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Article #27

Inexpensive Storage Ideas

© Terri Seymour of

Storage space is a problem for a lot of us. We tend to accumulate more stuff than we could ever hope to have room for. Before you throw everything out, get creative and find storage space in the least likely of places.

Use a chest or wooden box as a coffee table. Decorate to match your living room decor. These are great for storing blankets, books, pillows, magazines, etc.

Build a smaller version of the coffee table, add a cushion and use it as a footstool. Great for storing tapes, CDs, cards, etc.

Inexpensive plastic tubs can be used in kids’ rooms as a toy chest, or storage for games, clothes, art supplies, etc. I have two stacked by my bed and they serve as a dresser for lesser worn clothes. Saves me tons of room in my closet!
Suitcases can be used for storage also. Stack a couple to double as a nightstand. Cover with pretty fabric for a coordinating look.

Put shelves above your doorways and windows. These shelves could be used for books, movies, pictures, collectibles and much more.

Baskets are a wonderful invention for home storage. Use them in the bathroom for cosmetics, toiletries, towels, etc. In the kitchen they can hold utensils, recipes, or food items. Try them for magazines, books, or movies in the living room or bedroom. In the kids' room they make great places for toys, books, video games. The possibilities are endless!

Use a file cabinet as a nightstand and/or end table. This is a great way to hide all your papers, bills, files, old magazines, etc.


Canning jars also make for good storage. They can be used for make-up, craft supplies, spices, pet food, small toys, etc.

Kids' rooms usually need a lot of storage for toys, games, art supplies, books, etc. Some stuff to use for storage could be inexpensive laundry baskets, decorated coffee cans, plastic shoe bags, and stackable plastic boxes in a variety of colors. Make your kid's room fun, easy for them to clean and interesting.

Take advantage of the space under your bed. Buy the under the bed plastic containers to store just about anything.

If you have an available corner or unused space, a dresser makes a great addition to your kitchen. The drawers are great for storing napkins, towels, utensils, foil/bags, odds and ends, etc. It can also double as a microwave stand!

Use your imagination and be creative. You do not have to follow "the rules" when it comes to decorating your own house! Do what you like and what works for you!

Terri Seymour and her husband Terry offer a no-cost, non-MLM home business opportunity. They strive to help you build a successful home business. They also provide a website building service. Take advantage of the gifts, resources & more provided for your home and business at FREE ecourse at:

What a Tangled Web We Weave........

© Terri Seymour of

The World Wide Web or www is a wonderful, inspiring, endless, fantastic place. They do call it a web for a reason - there are hundreds of thousands of websites all linked together out there. You want to be sure and get yours linked to plenty of those sites for a better position in the web.

When you are getting your link exchange campaign ready, keep these tips in mind:
1. Link to sites that are rich in content.

2. Choose sites that are complimentary to yours, example: if you have a site that sells pet supplies, link to sites that give info on how to care for pets, or where to get pets, etc.

3. Make sure your link text contains targeted keywords.
4. Stay away from link farms, which are sites that just have links of all kinds, good or bad, relevant or not.
5. You also want your site to be rich in content, so more sites will link to you.

6. Set up a main/category page for your links directory and then have each category have it s own page. You don't want just a jumbled mess of links.

7. Do not call you links page, links - call it a resource directory or something similar.
8. You could set up an ezine directory similar to your resource directory for even more web connections.

9. When you find a site you like, email the webmaster, using their name and tell them why you like their site.
Give them your url so they can take a look at your site.
Introduce yourself ask them to consider your site for an exchange. You resource exchange request would look something like this:

Hello (webmaster's name),

I have just visited your site and was very impressed with the content and design. I would like to discuss the possibility of a link exchange with you.

My name is Terri Seymour and I own Seymour Products at, a home, family, and business resource site.

I would be interested in exchanging links with your site. Take a moment to visit my site and let me know what you think. I will be looking forward to your reply. Thank you for your time.

Warm Regards, Terri Seymour

To help save time, have a copy of this request saved on your desktop or in a email folder or where ever you prefer, so you can just open it up and make any changes and send.

I had a link exchange directory earlier on MOE and then decided to remove it (big mistake) because I was adding a paid home business directory. Well, shortly thereafter, I noticed a drop in my traffic and in my sales. I am now building a bigger and better Resource Directory on MOE and on my new site as well.

So, let's get going on getting a good spot in this tangled web of sites. Good luck in your linking campaign!

Terri Seymour and her husband Terry offer a no-cost, non-MLM home business opportunity. They strive to help you build a successful home business. They also provide a website building service. Take advantage of the gifts, resources & more provided for your home and business at FREE ecourse at:

Search Engine Tips & Techniques

© Terri Seymour

As you are building your site or getting your site built, you need to do as much as you can to ensure higher rankings in the search engines. There are a variety of little tips and techniques you can use to do this.

Meta tags & keywords - Meta tags are included in the <HEAD> section of your site and are read by the search engines. The two most important kind are "description" and "keywords." Description is a description of the content of your site and keywords is a list of keywords relevant to the page.

Research what people are searching for and use those searches (relevant to your site) in your meta tags. A great little keyword search tool is available here:

Find more great info on meta tags here:

Site content - Make sure you match your site content with your meta tags. Also, keep updating your site content. Search engines love new content. Try adding articles to your site or doing a blog. Do NOT let your site get old and stale!

Blogging - A blog is basically a journal that is posted on a web site. A person who blogs is a blogger. Blogs are usually updated daily or every other day. Blogs can be used on personal or business websites. Blogs can draw a lot of targeted traffic to your site. You can create your own blog here:

Site map - A site map is simply a page that lists all the links on your site. This makes it easy for the search engines to spider your site. A site map page is a good navigational tool for your visitors as well. It contains links to all important pages of your web site and it gives your visitors an overview of your web site structure all in one page. Take a look at these well designed site maps.

Links page - Having a quality reciprocal links page can benefit your site in several ways. First of all, it gets your site listed in more places on the net which can bring you more traffic. More and more major search engines will rank your pages higher when there are more links to your site. Also, quality links can help the spiders find you more easily each week, therefore keeping you indexed longer and dropped less frequently. Take a look here for an example of a link exchange page.

Articles - Not only do you want to post relevant articles on your site, but writing and submitting them to other sites will help you as well. Posting new articles on your site will keep your content fresh and new so the spiders like your site. It will also keep your visitors coming back for more.

Writing and submitting articles can increase your link popularity and bring you more traffic as well as helping your search engine ranking. A few places to submit your articles is listed below:

Using these techniques and others will greatly improve your rankings in the search engines and bring you more targeted traffic which in turn can increase your sales substantially! For more info on search engine tactics, visit

Terri Seymour and her husband Terry offer a no-cost, non-MLM home business opportunity. They strive to help you build a successful home business. They also provide a very affordable website building service. Free ecourses, decorating tips, business resources, and much more at: FREE ecourse at:

How to Have Your Own Online Party!

© Terri Seymour of

Online parties can be a successful and fun way to build your home business. These parties are similar to home parties except that you do not have to pay a small fortune for refreshments and snacks! ;-)

You can have your party in a free or low cost chat room or you can have your party via email. Be sure and create a relaxed and fun atmosphere for your guests. We would recommend a chat room.

You can either recruit someone to host the party for you or you can be the host. There is also something called "Mystery Host Party". This is where you draw or randomly select a guest to be the "Mystery Host" and receive the host benefits.

You will need to schedule your party. We have found that during the week is best unless it is winter. Then weekends can be a good time also. Give yourself plenty of time to plan and send out invitations.

Plan your specials. You definitely want to have some items on special. Maybe some that ties in with your theme, if you have one. Give a 25% discount on certain items, but make sure you leave enough profit as well. You could also offer a small free gift with all orders over $25, for example.

When it is time to send out the invites, email groups and message boards can be a great place to start. Send out the invitations (follow guidelines on this). Also invite friends, neighbors, co-workers. Let everyone know they can bring a guest or two or however many they like.

Have each guest introduce themselves and tell (type) a little about themselves. This will help bring the guests together.

You also want to make sure you have some fun and interesting games to play. And of course, for each game you will need prizes. Below are some popular party games:

*Scavenger Hunt - make a list of several items and instruct your guests to find them on your site.
*Word Scramble - Pick about 10 words from your site and see who can get them all right in the least amount of time. Let your guests know the words come from your site/business.

*Trivia Questions - Write up a list of questions about your site/business.
There are many more fun, exciting games to play at your party! Make up your own if you like as well.

You, of course, will also want to spend some time presenting your products. If you offer home decor items, share some tips and ideas on home decorating with your products. If you offer aromatherapy items, explain the benefits of your products. Make your presentation fun, informative and relaxed. Let the quests ask questions and always be clear and candid with your answers

The idea here is to relax, have fun, show your items and make new contacts/customers. If your guests have a good time and enjoy themselves, they will sure to come back to your next party! ;-)

Terri Seymour and her husband Terry offer a no-cost, non-MLM home business opportunity. They strive to help you build a successful home business. They also provide a website building service. Take advantage of the gifts, resources & more provided for your home and business at FREE ecourse at:
