Success by Terry & Terri Seymour - HTML preview

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© Terri Seymour of

If you are looking to start your own online business, the first step is to decide what type of business you want to get into. You need to choose something that you are interested in and like to do. If the passion is not there, you will more than likely not succeed!

Ask yourself these questions:
Can I dedicate myself to this business?

Contrary to what a lot of ads tell you, there is no get rich quick business. If you start an online business, you will be putting in hours each day to make that business successful. You will need to be very dedicated to that business to succeed. Weeks, months, or even years could go by before you start making any money. Make sure you are ready for that kind of commitment before you start your business.

What do I want to accomplish with this business?

Make sure you know exactly what you want to do with your business. Write out your business plans and goals. This will help you to realize what you want to do with your business and how you want to do it. After you decide on a business, get your goals in order and make the commitment, the next step is to build a website or get one built for you. If you decide to build one yourself, there are tons of resources to help you learn how:

Building and maintaining a website is a constant learning process. You need to keep up with ever changing information. Try these sites to get started:

You will also need a host (place to upload and store your website). This will make it "live" on the net. One of the best hosts I have come across for beginners is ICDSoft . They have easy file managing and an incredible support system.

More hosts to look into:

You will also need a domain, which will be the name of your site and business. For example: if you are selling business/office supplies, try to find a name that really zeros in on what you offer, like –
Affordable Office Supplies or Business Supplies and More. This would make your domain which would make your URL -

This would be the link and main page to your website.

Once you get all this set up you are ready to start networking, promoting, advertising, marketing, etc. This is what takes the time and commitment. You cannot build a website and sit back and wait for the clients/customers to find you. You have to go out and find your customers.

There are several methods of promoting and networking online. Remember to advertise and promote your business offline as well.

Online Promotion: ad swaps
ezine publishing forum networking joint ventures
ezine advertising directory submissions link exchanges
contests and many more!

Offline Promotion:
bulletin boards
freebies (such as ink pens) business cards
radio stations and many more!

To read more about many of these methods send any email to:

Terri Seymour and her husband Terry offer
a no-cost, non-MLM home business opportunity. They strive to help you build a successful home business. They also provide a very affordable website building service. Free ecourses, decorating tips, business resources, and much more at: FREE ecourse at:
