The On -Line Books Page Complete List by Title by - HTML preview

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Volumes (based on editions by New York: G. Putnam's Sons, 1907-1921) , ed. by Adolphus William Ward, Alfred Rayney Waller, William Peterfield Trent, John Erskine, Stuart Pratt Sherman, and Carl Van Doren (HTML at Bartleby)

q Cameroon: Blatant Disregard for Human Rights by Amnesty International (HTML at q Camille (La Dame Aux Camelias) by Alexandre Dumas (Gutenberg text)

q Camp-Fire and Cotton-Field: Southern Adventure in Time of War by Thomas Wallace Knox (page images at MOA)
q Camp Life in Florida by Charles Hallock (page images at MOA)

q A Campaign in New Mexico with Colonel Doniphan by Frank S. Edwards (HTML at Kansas) q The Campaign Text Book (1876 edition) by Democratic National Committee (page images at

q Camping Out in California by Mrs. Jacob Barzilla Rideout (HTML at LOC)
q Camps and Firesides of the Revolution, ed. by Albert Bushnell Hart and Mabel Hill (illustrated

HTML at Virginia)
q Can a Saved Man Choose to be Lost? by Joe Crews (HTML at q Can Such Things Be? by Ambrose Bierce

r HTML at Virginia
r text at Wiretap
q Can You Forgive Her? by Anthony Trollope (HTML at Virginia)
q Canada's System of Justice (1993) by Canada (HTML in Canada)

q Canada, Historical and Descriptive, From Sea to Sea (Toronto : W. Bryce, 1888) by Graeme

Mercer Adam (page images at
q Canada and the Canadians (London: H. Colburn, 1849) by Richard Henry Bonnycastle r volume I: page images at
r volume II: page images at

q Canada in Memoriam, 1812-14: Her Duty in the Erection of Monuments in Memory of Her Distinguished Sons and Daughters (Welland, Ont.: Telegraph, 1891) by Sarah Anne Curzon (page images at

q Canada Labour Code by Canada (frame-dependent HTML in Canada)


q Canada Labour Code, Part 1, Review: Seeking A Balance by Human Resources Development

Canada (HTML in Canada)
q Canada West and the Hudson's-Bay Company: A Political and Humane Question of Vital
Importance to the Honour of Great Britain, to the Prosperity of Canada and to the Existence of the
Native Tribes (London, 1856)
by Aborigines Protection Society (page images at q Canada: a Descriptive Poem, Written At Quebec, 1805: With Satires, Imitations, and Sonnets
by Cornwall Bayley (page images at

q Canada: Present and Future: A Patriotic Poem (c.1889) by Robert Awde (page images at
q Canada: Why We Live in It, and Why We Like It (London: Parker, Son, and Bourn, 1861) by Mrs. Edward Copleston (page images at
q The Canadas, As They At Present Commend Themselves to the Enterprize of Emigrants, Colonists, and Capitalists (London: E. Wilson, 1832) by Andrew Picken, contrib. by John Galt (page images at
q The Canadas in 1841 (London: H. Colburn, 1841-1842) by Richard Henry Bonnycastle r volume I: page images at

r volume II: page images at
q Canadian Archaeology (1864) by Stanley Clark Bagg (page images at q The Canadian Biographical Dictionary and Portrait Gallery of Eminent and Self-Made Men

r Ontario volume: page images at


r Quebec and Maritimes Volume: page images at


q The Canadian Birthday Book, With Poetical Selections for Everyday in the Year From Canadian Writers, English and French (Toronto: C.B. Robinson, 1887), ed. by Susie Frances Harrison (page images at


q The Canadian Dominion: A Chronicle of Our Northern Neighbor by Oscar D. Skelton (Gutenberg

text; unofficial until 30 Sep 2001)
q The Canadian Girl, or, The Pirate of the Lakes by Mary E. Bennett (page images at q A Canadian Heroine, a Novel (London: Tinsley, 1873) by Mrs. Harry Coghill

r volume I: page images at
r volume II: page images at
r volume III: page images at

q The Canadian Information Highway: Building Canada's Information and Communications Infrastructure by Industry Canada (text in Canada)

q The Canadian North-West : Speech Delivered At Winnipeg By His Excellency the Marquis of Lorne, Governor General of Canada, After His Tour Through Manitoba and the North-West During the Summer of 1881 (Ottawa, 1881) by John Douglas Sutherland Campbell Duke of Argyll (page images at

q The Canadian Parliamentary Companion, 1883-1897 (Ottawa: J. Durie, 1883), ed. by John Alexander Gemmill

r 1883: page images at
r 1885: page images at
r 1887: page images at
r 1889: page images at
r 1891: page images at
r 1897: page images at

q The Canadian Portrait Gallery (Toronto : J.B. Magurn, 1880-1881) by John Charles Dent r volume I: page images at
r volume II: page images at
r volume III: page images at
r volume IV: page images at

q Canal Reminiscences: Recollections of Travel in the Old Days on the James River and Kanawha Canal by George William Bagby (HTML and TEI at UNC)

q Candide (in English and French) by Voltaire (frame-dependent HTML at ELF) q Candide by Voltaire (HTML in the UK)
q The Candle and the Flame by George Sylvester Viereck (HTML and SGML at Michigan) q A Candle is Lighted by Philippa Stewart Craig (text at EWTN)
q Cannibals All! or, Slaves Without Masters by George Fitzhugh (HTML and TEI at UNC) q Cannon Fodder: Growing Up for Vietnam by Phillip Coleman (HTML at AOL)

q Canoe and Boat Building: A Complete Manual for Amateurs (9th edition, 1903) by William Picard

Stephens (HTML at
q A Canoe Voyage Up the Minnay Sotor (2 vols.) by George William Featherstonhaugh (HTML and
page images at LOC)
q Canoeing with the Cree by Arnold Eric Sevareid (page images and HTML at LOC) q The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer
r HTML at
r text at Wiretap
q The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer, ed. by Arthur Burrell (searchable HTML at
q The Canterbury Tales (in Middle English, with glossary) by Geoffrey Chaucer, ed. by Sinan
Kökbugur (frame-dependent HTML at
q The Canterbury Tales (multiple editions, with commentary) by Geoffrey Chaucer
(frame-dependent HTML at
q The Canterbury Tales and Other Poems of Geoffrey Chaucer, Edited for Popular Perusal by
Geoffrey Chaucer, ed. by David Laing Purves (Gutenberg text; unofficial until 30 Nov 2000) q The Canterbury Tales: Fifteenth-Century Continuations and Additions, ed. by John M. Bowers
(HTML at Rochester)
q The Canterville Ghost by Oscar Wilde (HTML at Bibliomania)
q Cape Cod by Henry David Thoreau (HTML at Thoreau Reader)
q Capital and Interest by Eugen Bohm-Bawerk, trans. by William Smart (text files at McMaster) q Capitalism Plus Dope Equals Genocide by Michael Tabor (frame-dependent page images at MSU) q Capt. Thomas E. King, or, A Word to the Army and the Country (Charleston, S.C.: South Carolina
Tract Society, 1864)
by Joseph Clay Stiles (HTML and TEI at UNC)
q Captain Blood by Rafael Sabatini (Gutenberg text)
q Captain Fracasse by Theophile Gautier (Gutenberg text)
q The Captain of the Polestar and Other Tales by Arthur Conan Doyle (illustrated HTML at
q Captain Salt in Oz by Ruth Plumly Thompson (text at
q Captains Courageous by Rudyard Kipling (Gutenberg text)
q Captains of the Civil War: A Chronicle of the Blue and Gray by William Charles Henry Wood
(Gutenberg text; unofficial until 31 May 2001)
q The Captives of Abb's Valley by James Moore Brown (page images at q Captured by the Indians: Reminiscences of Pioneer Life in Minnesota by Wilhelmina Buce
Carrigan (HTML and page images at LOC)
q Caraboo: A Narrative of a Singular Imposition by John Matthew Gutch (HTML with commentary
q Caravan by Stephen Goldin (page images at
q Carcinogens and Anticarcinogens in the Human Diet: A Comparison of Naturally Occurring and
Synthetic Substances
by National Research Council Board on Environmental Studies and
Toxicology (page images at NAP)
q Careers in Science and Engineering: A Student Planning Guide to Grad School and Beyond (1996
by Engineering, and Public Policy Committee on Science (HTML and page images at
q Careers in Science and Technology: An International Perspective by National Research Council

Office of Scientific and Engineering Personnel and National Research Council Office of International Affairs (page images at NAP)

q Cariadoc's Miscellany by David Friedman and Elizabeth Cook (HTML at q Caring for America's Children, ed. by Anne Meadows (page images at NAP)
q The Carissima: A Modern Grotesque by Lucas Malet (HTML at Indiana)
q Carmelite Mysticism: Historical Sketches by Titus Brandsma (HTML at q Carmen by Prosper Merimee, trans. by Mary Lloyd (Gutenberg text; unofficial until 31 Jan 2001) q Carmilla by Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu (HTML here at Penn)

q Carmina by Gaius Valerius Catullus, trans. by Richard Burton (HTML with commentary at Perseus)


q Carnival: The First Panel, 1967-70 (with additional published outtakes) by Steve McCaffery (page images at

q Cartier's Practical Illustrated Waltz Instructor, Ball Room Guide, and Call Book (1882) by Cartier (HTML and page images at LOC)
q Cartier and Baron's Practical Illustrated Waltz Instructor, Ball Room Guide, and Call Book (1879) by Cartier and Samuel Baron (HTML and page images at LOC)
q Cartier and Hochelaga: Maisonneuve and Ville-Marie : Two Historic Poems of Montreal (Montreal: W. Drysdale & Co., 1895) by Walter Norton Evans (page images at

q Case and His Cotemporaries, Or, The Canadian Itinerants' Memorial, Constituting a Biographical History of Methodism in Canada, From Its Introduction Into the Province, Till the Death of the Rev. Wm. Case in 1855 (Toronto: Wesleyan & Methodist Conference Offices, 1867-1877) by John Carroll

r volume I: page images at
r volume II: page images at
r volume III: page images at
r volume IV: page images at
r volume V: page images at

q The Case Book of Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle (HTML in Australia; NO US

q The Case of Bilingual Education Strategies, ed. by Michael M. Meyer and Stephen E. Fienberg
(preliminary HTML at
q The Case of Henry Ward Beecher by Benjamin F. Tracy (page images at MOA) q The Case of Jennie Brice by Mary Roberts Rinehart (illustrated HTML at Celebration of Women
q The Case of Sacco and Vanzetti in Cartoons from The Daily Worker by Fred Ellis
(frame-dependent page images at MSU)
q The Case of Sindh: G.M. Sayed's Deposition for the Court by Saeen G. M. Syed (HTML at
q Cases of Habeas Corpus, Decided by the Supreme Court of North Carolina, at the June Term, 1863
by North Carolina Supreme Court (HTML and TEI at UNC)
q The Cash Boy by Horatio Alger (illustrated HTML at Virginia)
q Cashing In: A Guide to Money, Votes, and Public Policy in the 104th Congress by Nancy
Watzman, James Youngclaus, and Jennifer Shecter (HTML at q The Cask of Amontillado by Edgar Allan Poe (HTML at Michigan)
q Cassiodorus by James J. O'Donnell (HTML here at Penn)
q Cast Out for the Cross of Christ by Albion F. Ballenger (text files at q Cast Upon the Breakers by Horatio Alger (Gutenberg text)
q A Castle in Spain: A Novel (London: Chatto and Windus, 1884) by James De Mille (page images
q The Castle of Otranto by Horace Walpole (Gutenberg text)
q The Castle of Wolfenbach by Eliza Parsons
r volume I: HTML at
r volume II: HTML at
q Castle Rackrent: An Hibernian Tale by Maria Edgeworth
r HTML at Celebration of Women Writers
r Gutenberg text
q Cat Poems by Douglas Clark (HTML in the UK)
q Cataloging Internet Resources: A Manual and Practical Guide (second edition), ed. by Nancy B.
Olson (HTML at OCLC)
q Catalogue