The On -Line Books Page Complete List by Title by - HTML preview

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q A Top-Floor Idyl by George Van Schaick (HTML at Naked Word)
q Topics by Aristotle, trans. by W. A. Pickard-Cambridge (HTML at Internet Classics) q Topics of Jurisprudence Connected with Conditions of Freedom and Bondage by John Codman

Hurd (page images at MOA)
q A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome by Samuel Ball Platner (page images at Chicago) q Topography of Washington's Camp of 1780 and Its Neighborhood by Emory McClintock (HTML



q Torches Together: The Beginning and Early Years of the Bruderhof Communities (delisted: on-line version withdrawn by publisher) by Emmy Arnold

q Tornado Alley by Philip Paradis (HTML at CAPA)
q The Torrents of Spring by Ivan Turgenev, trans. by Constance Garnett (HTML at Eldritch Press) q Torture in Russia: "This Man-Made Hell" by Amnesty International (HTML at

q The Total Freedom Trap: Scientology, Dianetics and L. Ron Hubbard (second edition) by Jon

Atack (HTML at CMU)
q Touching Incidents and Remarkable Answers to Prayer by S. B. Shaw (HTML and RTF at CCEL) q Touching Incidents in the Life and Labors of a Pioneer on the Pacific Coast Since 1853 by Joseph

Wilkinson Hines (HTML at LOC)
q The Touchstone by Edith Wharton (Gutenberg text)
q Tounghoo Women: Ladies, Will You Approve or Condemn? by Ellen Huntly Bullard Mason

(page images at MOA)
q A Tour From the City of New-York, to Detroit, in the Michigan Territory, Made Between the 2d
of May and the 22d of September, 1818
by William Darby (HTML and page images at LOC) q A Tour on the Prairies by Washington Irving (HTML at Naked Word)
q Tour Through the Eastern Counties of England by Daniel Defoe (Gutenberg text) q A Tour Through the Island of Mann in 1797 and 1798 by John Feltham (HTML at Manx Note
q A Tour Through the Isle of Man, To Which is Subjoined a Review of the Manks History by David
Robertson (HTML at Manx Note Book)
q The Tourist's Guide through the Empire State by Mrs. S. S. Colt (page images at MOA) q Tourist's Guide to the Upper Mississippi River by John Disturnell (page images at MOA) q Toward a Coordinated Spatial Data Infrastructure for the Nation by National Research Council
Mapping Science Committee (page images at NAP)
q Toward a New Central Europe: A Symposium on the Problems of the Danubian Nations, ed. by
Francis S. Wagner (HTML at
q Toward a New National Weather Service by National Research Council Commission on
Engineering and Technical Systems (page images at NAP)
q Toward a New National Weather Service: Assessment of NEXRAD Coverage and Associated
Weather Services
by National Research Council Commission on Engineering and Technical
Systems (page images at NAP)
q Toward a New Science of Instruction by Kate Maloy (HTML at
q Toward Equal Rights for Men and Women by Ethel M. Smith (illustrated HTML at LOC) q Toward Healthful Diets by National Research Council Food and Nutrition Board (HTML at
q Toward the Gulf by Edgar Lee Masters (page images at MOA)
q The Town Down the River: A Book of Poems by Edwin Arlington Robinson (HTML and SGML
at Michigan)
q The Town Traveller by George Gissing (HTML in Japan)
q The Towneley Plays, ed. by George England (HTML at Virginia)
q Toxicity Testing: Strategies to Determine Needs and Priorities by National Research Council
Board on Toxicology and Environmental Health Hazards (page images at NAP) q Toxicological and Performance Aspects of Oxygenated Motor Vehicle Fuels by National Research
Council Board on Environmental Studies and Toxicology (page images at NAP) q Toxicology and Environmental Health Information Resources: The Role of the National Library of
, ed. by Catharyn T. Liverman, Carrie E. Ingalls, Carolyn E. Fulco, and Howard M.
Kipen (page images at NAP)
q The Toys of Peace, and Other Papers by Hector Hugh (Saki) Munro
q The Trachiniae by Sophocles, trans. by Richard C. Jebb (HTML at Internet Classics) q Tracking the White Salamander: The Story of Mark Hofmann, Murder, and Forged Mormon
by Jerald Tanner (HTML with commentary at
q Tracking Toxic Substances at Industrial Facilities: Engineering Mass Balance Versus Materials
by National Research Council Board on Environmental Studies and Toxicology (page
images at NAP)
q Tracks and Trails: or, Incidents in the Life of a Minnesota Territorial Pioneer by Nathan Dally
(HTML and page images at LOC)
q Tracks of a Rolling Stone by Henry John Coke (Gutenberg text)
q A Tract for the Soldier (Raleigh: civil war era) by J. A. Proctor (HTML and TEI at UNC) q A Tract on the Addition of Elliptic and Hyper-Elliptic Integrals by Michael Roberts (frame- and

JavaScript-dependent page images at Cornell)
q Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus (delisted at request of provider) by Ludwig Wittgenstein q The Trade Union Woman by Alice Henry (illustrated HTML at LOC)
q Trader Horn by Alfred Aloysius Horn, ed. by Ethelreda Lewis (illustrated HTML at GeoCities) q Traditions of the Chilcotin Indians (1900) by Livingston Farrand (page images at q The Tragedie of Antonie by Robert Garnier, trans. by Mary Sidney Herbert Pembroke (HTML at

Renascence Editions)
q Tragedy and Enlightenment: Athenian Political Thought and the Dilemmas of Modernity
(Berkeley: University of California Press, 1997)
by Christopher Rocco (HTML at UC Press) q The Tragedy of Jane Shore (London: Printed for Bernard Lintott, 1714) by Nicholas Rowe (frameand cookie-dependent page images here at Penn)
q The Tragedy of Pudd'nhead Wilson by Mark Twain
r HTML with commentary at
r text at Wiretap
q The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus (1616 quarto) by Christopher Marlowe (Gutenberg text) q The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus (1604 quarto) by Christopher Marlowe r Gutenberg text with footnotes
r Gutenberg text
q The Trail of Blood by James Milton Carroll (HTML at AOL)
q The Trail of the Goldseekers by Hamlin Garland (page images at MOA)
q The Trail of the Loup: Being a History of the Loup River Region, With Some Chapters on the
State (1906)
by H. W. Foght (illustrated HTML at
q The Trail of the White Mule by B. M. Bower (Gutenberg text)
q Trails of a Paintbrush by Nicholas R. Brewer (HTML and page images at LOC) q Train Wreckers Betrayed: or, Bob Brooks in Kansas (HTML at Gaslight)
q Training for Mountain and Winter Warfare by Thomas P. Govan (HTML at US Army CMH) q The Training of the Twelve by Alexander Balmain Bruce (HTML at CCEL)
q A Tramp Abroad by Mark Twain
r HTML at Colorado
r text at Wiretap
q The Trampling of the Lilies by Rafael Sabatini (Gutenberg text; unofficial until 31 Aug 2001) q The Transcendental Hotel: Poems for a False Millenium by Anthony Weir (HTML in the UK) q Transforming Natural Resources for Human Development: a Resource Systems Framework for
Development Policy
by Kenneth Ruddle and Dennis A. Rondinelli (HTML at UNU Press) q The Transition to Stable Employment: The Experience of U.S. Youth in Their Early Labor Market

Career by Jacob A. Klerman and Lynn A. Karoly (PDF files at


q A Translation of Nine of the Most Fashionable Quadrilles, Consisting of Fifty French Country Dances, As Performed in England and Scotland by Barclay Dun (HTML and page images at LOC) q A Translation of the Sixth Book of Mr. Cowley's Plantarum by Abraham Cowley (HTML at

q Translations from the Greek Christian Poets., trans. by Elizabeth Barrett Browning (HTML at
q Transparencies and Projections by Halvard Johnson (HTML at CAPA)
q Transylvania and the Theory of Daco-Roman-Rumanian Continuity, ed. by Louis L. Lôte (HTML
q Transylvania: The Roots of Ethnic Conflict, ed. by John F. Cadzow, Andrew Ludanyi, and Louis J.
Elteto (HTML at
q Trapped in the Net: The Unanticipated Consequences of Computerization by Gene I. Rochlin
(HTML at Princeton)
q A Traveler's Narrative Written to Illustrate the Episode of the Bab by 'Abdu'l-Bahá (HTML at
q The Traveller's and Tourist's guide Through the United States of America, Canada, etc. (1851) by
Wellington Williams (page images at MOA)
q A Traveller from Altruria (original magazine edition) by William Dean Howells (illustrated
HTML at Gonzaga)
q Travels from St. Petersburg, in Russia, to Diverse Parts of Asia (1763) by John Bell r volume 1: page images at LOC
r volume 2: page images at LOC
q Travels in Alaska by John Muir (illustrated HTML at Sierra Club)
q Travels in England During the Reign of Queen Elizabeth; and Fragmenta Regalia by Paul
Hentzner and Robert Naunton (Gutenberg text)
q Travels in the Interior of America, in the Years 1809, 1810, and 1811 by John Bradbury (HTML at
q Travels in the United States, Etc., During 1849 and 1850 by Emmeline Stuart-Wortley (page
images at MOA)
q The Travels of Dean Mahomet: An Eighteenth-Century Journey through India by Dean Mahomet,
ed. by Michael H. Fisher (HTML at UC Press)
q The Travels of Sir John Mandeville by John Mandeville (Gutenberg text)
q Travels Through France and Italy by Tobias Smollett (Gutenberg text; unofficial until 30 Sep
q Travels with a Donkey in the Cevennes by Robert Louis Stevenson (Gutenberg text) q Travels With Jottings by Edward D. Holton (HTML at LOC)
q Travels with Samantha by Philip Greenspun (HTML at MIT, with color photos) q Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson, illust. by N. C. Wyeth (illustrated HTML at
q Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson
r HTML at Virginia
r searchable HTML at Bibliomania
r text at Wiretap
q Treasure Island (with notes and study guide; New York: Charles E. Merrill Co., c1909) by Robert
Louis Stevenson, ed. by Franklin T. Baker (illustrated HTML at q The Treasure of Heaven by Marie Corelli (HTML at Indiana)
q The Treasure of Nugget Mountain by Karl Friedrich May, ed. by Marion Ames Taggart (HTML in
q A Treasure of War Poetry: British and American Poems of the World War, 1914-1917, ed. by
George Herbert Clarke (HTML at GeoCities)
q The Treasures of Terpsichore: or, A Companion for the Ballroom by Thomas Wilson (HTML and
page images at LOC)
q The Treasury of David by C. H. Spurgeon (HTML at
q A Treatise Concerning The Causes of the Magnificency and Greatness of Cities by Giovanni
Botero, trans. by Robert Peterson (text at McMaster)
q A Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge by George Berkeley (text at English
q A Treatise Divided Into Three Parts, Touching the Inconveniences, That the Importation of
Tobacco out of Spain, Hath Brought Into This Land
by Edward Bennett (HTML at Renascence
q A Treatise of Human Nature by David Hume (HTML at McMaster)
q A Treatise of Taxes and Contributions by William Petty (text at McMaster)
q A Treatise of the Canker of Englands Common Wealth by Gerard de Malynes (PDF at McMaster) q A Treatise of the Fear of God by John Bunyan (text at
q A Treatise on Algebra by Charles Smith (frame- and JavaScript-dependent page images at Cornell) q A Treatise on Differential Equations by Andrew Russell Forsyth (frame- and JavaScript-dependent
page images at Cornell)
q A Treatise on Differential Equations, and on the Calculus of Finite Differences by J. Hymers
(frame- and JavaScript-dependent page images at Cornell)
q A Treatise on Linear Differential Equations by Thomas Craig (frame- and JavaScript-dependent
page images at Cornell)
q A Treatise on Pedagogy for Young Teachers by Edwin C. Hewett (HTML at

q A Treatise on Plane Co-ordinate Geometry As Applied to the Straight Line and the Conic Sections (1881 edition) by I. Todhunter (frame- and JavaScript-dependent page images at Cornell)

q A Treatise on Projective Geometry by George William Jones (frame- and JavaScript-dependent page images at Cornell)
q A Treatise on Sanctification by George Junkin (page images at MOA)

q A Treatise on Some New Geometrical Methods by James Booth