The Million Dollar Bonus Report by Simon Hodgkinson and Jeremy Gislason - HTML preview

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Getting Inside Your Prospect’s Mind

Making your bonuses appeal to a wide range of people may not seem possible. You have to give each visitor something that particular person desires. The trick… different people have different needs and the same people could have different needs at different times.

Even though you may have a tight niche topic, your customers are still diverse and have diverse:

Personalities – There are a wide range of personalities in the world. Attracting that range with one product is almost impossible. You’ll likely want to provide a range of bonuses to fit the different personalities.

Interests – The variety of people who visit your site each day is only matched by the variety of interests those visitors have. Some may enjoy a good report and others may prefer an informative audio feed. By creating a wide range of bonuses you offer something to intrigue all of your diverse visitors.

Technology – The wide array of computers, browsers, and internet connection speeds surfing the web at any given time can dictate what you do and how you do it on your website. You want to create bonuses that benefit people with Macs, PCs, dialup, DSL, or broadband. When you limit your bonuses to one format you also exclude some people from being able to utilize your bonuses, and you will likely lose a chance at conversion.

Just taking into account a few simple ideas will help you break through your conversion barrier and create more contacts for your website. Make your bonuses diverse in information and in format, and you’ll meet the needs and expectations of the visitors and leads.

Creating a number of different bonuses may sound time-consuming, but it will be worth it when you see your conversion rate climbing. Reaching a conversion rate of 15% or more takes some

time and effort on your part. (J okay that was a hint about what’s to come but remember you need to go here to find out more)
Personalities – Who Are You Marketing To?

Just like we all have our own methods for learning, some of us learn through doing, hearing, or seeing, we all have our own motivations and behaviors influenced by our personality. There are a number of tests that have been generated to determine a person’s personality type.

Most of the tests combine several characteristics to create a personality tag. Learning to meet the needs and wants of the characteristics can help you create bonuses that cover a range of personalities.

Emotional Personalities

Many of these people make decisions based upon their feelings. They are likely to be concerned about the impact of their decisions on other people. Create bonuses that allow them to pass on information to friends and family (or better their personal situation so they can help friends and family). Offer an emotional return to the investment.

Thinking Personalities

These are the people who like to plan, schedule and solve situations. They need precise information in a precise format. Create bonuses or offers that are laid out in a step-by-step program for the subscriber to follow. There needs to be a point to the information – an ends to the means.

Extroverted Personalities

These are the folks who are typically “the life of the party” or the type of people who “never meet a stranger”. They tend to be open and comfortable in new environments. Create bonuses that offer something new and exciting. Give the extrovert something unusual, unexpected and something outside the ordinary.

Introverted Personalities

These people are slower to join in, to make new friends or to step out in front. They want to take it slower and make personal connections. You need to create bonuses that offer a more intimate situation. They need to feel the connection to be content with the decision.

Intuitive personalities

Present information that’s more abstract to these personalities. They have a natural ability to think outside the box. A new and exciting idea would be a good bonus for them.

Needs, Desires, And Demands

Every person who comes to visit your website has their own unique reason for stopping in. It’s important to create attractive bonuses to meet the needs of your visitors and keep them coming around.

Here’s how:
Research your visitors.

Sign up for analytic programs which provide a breakdown of how your visitors come to your site, how long they stay, and which pages they’re viewing the most. There are a number of statistics to analyze as you begin to shape ideas for your bonuses.

Look at


Which pages or products are visited most often


Keywords or keyword phrases that are used to find the website

Length of time most visitors stay on your site
Average number of pages visitors open
Consider polling or surveying your prospects.

You can capture information about them via social networking, a flycatcher page built with something like Conversion Ninja with a survey or by polling your opt in list by emailing them your questions.
Consider motivating participation by offering a bonus like an eBook, a coupon or even cash. Develop a survey for visitors to see what products or information they would like to see and use it to create your bonus products.

Remember that each person has their own learning style and personality. Give them options and consider creating one great bonus to be packaged in a number of different formats.

A well-developed report can be reconstructed into an audio file or workbook. Put some time and effort into (or even pay for the creation of) a bonus structured in a way that meets the many different needs presented during your research.

For example, perhaps you find that your audience is interested in hearing advice from experts. Lining up expert interviews would then be an excellent bonus. You could offer them as transcripts, videos or audios, a CD you deliver via mail, and even a workbook or e-book that can be downloaded.

What you offer and how you offer it depends on your target audience, their needs, interests, and personality. Knowing your audience is key to creating a high-converting bonus.

What works best: As we’ve hinted xxxxxx make for the ultimate bonuses… In tests we’ve done offering xxxxxx as a bonus has increased front end conversions by up to 300% (Yep 3 x times the number of orders!)

LOL You know you have to go here now don’t you J

A Variety Of Interests

The way your visitors want to see and do things varies as much as the people who visit. You need to find creative ways to catch and hold their attention.

The bonuses you offer are key.

You’ll find your market segments have varying interests when it comes to bonuses – some will prefer audio, others print, while another group prefers upgrades and more access to restricted areas.

Many visitors fit into more than one group on any given day (and definitely during different visits). Creating a bonus system with variety, quality and uniqueness draws in more visitors and keeps them coming back time and again.

Technology Matters

We now live in a world of high speed worldwide instant connection. Unfortunately, not everyone in the world is up to speed. There are also a number of other factors that make viewing websites a different experience from different computers and from different locations. All of these factors need to be taken into account when creating your bonuses.

Connection Speed

Not everyone is on a high-speed connection. There are still places where high speed is inaccessible and dial-up is the norm. If all of your bonuses are large, downloadable files, you run the risk of losing customers – they could become so frustrated

they don’t return, in this instance xxxxxx work really well J

There is no way someone on dial-up (even the fastest dial-up) will be able to enjoy video or audio feeds. Create a few bonuses designed specifically for those who are technologically challenged.


Every browser tends to look at your website and your content just a little differently. Take some time to look at your website through different browser eyes to be sure that you have a quality product no matter how it is viewed.

Firewalls and Security

Some people may be using public access to get to your website or your bonuses. They may not have control over what is blocked and what gets through. Avoid the key words and key phrases that tend to block your site from easy access.

Technology has made some things easier, but the wide range of technology in the market place can make it challenging to create bonuses that are right for all your visitors.

Creating Your Bonuses –

Stand Out From The Crowd And Provide High Value Bonuses

Once you have an idea about the types of bonuses your audience will be inspired and motivated by, the types of bonuses that will pique interest and provide value, it’s time to get down to the nitty gritty and create them.

This is where many people drop the ball.

They throw together sloppy bonuses or simply by resell rights to something that’s been distributed by a million other websites – in short, they stop taking their prospects into consideration.

It’s true that creating quality bonuses will take time and money however, it’s important to remember that a good quality bonus can last you a long time and can often be repurposed into several other beneficial products making your return on investment much higher than you might think.

That being said, let’s take a look at three primary ways you can create eye catching and valuable bonuses.
Resell Rights/PLR
The internet is full of companies and websites that mass-produce bonuses for you to give away on your own website.
They create everything from software products to books to audio and video courses.

Although these can be beneficial, they can also be a slippery slope. You want to have bonuses unique to your niche and specific to your products or services.

Generalized bonuses that are found all over the net are not something your visitors will get excited about. However, there are PLR products and companies who provide great products and limit the numbers of their products;

for example, they’ll only sell the rights of a product to 100 people.
To find quality PLR or Private Label Rights Products or Resell Rights, search through the bonuses available online and try to find one that is geared towards your visitors and your website.

Read or try out the product to make sure you’re giving your customers something they’ll value, something that will improve your credibility and likeability.

Investigate the numbers - try to discover how many times that particular bonus product has already been sold. Stay away from those already all over the web. Unique content will be appreciated over a product available on every other internet marketer’s website.


READER BONUS: Click Here to get a Free Silver Membership to Jeremy’s SureFireWealth site where you’ll find hundreds of products you can use [Normally $147 so go grab access now!]

Creating Your Own Product

While creating your own eBook, video tutorial or software program can be a bit of work, it can also be tremendously rewarding and you’ll be sure you’re creating the quality products your prospects and customers deserve.

To make life easier, software and downloads are available to help you create and develop bonuses exclusive to your website and industry. Throughout this report we’ve talked about a variety of bonuses to offer, including:

Audio and video
Membership passes
Seminars and workshops – online or via snail mail

Use your imagination and creativity to create the bonuses to meet the needs, interests, personality and available technology of your target audience.
Think outside the box!

Creating a bonus product doesn’t have to take months.

I have a popular book on Amazon: “Digital Publishing Tycoon” that will teach you how to create high value information products in just a matter of days – Click Here to check it out

One of the tactics I cover includes interviewing experts in your industry and use the transcripts to create a number of products – audio and print. One 60-minute audio will likely produce a 30-40 page transcript from which you can create reports, workbooks and eBooks.

You can also partner with others to create valuable bonus products. For example, your JV partner can create an eBook that contains embedded links that promote their website and you can give it away on your website as a lead generator or product bonus.

You both benefit because your JV partner gets to promote their business and you’re offering your customers a quality bonus.

Finally, if you already have a stockpile of great content, you can repurpose it to create new and valuable bonus products. Once you have the information you want to share, find ways to stretch that information for as many visitors as possible.

Creating multiple bonuses from one packet of information is a great way to accomplish that task.

Separate the information into multiple reports: Part 1, Part 2, and so on. Then you can give away the different sections at different levels of bonuses. This is not just a great way to stretch the information, but it also encourages repeat customers.

Use bonuses in a variety of ways. Create a report that you can present as an audio. Add some charts and graphs and you have a video presentation. The same information makes three different bonuses. Take the information and make it into a procedural guide with questions and answers and you have a workbook.

Expand or shorten the information to create a new project. If you have a good report then you can expand the information and you will have a valuable e-book. If you already have the e-book then compact the information into a report.

Use your personal information to create the bonuses. You already have a list of links and websites that you visit for your own benefit. Compile this information into a resource bonus for your visitors.

Use what you know to help the visitors to your website. If there are people coming to your websites to learn something, then it is likely that you have more experience or more knowledge in that area then they do. Use that to create a bonus consultation or review for your visitors.

You can expand the types of bonuses that you have to offer as well as the variety of information, by using the tools that you already have. Rewriting and reworking your bonuses will also give your visitors more options.

When it’s all said and done, some people just don’t have the time or desire to create their own bonus products.
That’s when a freelancer can be tremendously helpful.

Outsource The Job - Hire A Company Or Individual To Develop Your Bonuses

Ghostwriters, coders, and graphic artists are available for hire. Websites like Elance, and Rent A Coder are excellent resources to find that freelancer to get the job done.

Additionally, there are firms which handle product creation. Give them the outline of your ideas and let them paint the picture you desire.

When outsourcing there are a few success tips:

Determine in advance exactly what you want the freelancer to accomplish. Do you want them to research and outline the book in addition to writing it or will you provide the research and outline?

Do you want them to do the voice over for your video tutorial or will you provide the voice?

Outline your project in advance, it will ensure communication is clear and the project is done the way you want.

Set a budget for the project, but keep in mind that this is money invested and not money wasted.


Have them sign a non-disclosure agreement that outlines your privacy and also outlines the fees and delivery time.

Look for reputable companies and ask for references and samples so you know how they work and what quality they produce.

Wrapping It Up

When it comes to bonus products, the sky is the limit. Possible options include:
• Written products like workbooks, ebooks and reports
• Product Specific consultations or coaching sessions
• Audio, Video and Software products
• High Perceived Value Membership Passes

When creating products it’s important to keep your audiences needs, interests, desires, technology and personality into consideration.


Creating bonuses can be accomplished by:

• Purchasing PLR or Resell Products
• Partnering with others
• Repurposing current content/products
• Outsourcing the product creation

Once you’ve decided what bonus products your customers will respond to and you’ve created your bonuses it’s time to add them to your offer.