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Article #20

Tips for Your Home Business

© Terri Seymour of

1. Get biz cards made up and have them with you always. Leave them at restaurants, send them with your monthly bills, post them on bulletin boards, hand them out to people you talk to. Always be aware of opportunity. Get Free business cards here.

2. Along the same lines, always have catalogs or brochures in your car. You never know when someone might ask to see your products.

3. Do not forget to label all catalogs, brochures, order blanks, etc with your company name and address and URL (if applicable). You can either stamp them on or make your own labels. You can get inexpensive adhesive labels from Wal-Mart or other stores as well.

4. Get out there and get yourself and your product known. Talk about your products as much as you can to as many people as you can. Make it a part of your daily routine. Make your new business a part of every single day. Always be watching for opportunities. They are everywhere! 5. Make sure you always have the latest catalogs.

6. It helps also to have some sample items available so people can see the quality of the products. This can increase your orders.

7. Keep track of everyone who you give catalogs to or who orders from you to start building your mailing list. Get addresses and email addresses if possible to build your list. Stay in touch with these people and go the extra mile for your customers or potential customers.

8. Online marketing is great, but should be used in conjunction with other marketing methods such as flea markets, catalog distribution, home parties, mail order or others.

9. Study, research, and learn marketing techniques, how to sell, advertising ideas and tips. We recommend some of these books to start:
They are filled with great ideas and advice.

10. Print out flyers and mail them out to local stores and shops. Let them know what you are offering and give your phone number. Flyers can be passed out in parking lots as well. Make sure you have permission.

11. Contact radio stations and offer your products as prizes for contests for some great exposure.
12. Talk to schools, churches, and other organizations that might be interested in using your products for fundraisers.
13. Have your catalogs and biz cards with you at kids’ sports events. You could easily get orders just by arousing interest in your catalogs.

14. There are so many things you can do. Every time you get or hear of an idea that interests you, write it down in your planner or notebook. Organize your marketing and advertising efforts and ideas.

15. Local Papers - Run your ads in local newspapers. You can usually get these at very reasonable rates. Ask your local paper if they would consider doing a story about your business. Local papers frequently do a write up for local business owners.

Building a home business takes time and effort and then some, but do not give up. Have passion for your business and for your customers. You can succeed!
Terri Seymour and her husband Terry offer a no-cost, non-MLM home business opportunity. They strive to help you build a successful home business. They also provide a website building service. Take advantage of the gifts, resources & more provided for your home and business at FREE ecourse at:
