collection of product images from a real drop shipper that you should be working with DIRECTLY, instead of paying some 'Agent' a FEE for the privilege. When you place your orders, those orders will simply be turned around by the 'Agent' to the real drop shipper for fulfillment.

q Some of these "Agents' will tell you that it's better to work with them, even though they ARE 'Agents' because they are "centralizing" your ordering and shipping. Believe me, we've been in this business a long time, and we've never seen an ordering or shipping issue that was enough of a problem to justify ordering through middlemen. Not ever.

Is this illegal? No. Is it a Scam? No, not usually. It's just a very poor business idea, in our experienced opinion.

Think about it the second part of the problem again. These people are offering you an indirect (middleman) route to a small handful of drop shippers. They'll promote that same small handful of drop shippers to tens of thousands of people like yourself. Do you really think you'll be able to compete with thousands, or tens of thousands of others, who are all trying to sell the same products from the same small handful of drop shippers? Not a very pleasant thought, is it!

Would you say it's a good business decision to take a middleman route to a very small small number of drop shippers being used by a huge crowd of others?


The answer is obvious, of course.



Ever see an ad like that on an auction site? So have we. We bought one. OK, we KNEW we were getting ripped off, but we just had to see it. A few days after paying our $3.00, we got two Xeroxed pages in the mail containing the most worthless information we've ever seen. If I thought I could make money on the Internet selling wooden birdhouses made in somebody's garage, I'd go into business with my neighbor.

These lists sell for anywhere from $2.50 to $6.00. Why do you think they're so cheap? Because nobody had to put any EFFORT into them! It's easy to hit a search engine, type the word "wholesale", throw the first 20 responses on a piece of paper, and sell it for $3.00.

Will it help you earn money? NO!




Yes, we bought them too. ALL of them. They call themselves "Ultimate", "Central", "Millennium", "Connection", "Global", "Super", and "Incredible" lists and sites of drop shippers. Again, we knew we were being ripped off.

The overwhelming majority of these printed lists and online sites claiming to contain Drop Shippers and Bulk Wholesalers have been circulating the same, tired old listings of cheap import companies and off-brand, cottage industry products around and around for years.

They claim to contain "hundreds", or "thousands" of companies who will drop ship for you. Some of them contain hundreds of listings, but that's easy. Either reprint the same old listings you've been printing for 20 years (whether they're still in business or not!), or just go to a search engine, type in "wholesale" and copy the first 500 responses you get. Then slap them in a rag-print magazine or throw them on a web page and call it a "Directory". Same result.

Lists and "directories" such as this sell for anywhere from $7 to about $30. One of the newer ones has the nerve to charge you $59 and change for a very small amount of useless information! They're rarely ever changed; even if they contained any worthwhile information, they would be outdated very quickly. Some of them are online or downloadable, but contain the same tired old junk and dozens of middlemen that the print directories do. Again, we've bought copies of EVERY SINGLE ONE, and continue to do so, and never found ANY of them to be worth anything.



You've probably seen these on auction sites as well as web sites. Tell you what, we'll make this one short and sweet. Read the warning above this one, dump all THAT junk on a CD, and sell it for six bucks. Same thing.




Have you ever come across a "Internet Business Opportunity" like this: (?)


q They'll create a storefront for you!


q They'll provide you with THOUSANDS of products that they'll drop ship for your store, and allow you to sell only their products!


q They'll provide you with Merchant Services so you can accept credit cards without having to open a bank account!


q All for a ONE TIME PRICE of just $50!


Wow, doesn't that just seem too good to be true?? That's because it IS too good to be true. Oh, sure, they'll do what they say. It's a legal business. But tell me this...just how much money do you think you'll make?

Think about it for a minute. THEY establish accounts with wholesalers. THEY mark those wholesale prices WAY up. They force you to buy products only from them. Then they get YOU to put in all the time and effort to SELL those products to people, at a VERY slim profit margin for YOU.

Congratulations! You've just become a commissioned salesman for someone else's business!


Um, not quite what you had in mind, was it?




Run across one of these yet? A company who claims to be a "drop ship distributor" or a Bulk Wholesaler, but has a "setup" or "membership" fee?


Let me say this very clearly:


A REAL WHOLESALER DOES NOT CHARGE YOU A FEE just to set up a wholesale account!

ANY company that wants you to BUY YOUR STORE'S PRODUCTS FROM THEM, and wants you to pay an "account setup fee", should be AVOIDED at ALL COST! Almost without exception, these companies are middlemen. You will never make any real money with them. They take your "account setup" fee, and that's all they really wanted in the first place. Good luck trying to get a refund!



There are actually people out there who GUARANTEE that you will be one of the "few" who succeed in your Online Business if you use their drop shipper or wholesaler information.

That is ridiculous . NO ONE can guarantee anyone's success at ANY EBiz. People who tell you this are some of the worst people to get tangled up with online, since if they're willing to so boldly state such an obvious lie, they're willing to do anything to cheat you.

Any time you see ANYONE who Guarantees your Success, you've found a bold-face liar who is simply out to take your money.


Run the other way immediately!


These places spend a great deal of effort trying to convince you that they're real suppliers. We spend a lot of time sorting these profiteers OUT of OUR lists of Directory candidates. Here's how they operate:


q They put up a site that contains all kinds of unrelated product lines, and tell you they'll Drop Ship for your Internet business.


q They may charge a small "account setup fee".


q You sign up with them, thinking that they are an actual wholesale supplier, and you place their products for sale on your site.


q Your customer orders a product from you, and you send the order to this fake "drop shipper" (middleman).


q The middleman, in turn, places the order with the REAL drop ship supplier, and has it sent to your customer.


q You end up paying a lot more than you should for the product, because the fake "drop shipper" is marking up the price to YOU.


q You lose profits that should be yours.



Sounds pretty good, doesn't it! FREE sites giving you the names of all the drop shippers and bulk wholesalers you'll ever need! Ok, let's back up and think about that for a minute. Free? Hmm. Remember the Number One Rule? If it sounds too good to be true, it IS too good to be true.

Yes, we've checked these people out, too. Again, just take all the junk information I talked about above, and slap it on a free web site.

Why do they do it? Simple. They hope they'll get enough people coming to their web sites so that they can charge OTHER companies for advertising space. While you're out there chasing your tail and wasting your time with useless information, they're making money by selling ads to someone else. How nice for them! Doesn't do anything for YOU, though. In fact, it hurts you. Wasted time equals lost profits.

In Conclusion
Many of these people are very clever.
Their sites look legitimate and they present themselves well. All they really are is just another middleman that is sponging off of your hard work. All they will do is waste your time.
If you'd like to stay on top
of the newest Scams that we find, please visit our Scam Watch page Here


At Worldwide Brands, Inc., we will not waste your time! We publish only genuine, verified Drop Ship Suppliers and Light Bulk Wholesalers!


00011.jpgIf you only remember ONE Chapter of this EBook, remember this one!


I'm going to speak very plainly in this Chapter, so please don't take anything I say personally. Remember, I fell for a couple of Scams myself, years ago, so if I'm picking on anyone, it's my "former self". :o)


What I'm going to tell you is the Truth. The Truth isn't always pretty, but it needs to be known! There are TWO Business Worlds out there.