The On -Line Books Page Complete List by Title by - HTML preview

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images at
q The Last of the Mill Creeks, and Early Life in Northern California by Sim Moak (HTML at LOC) q The Last of the Mohicans by James Fenimore Cooper

r HTML at Virginia


r TEI at OTA


q The Last of the Plainsmen by Zane Grey (Gutenberg text)

q Last Poems of James Russell Lowell by James Russell Lowell (page images at MOA) q The Last Public Execution in America by Perry T. Ryan (illustrated HTML at Geocities)

q Last Songs from Vagabondia by Bliss Carman and Richard Hovey (HTML and SGML at

q Later Lyrics: Selected from Mercedes, The Sisters' tragedy, Wyndham Towers and Unguarded
by Thomas Bailey Aldrich (page images at MOA)
q Later Poems (1902; with The Flower of the Mind) by Alice Meynell (Gutenberg text) q Later Poems by Bliss Carman, contrib. by R. H. Hathaway (HTML and SGML at Michigan) q Lateral Interactions in the Cortex: Structure and Function, ed. by Joseph Sirosh, Risto Miikulainen,
and Yoonsuck Choe (HTML at Texas)
q The Latest Method, Home Instruction by Mail, Dancing Courses, ed. by Charles J. Frank (page
images at LOC)
q Latin American Classical Composers: A Biographical Dictionary, ed. by Miguel Ficher, Martha

Furman Schleifer, and John M. Furman (frame and cookie-dependent page images at Scarecrow Press)


q Latter-Day Pamphlets, ed. by Thomas Carlyle (Gutenberg text)


q Laughable Lyrics: A Fourth Book of Nonsense Poems, Songs, Botany, Music, Etc. by Edward

Lear (illustrated HTML at
q Laura Secord, the Heroine of 1812: A Drama; and Other Poems (Toronto: C. Blackett Robinson,
by Sarah Anne Curzon (page images at
q The Laurel Bush: An Old-fashioned Love Story (Montreal: Dawson, 1876) by Dinah Maria
Mulock Craik (page images at
q Lavender and Old Lace by Myrtle Reed (Gutenberg text)
q Lavengro, The Scholar, The Gypsy, The Priest by George Henry Borrow
r Gutenberg text
r searchable HTML at Bibliomania
q The Law by Frederic Bastiat, trans. by Dean Russell (HTML at
q The Law-Abiding Conscience, and the Higher Law Conscience; With Remarks on the Fugitive
Slave Question
by Samuel T. Spear (page images at MOA)
q Law and Markets: Is Canada Inheriting America's Litigious Legacy?, ed. by John Robson and
Owen Lippert (HTML at Fraser Institute)
q The Law and the Lady by Wilkie Collins (Gutenberg text)

q Law and the Physician: A Practical Guide (delisted; on-line version withdrawn by authors) by Edward P. Richards and Katharine C. Rathbun


q The Law and the Saint by Arthur W. Pink (at CCEL)


q A Law Dictionary, Adapted to the Constitution and Laws of the United States of America and of the Several States of the American Union (6th edition, 1856) by John Bouvier (text files at


q Law for the Clergy by Sanford Amos Hudson (page images at MOA)


q The Law of Heredity: A Study of the Cause and Variation, and the Origin of Living Organisms (second edition, 1883) by William Keith Brooks (PDF files at

q The Law of Nations: or, Principles of the Law of Nature, Applied to the Conduct and Affairs of Nations and Sovereigns by Emer de Vattel, ed. by Joseph Chitty and Edward D. Ingraham (HTML at

q The Law of the Covenant: An Exposition of Exodus 21-23 by James B. Jordan (PDF and

JavaScript-dependent HTML at
q The Lawrence Massacre by a Band of Missouri Ruffians Under Quantrell by J. S. Boughton and
Richard Cordley (HTML at Kansas)
q Laws by Plato, trans. by Robert Gregg Bury (HTML at Perseus)
q Laws by Plato, trans. by Benjamin Jowett
r HTML at Internet Classics
r Gutenberg text
q Laws Affecting Women and Children in the Suffrage and Non-Suffrage States by Annie Porritt
(illustrated HTML at LOC)
q Laws and Regulations of the American Medical Association, With a Sketch of Detroit, and a Brief
History of the University of Michigan, and of the Development of the Resources of the State
American Medical Association (page images at MOA)
q Laws of Business for All the States of the Union by Theophilus Parsons (page images at MOA) q The Laws of Etiquette: or, Short Rules and Reflections for Conduct in Society (HTML and page
images at LOC)
q The Laws of Human Progress and Modern Reforms by Orville Dewey (page images at MOA) q The Laws of Manu, trans. by Georg Buhler (HTML at
q Laws of Michigan Concerning the Organization and Government of Townships, and the Powers
and Duties of Township Officers, and Boards of Supervisors
by Elijah Middlebrook Haines (page
images at MOA)
q The Laws of Paradise (1695) by Jane Lead (HTML at
q Laws of the Eighth Legislature of the State of Texas: Extra Session (1861) by Texas (HTML and
q Lawsonomy (3 volumes) by Alfred Lawson (HTML at
q The Lawyer's Oath by D. Bethune Duffield (page images at MOA)
q The Lawyer in the School-Room by Michael McN. Walsh (page images at MOA) q The Laxdaela Saga, trans. by Muriel Press
r PDF at In Parentheses
q Lay Morals, and Other Papers by Robert Louis Stevenson (Gutenberg text)
q The Lay of the Cid, trans. by R. Selden Rose and Leonard Bacon (HTML at OMACL) q The Lay of the Land by Dallas Lore Sharp (HTML at LOC)
q The Lay of the Last Minstrel by Walter Scott (HTML at GeoCities)
q The Layman's Breviary: or Meditations for Every Day in the Year by Leopold Schefer, trans. by
Charles T. Brooks (page images at MOA)
q Lays and Legends by Edith Nesbit (HTML at Indiana)
q Lays for the Sabbath: A Collection of Religious Poetry (1860 edition), ed. by Emily Taylor and
John Pierpont (illustrated HTML and SGML at Michigan)
q Lays of Ancient Rome by Thomas Macaulay (Gutenberg text)
q Lays of Canada and Other Poems (Montreal: J. Lovell, 1890) by Duncan Anderson (page images
q Lazarus by Leonid Andreyev, trans. by Abraham Yarmolinsky (illustrated HTML at Virginia) q The Lazy Tour of Two Idle Apprentices by Charles Dickens (Gutenberg text)
q Le Morte D'Arthur (modern English edition) by Thomas Malory
r volume 1: HTML at Virginia
r volume 2: HTML at Virginia
q Le Morte D'Arthur (middle English edition) by Thomas Malory (HTML at Michigan) q Lead in the Americas: A Call for Action, ed. by Christopher P. Howson, Mauricio
Hernandez-Avila, and David P. Rall (page images at NAP)
q The Leadership Passion: A Psychology of Ideology by David Loye (page images at q Leaflets of the Ball Room (HTML and page images at LOC)
q The Leaning Tower of Babel and Other Affronts from the Underground Grammarian by Richard
Mitchell (HTML at
q A Lear of the Steppes, and Other Stories by Ivan Turgenev, trans. by Constance Garnett (HTML at
Eldritch Press)
q A Learned Discourse of Justification, Works, and how the Foundation of Faith is Overthrown by
Richard Hooker (text at CCEL)
q Learning, Remembering, Believing: Enhancing Human Performance, ed. by Daniel Druckman and
Robert A. Bjork (page images and partial HTML at NAP)
q Learning from Experience: Evaluating Early Childhood Demonstration Programs, ed. by Jeffrey
R. Travers and Richard J. Light (page images at NAP)
q Learning Lessons in the American Expeditionary Forces by Kenneth Earl Hamburger (HTML at
US Army CMH)
q Learning to Change: Opportunities to Improve the Performance of Smaller Manufacturers by

National Research Council Manufacturing Studies Board (page images at NAP) q Learning to Predict Climate Variations Associated with El Nino and the Southern Oscillation by
National Research Council Board of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate (page images at NAP) q Leave None to Tell the Story: Genocide in Rwanda by Alison Liebhafsky Des Forges (HTML at
q Leaven for Doughfaces: or, Threescore and Ten Parables Touching Slavery by Darius Lyman
(page images at MOA)
q The Leavenworth Case: A Lawyer's Story by Anna Katharine Green (HTML at q Leaves From Australian Forests by Henry Kendall (illustrated HTML at SETIS) q Leaves From the Backwoods (1861) by Mrs. Harry Coghill (page images at q Leaves from the Diary of an Army Surgeon by Thomas T. Ellis (page images at MOA) q Leaves of Grass (deathbed edition of 1891-92) by Walt Whitman
r frame-dependent HTML at Virginia
r simpler HTML at Virginia
q Leaves of Grass (1881-82 edition) by Walt Whitman
r frame-dependent HTML with commentary at Virginia
r simpler HTML at Virginia
q Leaves of Grass (1855 edition, with commentary) by Walt Whitman (SGML and partial HTML at
q Leaves of Grass (based on post-1855 editions) by Walt Whitman
r HTML at Bartleby
r Gutenberg text
q Lebanon: A Country Study, ed. by Thomas Collelo (HTML at LOC)
q Lectio Divina and the Practice of Teresian Prayer by Sam Anthony Morello (HTML in Austria) q A Lecture on Physical Development, and Its Relations to Mental and Spiritual Development by
Samuel Robert Calthrop (page images at MOA)
q Lecture on the Duties and Relations of Parents, Teachers and Pupils by Charles Davies (page
images at MOA)
q Lectures Introductory to the Theory of Functions of Two Complex Variables by Andrew Russell
Forsyth (frame- and JavaScript-dependent page images at Cornell)
q Lectures on Art, and Poems by Washington Allston (page images at MOA)
q Lectures on Calvinism by Abraham Kuyper (HTML at
q Lectures on Elementary Mathematics by J. L. Lagrange (frame- and JavaScript-dependent page
images at Cornell)
q Lectures on Fundamental Concepts of Algebra and Geometry by John Wesley Young (frame- and
JavaScript-dependent page images at Cornell)
q Lectures on Moral Science by Mark Hopkins (page images at MOA)
q Lectures on Quaternions by William Rowan Hamilton (frame- and JavaScript-dependent page
images at Cornell)
q Lectures on Revivals by Edward Norris Kirk (page images at MOA)
q Lectures on Revivals of Religion by Charles Finney (text files at CCEL)
q Lectures on Ten British Mathematicians of the Nineteenth Century by Alexander Macfarlane
(frame- and JavaScript-dependent page images at Cornell)
q Lectures on the Calculus of Variations (the Weierstrassian Theory) by Harris Hancock (frame- and
JavaScript-dependent page images at Cornell)
q Lectures on the Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces by Andrew Russell Forsyth (frameand JavaScript-dependent page images at Cornell)
q Lectures on the Early History of Institutions by Henry Sumner Maine (text files at McMaster) q Lectures on the Evidence of Christianity, Delivered in Philadelphia by Alonzo Potter (page images
at MOA)
q Lectures on the Evidences of Christianity by Mark Hopkins (page images at MOA) q Lectures on the Evidences of Christianity in the Nineteenth Century by Albert Barnes (page
images at MOA)
q Lectures on the French Revolution by John Acton, ed. by John Neville Figgis and Reginald Vere
Laurence (PDF at McMaster)
q Lectures on the Ikosahedron and the Solution of Equations of the Fifth Degree by Felix Klein
(frame- and JavaScript-dependent page images at Cornell)
q Lectures on The Industrial Revolution in England by Arnold Toynbee (text at McMaster) q Lectures on the Pantheistic Idea of an Impersonal-Substance-Deity, As Contrasted with the
Christian Faith concerning Almighty God
by Morgan Dix (page images at MOA) q Lectures on the Philosophy and Practice of Slavery, As Exhibited in the Institution of Domestic
Slavery in the United States
by William Andrew Smith (page images at MOA) q Lectures on the Present Position of Catholics in England, Addressed to the Brothers of the Oratory
in the Summer of 1851 (London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1908)
by John Henry Newman
(HTML at
q Lectures on the Theory of Elliptic Functions by Harris Hancock (frame- and JavaScript-dependent
page images at Cornell)
q Lectures on the Theory of Functions of Real Variables by James Pierpont
r volume 1: frame- and JavaScript-dependent page images at Cornell