The Downline Code - Guru Secrets For Explosive MLM Growth by Burke Jones - HTML preview

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Chapter Eight: Step Three: Where The MAGIC Happens!

As we have previously discussed, you need a system that you team members, new associates and potential prospects can plug into. Remember people join your business either because the know, like or trust you OR you have a system that they can see themselves plugging into. This is exactly what I have done with my Downline Code system, and with this guide you can do the same thing.

So what is the magic of Step 3?


Step three is where the prospect actually enters themselves into the system.

Remember in step one they joined the income programs. You made some instant cash and placed them under you in some residual income programs.

In step two they joined a couple of viral traffic programs, which allowed you to benefit and drive more traffic to your site since then joined under you.

Now in step three they get to enter all of their user ID’s in these programs. Once they click the “submit” key, they now are a member and can easily start promoting the site themselves.

Pay attention, because here is where the real power of a system comes into play!


As they begin to promote the system, their prospects will join under them, which means your teams will grow as well. A system is where the real money is made in network marketing or MLM. You have to have a system for a number of reasons.


Ready to take the next step and explode YOUR downline? Tap into the revolutionary power of The Downline Code to generate