The Magic Bullet by Phil Basten, Jane Mark, Frank Sousa - HTML preview

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The Magic Bullet



Think about the times you went into a store and a sales person pounced on you as soon as you entered the door. Don’t you hate it when that happens?


Same applies to people who blatantly advertise in forums.


And here’s where a signature line comes in handy…


Every forum has a profile section that you can set up when you register for the forum.

You will be asked you to enter your personal details, your email address, and a bunch of other stuff which you may or may not want to enter but never overlook the signature box.

At the end of your profile, there is always a box that asks you if you would like to add a signature to your posts.


The answer is most definitely yes!


Here is how I sign my posts in the forum.

Jane Mark

When I post I usually do not enter any of my own sites. I just give information or ask a question, but at the end of all of my postings, there are my two main sites and someone may just be tempted to click on them.

If you are new on the internet, you may not have a web site, just your current GibLink site. In this case you would sign simply


Joe Jones


(Your GibLink affiliate URL here)


Later on if you join some advertising sites or lists, you can add a couple of these to your signature file.


Hai Capito? (That's Italian for understand?)

Signature lines are really the only advertising you should do in a forum. You will get known as a professional and people will gravitate towards you to learn more.