The Million Dollar Bonus Report by Simon Hodgkinson and Jeremy Gislason - HTML preview

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Bonus products are an essential variable in this formula.

They make converting eyeballs to leads and leads to customers possible and with quality bonus products, they also serve to drive traffic to your website and generate repeat customers.

In short, bonus products can boost your marketing success and your profits.

The Golden Number - Leads to Conversions
Nothing happens until a sale is made.

-Jeffrey Gitomer
Copywriters learn early on that a valuable bonus can make or break a sales letter’s effectiveness.

Studies have shown that a piece of sales copy, whether it is online or in your mailbox, has about 20 seconds to capture your attention or it ends up in the “round” file.

You know the one that looks like this…



People read the headline, the first sentence and sometimes the first paragraph, then they quickly scan to the bottom of the sales letter to see the offer and the PS.

This is where your bonus offers reside –
right between the offer and your PS.

A person who is taking a quick scan will often slow down when they see a nice list of bonus offers, particularly if they’re bonuses that interest them.

What happens next?

Next, the reader heads back up to the top of the sales page and this time they read it more carefully.
Think about the last time you purchased something that came with a bonus or two.
Did they influence your buying behavior?
They probably did.
Are you offering bonuses on your offers?
If so, are you offering the right bonuses for your audience?
This is where many businesses become stuck – and this is where offering bonuses can make all the difference in the world.

Bonuses tap into a wealth of buying behavior psychology triggers like urgency, scarcity, and reciprocity. Bonuses are often the pivotal factor in decision making.

Knowing you’re going to get your money’s worth and then some, often washes away any residual doubts or uncertainties.
Knowing that if you “act now” you’re going to receive more for your money than if you wait, motivates.

And sometimes buying decisions are based on the bonus alone. Sure, the product is great and you’ll have use for it, but that bonus is what you’re really looking for.

Maybe it’s an audio, a video, a great workbook, book or online course – bonuses come in all shapes, styles and types.

Your audience and your market have specific needs, wants and desires. They buy for a number of reasons and they’re drawn to certain types of bonuses. You can tap into any of these psychological triggers to make conversions happen time and time again.

However, offering bonuses isn’t as easy as putting the words