The Downline Code - Guru Secrets For Explosive MLM Growth by Burke Jones - HTML preview

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Chapter Nine: Training – The Critical Step!

A major part of any system needs to be the training component. One of the things I noticed early on when I started my network marketing organization was the fact that as my organization grew, so did the amount of time I spent training the new members.

Subsequently, the time I was spending marketing and growing my business declined which led to my business growth slowing. You have to market to keep your personal business growing – don’t fall into the management mode trap! You business will suffer.

So what type of training do you need to provide in your system? Obviously, since this system is for growing your team on the internet you need to focus on internet marketing training.

The beauty of a system like The Downline Code is that all of the really hard stuff like creating web sites, getting web hosting, etc is already done for your team and new associates.

They only need to be taught to drive floods of traffic to their personal landing page – and your team will grow on autopilot!

In my system I do almost all of the training using screen captures where I actually show on the screen exactly what I am doing. The users can then view the videos and implement the strategies for themselves. The beauty is I only have to do it one time, and every new member from that point forward can access the training.

As I mentioned I focus solely on traffic generation strategies in my training. Primarily I focus on free or almost free traffic strategies such as marketing on MySpace, article marketing, social networking sites, etc.

Ready to take the next step and explode YOUR downline? Tap into the revolutionary power of The Downline Code to generate