The Magic Bullet by Phil Basten, Jane Mark, Frank Sousa - HTML preview

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The Magic Bullet

Chapter II: Do this now…


Now I know you are fired up and ready to go... here's where I want you to start…


Take a look at this site so you know what we are referring to as you read on


Don't do anything yet, just look around.


Don't worry what the site is for, or what it does, we’ll cover that later.


It is going to make you money.


Yep, that's what I said…


This site IS going to make you money.


Remember that as you read on.


The site is called GibLink.


GIB Stands for Global International Business, and it has three parts to it…

* GibLink * Gibsales * Gibline

Networking on steroids! In a nutshell…


It's MySpace and YouTube rolled into one.


But unlike these networking sites, GibLink is unique. It’s the only networking site with a pay plan designed to put money direct in your pocket.


But let’s back up here for a moment and ask some questions.


What is it you look for when you go onto the net?


I bet you are a member of MySpace, or you know about it…