The Challenge: Make The Quote
After a few minutes of meeting and after reading the proposal, the boss frowned her eyebrows and asked if the document is complete, which Monica vigorously confirmed. The boss took white board marker and drew a triangle.
Every project has a few aspects you have to define and control, and project managers call that a 'project triangle'. In fact, the triangle sometimes has even more vertices, although there are the three basic ones:
• What: the scope of the project
• When: the time in which the project has to be done
• How much: the budget of the project.
These parts of the project triangle usually depend from each other. When a client states that the website should be dual language, you have to adjust the time and the budget. When a client wants you to finish the project earlier, you will have to spend more for overtime work, additional freelancers or a new tool.
In the middle of triangle there are some important details, which show your ability to deliver the project within what, when, how much constraints: how will you achieve the goal, who will do necessary tasks for you, with whom you have to communicate...
These details were the missing pieces in Monica's proposal. The meeting with Olivier became a great success: he actually started to believe that the campaign plan is thoroughly thought and defined in each necessary detail. He even offered support of his team in terns of a few tasks that Monica marked as the most effort-consuming.
Olivier accepted the proposal and they signed the contract!