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Why Go Broad?

Our aim is to get our quality site ranked for decent traffic terms that are not overly competitive. Then and only then, after gaining trust and momentum should you focus on getting rankings for very competitive keywords. Going for the competitive terms from the get-go, will send up red flag in almost all search engines. Your site will practically be ignored for months no matter how much you promote or how impressive the content is. I’ve tested this and believe me you don’t want to go down this road. First off, don’t get crippled by worrying about testing layouts and conversions. While very important to your bottom line, its not worth the effort until you are getting enough traffic to have the proper statistics needed for effective testing and optimization. I’m sure (Like me) you’re guilty of not launching your site until every element is picture perfect. You spent so much time polishing it that when it comes to the important marketing and link building, your drive and interest in the project has vanished.

You want to quickly get that site of yours into the indexes and have them growing in a natural yet effective manner that really catches search engines attention. You want to see steady growth and use it as a momentum booster to drive forward.

Fun exercise - Jot down the top 50 urls in a competitive industry you are interested for 3 medium competitive keywords. Now come back 3 months later and Re-enter those terms to google. How have the Urls changed? Ill bet out of that 50, only 5 or 10 max of those urls remain. People enter competitive markets daily but only a tiny percentage of them persist as they don’t get the results they so naively expected. Use this flaw in human nature to your advantage and remember it when you feel like throwing in the towel. I call the 3 month time-line the “Internet Sound Barrier“.

- Google does PR calculations every 3 months.
- Google does major re-indexing every 3 months
- People quit after 3 months
- People get on the highway to riches after 3 months.

Be consistent for that 3 months and you will break that barrier and the rest is free-wheeling all the ways.

DON’T Do too much - A little content and link building every day (for the first 2 months). Don’t let the creating content part scare you. I will show you how easy and quick this really is. When your site is earning $15+ per day (Happar M.E will

easily be bringing in much much more than this


00003.jpg) you can easily outsource

everything, sit back watch your rankings and earnings rise. Pat yourself on the back and move on to the next project. The company doing the work you’ve outsourced will be sending you proof of work completed at the end of every week.

8 - Months Later - You have a machine that will rank for hundreds of valuable terms as soon as you post or write an article. Like I mentioned in my last post, you don’t even have to go out and look for these terms, will FREELY suggest them to you. Give that keyword list weekly to your oursourcing company and watch your site rise quickly to the top for new terms. (That really is fun) . Even advertisers will be contacting you looking to buy Ad space. Clever Google site targeting advertisers will be throwing a bundle of cash your way in return for the high volume of targeted eyeballs on your site.

Read over what I’ve read and have a good think about it. This is critical to your success in site building. Become part of the minority elite by simply being persistent.

Happar M.E does it again
I set up 5 domains - 3 focusing on weight loss and 2 focusing on Anti-aging. I installed Wordpress on all domains, installed vital plugins and tuned for maximum SEO benifits. (Total time invested - 1 Day)

I hired a female content writer from I gave her sample content I’ve had created on both markets perviously by and ask her to completly re-write posts and articles.

I wanted :


2 blog posts per blog per week. (I took care of wordpress posting as I’m very particular of the way my content is posted, tagged and linked.)


5 Unique articles - I.e one to promote each blog. These I also submitted my-self each week to ezinearticles. I didnt even bother with other article directories. Cost of content writer : $150 per week.


Time invested by me to post to each blog and submit articles : 30 mins per week.

Other promotion :
After 1 week I put each blog on 3 Way Links
(The blogs were all on a single VPS I use and none of them were interlinked) And thats it. I didn’t do one other thing with content or promotion of these blogs.

Remember I was preaching about what I called the “3 Month Website Barrier”. I believe if you can keep good content flowing to a blog and have a steady slow growth of varied inbound links to the blog - when you hit 3 months things really kick off in terms of traffic and rankings.

I’ve picked out one of the best performing domains and wanted to show you how the traffic is starting to snowball.


Results :
Jan 08


00004.jpgNothing to write home about.


00005.jpgIncreasing but I dont think my server will be crashing over this load. 00006.jpgNow thats more like it. It’s growing


00007.jpgBroke the barrier and now I’m free-wheeling


00003.jpgMonthly Summary



I installed happar on the above domain on the 4th of April. I still have done nothing to promote this site but happar is responsible for greatly accelerating traffic growth and page index count.

3 of my other 5 domains are producing more or less the same results. 1 of the domains in the Weight loss market has totally failed. I’m getting on average only
30 uniques per day. I will need to roll up the sleves to make sense of what happened here.

Where to next with these domains ?


If you’ve been following my posts you should be able to take a good guess at what I will do now with these 4 top performers.

I’m going to entice people that land on my blog to visit pre-sales pages that I will build as well capturing email address in return for a quality Anti-Aging and Weight Loss report (With proven high opt-in conversions). I’m gonna load up my autoresponder with some email templates, testimonials and promotional offers that the merchant provided. I’m going to split test each of the sites with different copy and emails. Finally I am going to pass on Hittails suggested keywords to my copy writer and ask her to create more articles around these keywords. (I will also give her a $200 bonus for a job well done) I want to hold on to this one. Then I’m gonna build 5 more sites in the exact same markets only this time I will turn a profit much faster through good PR and promotion to pages that are proven to convert very well.

Where Does Happar Fit In?

Happar is vital to me in this process as I am using happar to get eyeballs on my free report offer and ultimately lead them into my sales funnel. I wont be using adsense on any of these sites as I can simply make a ton more selling a high converting product. Plus Its more fun and I’m finding that my sales and copy skills are improving every day.

That can only lead to great things.....


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