The Magic Bullet by Phil Basten, Jane Mark, Frank Sousa - HTML preview

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The Magic Bullet

Chapter IX: Synergy Advertising… We call this section Synergy Advertising, or how to take your GibLink Ad for a piggy-back ride.


I will assume you joined the 4 advertising sites in the previous chapter and you have added your GibLink ads at the sites.


Here's where it gets interesting and fun. You can start to get some powerful exposure for your GibLink affiliate link.


Please pay close attention now. This can be a bit tricky to understand.


As we discussed earlier, getting your site seen on the net is critical to your success. You can’t get a result or make sales if your site is invisible.


There is a way to have your cake and eat it too. We call this technique Synergy Advertising.


What is synergy advertising?

It simply means that you join advertising sites work in harmony with each other. Sites which piggy back on each other or have some form of reciprocal advertising. This ensures you get maximum exposure for your web site.

Maximum Exposure = More Sales.


And that's the name of the game.


Let’s look at an example.

You put up an ad on the net for free at a site that has 30,000 members. Now assume that this site lets you put up additional ads for your site to another 100,000 members. And finally let’s say this site is advertised daily by the owners to over 1 million people.

Zowie! Zingo!


Your ads are going to go viral very quickly and you’ll be getting a large network spread for your ad.


Viral simply means that your ad starts to circulate to an ever growing audience.


Your little ad goes from no one seeing to potentially being viewed by 1 million people or more.