The Magic Bullet by Phil Basten, Jane Mark, Frank Sousa - HTML preview

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The Magic Bullet

Chapter III: A right way and a wrong way… We were just talking about joining GibLink the right way.


Like many things in life, you want to make sure you lay the right foundation before you jump into something head first.


You wouldn’t jump into the deep end of the pool if you didn’t know how to swim, or without first checking there was water in the pool, would you?


You wouldn’t try to open a restaurant without knowing anything about the cost of the food, cost of help, or the cost of the lease or insurance, would you?


You wouldn’t give someone CPR if you didn't know how, would you?


You get the idea.


It’s no different on the net.

When you join a site that you sense you can make money from, there is usually a right way to join that will maximize your income, and other ways to join that may leave you kicking yourself down the road.

So let's try to separate the two…


In the previous chapter, we saw that there were several ways to make money with GibLink.


Do nothing at all and share a small slice of the company revenue. This will net you some return on investment and is a good way to start, but...


A better way is to take advantage of all the products that GibLink offers and to join in the way that will maximize your earnings down the road.


There are three ways to join GibLink.

1. FREE membership; Not available at the time of the writing of this eBook and NOT recommended as you will see from the next chapter. This will become important later on but not now.

2) Standard membership; you can join for $50.00 per quarter, but you will need to recruit at least two members under you. If you don’t know how to do that, or don’t feel you can do that right now, then you’ll need a…

3) Pro membership. Here you can join for $150.00 per quarter, and this