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Chapter 8: Become a Supreme Affiliate Marketer Today!

00011.jpg8.1 Additional Supreme Affiliate Marketing Tips

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing twice and expecting different results. If you are on the completely wrong path – if you are seeing no results whatsoever – then it is time to try something different. Or it is time to accept that you are simply insane; and should seek help before you try to make a foray into affiliate marketing.

Now, even if you are getting good results, you need to figure out how you can ramp up the process, so that you don’t continue to replicate mediocrity. If you want to make a six figure income – and possibly a seven figure income – then you have to do something that is truly different than what you are doing now. You will somehow have to boost your sales volume by a factor of 10 or even 50.

The big question is “how can I do this”? Here’s what I suggest:


Tip #1: Start Acting Like a Business Owner

Right now, you’re probably enamored with the idea of the rugged, individualistic affiliate marketer – a person who sells thousands and thousands of products by himself and with no help at all. You might conjure up an image in your head of an Internet marketer who needs no one else, but generates all of his multi-millions on his own.

If you want to be a super affiliate, you have to let go of this idea. It is pure fantasy. Most big name Internet marketers and affiliate product marketers have a team of either contract laborers, freelancers, or paid staff. If you want to be a successful affiliate product marketer, you have to find people who can augment your weakness (and, trust me, no matter how smart you are, you have plenty of weaknesses).

Additionally, affiliate marketers do not work in isolation. Most of them are friends with the marketers they sell products for; and this gives them far more leverage and information than you have access to.

So start thinking of yourself as a business owner, rather than a completely self-sufficient Internet marketer.


Tip #2: Concentrate on Regular Sales

While big launches can be promising – and the idea of $500 commissions can be enticing – focus on regular sales, rather than pie-in-the-sky, lottery winnings. Regular sales are easier to quantify and predict; and, for this reason, it is far easier to continually ramp up small, regular sales until you are making hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars each year.

John Reese, for instance, sold tons of small affiliate products before he became a wellknown Internet marketer. He sold things like golf balls and clubs in massive quantities; and makes a regular income of more than $50,000 per month doing so.

So don’t worry if you’re the top affiliate for some major new product launch. Instead, focus on regular sales and regular increases in sales.


Tip #3: Do What They Do – Not What They Say

By now, you’ve heard this dozens of times, but I bet you’ve only actually done it a few times. Next time an Internet marketer unveils a new way to make a killing with affiliate marketing, ignore it. Don’t buy the book. Don’t listen to what he says. Instead, watch what he does.

Observe the channels through which he promotes his product. Watch carefully to determine what methods he’s using to make sales, so you can replicate his successes, rather than chasing after dreams he’s written about.


There’s no single path to affiliate marketing riches – and that’s a good thing. Instead, there are many pathways through which you can make your millions. So scout carefully, look for functional methods you can use, and implement them in your own efforts. You may be surprised with the results. But whatever you do – don’t continue to use strategies that haven’t worked in the past.

8.2 The Most Valuable Advice to Any Beginning Affiliate Marketer

If I could give only one piece of advice to a beginning affiliate marketer, it would be this: stop the cash bleeding. Almost without fail, new Internet marketers and affiliate product marketers gobble up products and software packages left and right.

Whenever they see anything for sale – especially if it’s the next big ticket product – they’ll buy it. They’ll get seduced by the copy; and they’ll whip out their credit cards, buying when they really shouldn’t. So, my advice to you is to stop doing that.

Now, you might protest. You might say that you need the information. You might grumble stuff about needing to be willing to spend money in order to make money. But ask yourself where you read line like that. Did you read them on a sales page? Did you hear them coming from someone who sells products you’ve purchased?

If so, that person was almost definitely saying it to loosen up your wallet. So tighten up your wallet again. Build up some resistance to buying.

Now, many people do not realize this, but the Internet is just brimming over with free information. Much of it is comparable to what you will find in products you might pay $30, $50, or even $100 for. While you might expect to get more from those products – or at least some guarantee to their quality – purchasing them is usually completely unnecessary.

In most cases, 90% of people who purchase these E-books skim them, consider incorporating a few new interesting ideas into their business models – but, for the most part, ignore the bulk of the text and go on their merry way.
If this is what you do with these E-books, too, (and it probably is), then your wallet would be better served by saving all that cash.

Instead of purchasing E-books you can’t and won’t use, save your money and spend your time getting a first class education from completely free information. If you’re an Internet marketer or affiliate marketer, spend some time on sites such as the Warrior Forum, which you can find at the following URL:

And rather than focusing on all sorts of wily tricks – which probably have never worked once for you, anyway – spend your time sincerely attempting to improve your current business model, which is probably highly flawed, but contains many functional elements.

Ask yourself whether there are considerable leakages to your current model that could be improved. For instance, are you tracking all of your advertising efforts? If not, how can you expect to know which ones are successful and which ones are not? Also, are you advertising in every possible place where you could get a decent return? If not, you’re leaving money on the table!

So, rather than consistently shooting for the moon – and spending hundreds of dollars to figure out how to do it – keep that cash in your wallet. Instead, work on slight, but continuous, improvements to your current business model.

This un-sexy approach – slight, but continuous improvements – is precisely what major companies, such as Toyota, have used to continually get better and better, capture a larger market share, and out-compete competitors who are stagnant or are risking too much.

And there you have it: my single suggestion to any new affiliate marketer is not a “tactic” at all. Instead, I want you to avoid the gimmicks, cut back on unnecessary spending, and focus on your own business model. After all, you know far more about your own business model than any guru does.
So focus on continuous improvement; focus on making more and more affiliate product sales each day; and try to avoid all of the “must have” products. In no time, you’ll be earning what you want.

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00012.jpgClick Here To Join The Revolution

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