The On -Line Books Page Complete List by Title by - HTML preview

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q Fires of Driftwood by Isabel Ecclestone Mackay, illust. by J. E. H. Macdonald (illustrated HTML at Celebration of Women Writers)
q First Across the Continent: The Story of The Exploring Expedition of Lewis and Clark in 1804-5-6 by Noah Brooks
r illustrated HTML at Virginia

r Gutenberg text

q First Among Equals: The Selection of NASA Space Science Experiments by John E. Naugle (HTML at NASA)
q The First and Second Books of Discipline by Church of Scotland (HTML at Still Waters)

q The First Annniversary of the Government under His Highness the Lord Protector by Andrew

Marvell (HTML at GeoCities)
q First Apology by Justin Martyr (HTML at CCEL)
q The First Blast of the Trumpet Against the Monstrous Regiment of Women by John Knox (HTML

with commentary at Still Waters)
q A First Book in American History: With Special Reference to the Lives and Deeds of Great
Americans (New York : American Book Company, c1889)
by Edward Eggleston (page images at

q First Book in Composition, Applying the Principles of Grammar to the Art of Composing: Also,
Giving Full Directions for Punctuation; Especially Designed for the Use of Southern Schools
(Raleigh: Branson, Farrar & Co., 1863)
by Levi Branson (HTML and TEI at UNC) q The First Book of Freelance Graphics for Windows by James G. Meade (page images at
q The First Book of Urizen by William Blake (HTML at
q The First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany by Mary Baker Eddy
r Part 1: HTML at
r Part 2: HTML at
r Part 3: HTML at
r Part 4: HTML at
q The First Dixie Reader, Designed to Follow the Dixie Primer (Raleigh: Branson, Farrar & Co.,
by Marinda Branson Moore (HTML and TEI at UNC)
q A First Family of Tasajara by Bret Harte (Gutenberg text; unofficial until 31 Jul 2001) q The First Flight Across the Atlantic, May, 1919 by Ted Wilbur (PDF files at q First Lessons in Gentleness and Truth by Adelia C. Graves (page images at MOA) q First Lessons in Language; or, Elements of English Grammar (New York: Daniel Burgees & Co.,
1855, c1853)
by David Bates Tower and Benjamin F. Tweed (page images at Pitt) q First Lessons in Numbers: Oral and Written (Boston: Leach, Shewell, and Sanborn, c1881) by
Henry B. Maglathlin (page images at Pitt)
q First Light: An Anthology of Paraguayan Women Writers, ed. by Susan Smith Nash (HTML at
q The First Men in the Moon by H. G. Wells (Gutenberg text)
q First Offensive: The Marine Campaign for Guadalcanal by Henry I. Shaw (illustrated HTML at
q First Principles by Herbert Spencer (HTML at McMaster; 1 MB)
q First Principles of Ethics by James Tift Champlin (page images at MOA)
q The First Principles of Knowledge by John Rickaby (HTML at Notre Dame)
q The First Six Books of the Elements of Euclid, and Propositions I.-XXI. of Book XI., and an
Appendix on the Cylinder, Sphere, Cone, Etc., With Copious Annotations and Numerous
Exercises (Dublin: Hodges, Figgis and Co., 1885)
by Euclid and John Casey (frame- and
JavaScript-dependent frame- and JavaScript-dependent page images at Cornell) q First Things (partial serial archives)
q Fish or Cut Bait!: The Case for Individual Transferable Quotas in the Salmon Fishery of British
, ed. by Laura Jones and Michael Walker (illustrated HTML at Fraser Institute)

q Fisherman's Luck and Some Other Uncertain Things (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1913) by Henry Van Dyke (illustrated HTML at
q Fisherman's Luck and Some Other Uncertain Things by Henry Van Dyke (Gutenberg text)

q Fishes of North Dakota by North Dakota Game and Fish Department (illustrated HTML at USGS) q Fishing Vessel Safety: Blueprint for a National Program by National Research Council Marine

Board (page images at NAP)
q Fit to Print by Alan Halsey and Karen Mac Cormack (page images at q Five Acres Too Much by Robert Barnwell Roosevelt (page images at MOA)
q Five Books of the Lives, Heroic Deeds and Sayings of Gargantua and Pantagruel by Francois

Rabelais, trans. by Thomas Urquhart and Peter Anthony Motteux (Gutenberg text) q Five Children and It by Edith Nesbit
r illustrated HTML at Indiana
r text at OBI

q Five Little Peppers and How They Grew by Margaret Sidney (Gutenberg text; unofficial until 31

Aug 2001)
q Five Months' Fine Weather in Canada, Western U.S., and Mexico (1889) by Mrs. E. H. Carbutt
(page images at
q Five Plays by Edward (Lord) Dunsany (zipped text at
q The Five Points of Calvinism by R. L. Dabney (annotated HTML at
q The Five Points of Calvinism by Herman Hanko, Homer Hoeksema, and Gise J. Van Buren
(HTML at
q The Five Points of Christian Reconstruction from the Lips of Our Lord by Mark Duncan (HTML
q Five Sixteenth-Century Latin Plays, trans. by C. C. Love (HTML at Toronto)
q Five Tales by John Galsworthy (Gutenberg text; unofficial until 30 Jun 2001)
q Five Thousand Miles Underground, or, The Mystery of the Centre of the Earth by Roy Rockwood
(HTML at Naked Word)
q Five Views of the Island of St. Helena (London, 1815) by William Innes Pocock (HTML at
q Five Years in Minnesota by J. Maurice Farrar (HTML and page images at q Five Years in Texas: or, What You Did Not Hear During the War from January 1861 to January
by Thomas North (page images at MOA)
q Five Years in the Alleghanies by Jonathan Cross (page images at MOA)
q The Flag-Raising by Kate Douglas Wiggin (Gutenberg text; unofficial until 30 Sep 2000) q Flame and Shadow by Sara Teasdale
r HTML and SGML at Michigan

q The Flamingo Feather by Kirk Munroe (HTML at Naked Word)
q Flatland (second edition) by Edwin A. Abbott
r illustrated HTML at Eldritch Press
r Gutenberg text with ASCII illustrations
q Flaw and Order by David Barnhardt and Lisa Barnhardt (HTML at Chalidze Publications) q The Fleet and Convoy, and Other Verses by George Gordon McCrae (HTML at SETIS)

q Flight to the Future: Human Factors in Air Traffic Control, ed. by Christoper D. Wickens, Anne S.

Mavor, and James P. McGee (page images and partial HTML at NAP)
q Flint and Feather: The Complete Poems of E. Pauline Johnson (Tekahionwake) by Emily Pauline
Johnson (HTML at Toronto)
q The Flirt by Booth Tarkington (illustrated HTML at Virginia)
q Flood Risk Management and the American River Basin: An Evaluation by National Research
Council Water Science and Technology Board (page images at NAP)
q Floral Home by Harriet E. Bishop
r HTML and page images at LOC
r page images at MOA
q Florida: Its Scenery, Climate, and History by Sidney Lanier (page images at MOA) q Florizel and Perdita (adaptation of The Winter's Tale) by David Garrick and William Shakespeare
(HTML at
q The Floure and the Leafe, The Assemblie of Ladies, and The Isle of Ladies, ed. by Derek Pearsall,
contrib. by Geoffrey Chaucer (HTML at Rochester)
q Flower Fables by Louisa May Alcott (Gutenberg text)
q The Flower of the Mind (1893; with Later Poems) by Alice Meynell (Gutenberg text) q A Flowering Tree and Other Oral Tales from India by A. K. Ramanujan, ed. by Stuart Blackburn
and Alan Dundes (HTML at UC Press)
q Flowers and Fruits from the Wilderness: or, Thirty-Six Years in Texas and Two Winters in
by Z. N. Morrell (page images at MOA)
q Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid-Base Regulation by Jack L. Keyes (page images at q Fluid Replacement and Heat Stress by Institute of Medicine (page images at NAP) q The Flush Times of Alabama and Mississippi: A Series of Sketches by Joseph Glover Baldwin r illustrated HTML and TEI at UNC
r page images at MOA
q The Fly in Your Eye (with drawings by Janet Baxter) by Jim Heath (HTML at q The Flying Islands of the Night by James Whitcomb Riley (page images at MOA) q Flying Machines: Construction and Operation by William J. Jackman and Thomas H. Russell r HTML at
r illustrated HTML at Virginia
r Gutenberg text
q The Flying U's Last Stand by B. M. Bower (Gutenberg text)
q Flying U Ranch by B. M. Bower (Gutenberg text)
q Focusing on the Emotions of Daily Life: A Guide for Their Maintenance by Ilan Shalif r HTML at
r text at; 400k
q Foggerty's Fairy (with commentary) by William S. Gilbert (Word, PDF, and text at q The Folk-Lore of the Isle of Man by Arthur William Moore (illustrated HTML at Manx Note
q Folk Stories From Southern Nigeria, West Africa by Elphinstone Dayrell, contrib. by Andrew
Lang (HTML at
q Folklife and Fieldwork: A Layman's Introduction to Field Techniques (1990 edition) by Peter
Bartis (HTML at LOC)
q Folklife Resources in the Library of Congress (revised edition) by Timothy Lloyd and Hillary
Glatt (HTML at LOC)
q Folklife Sourcebook: A Directory of Folklife Resources in the United States (1997 edition) by
Peter Bartis (HTML at LOC)
q Folle-Farine by Ouida (HTML at Indiana; 1.3 MB)
q Follow the Lamb by Horatius Bonar (HTML at
q Following the Money: U.S. Finance in the World Economy by Anne Y. Kester (page images and
partial HTML at NAP)
q Food Aid Projections for the Decade of the 1990s by National Research Council Board on Science
and Technology for International Development (HTML at NAP)
q Food and Drug Administration Advisory Committees, ed. by Richard A. Rettig, Laurence E.
Earley, and Richard A. Merrill (page images at NAP)
q Food and Energy: Strategies for Sustainable Development by Ignacy Sachs and Dana Silk (HTML
at UNU Press)
q Food Composition Data: A User's Perspective, ed. by William M. Rand, Carol T. Windham,
Bonita W. Wyse, and Vernon R. Young (HTML at UNU Press)
q Food Price Policies and Nutrition in Latin America, ed. by Giorgio Solimano and Lance Taylor
(HTML at UNU Press)
q The Foolish Dictionary by Gideon Wurdz
r illustrated HTML at

q The Foolish Virgin by Thomas Dixon
r illustrated HTML at Virginia
r Gutenberg text

q A Footnote to History: Eight Years of Trouble in Samoa by Robert Louis Stevenson r Gutenberg text
r HTML at

q For-Giving: A Feminist Criticism of Exchange by Genevieve Vaughan (illustrated HTML at
q For Greater Things: The Story of Saint Stanislaus Kostka by William T. Kane (Gutenberg text; unofficial until 28 Feb 2001)
q For Justice and Peace by Wives of the Hollywood Ten (frame-dependent page images at MSU)

q For the Furthur Improvement of Dancing by Raoul-Auger Feuillet, trans. by John Essex (HTML and page images at LOC)
q For the Land and the Lord: Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel by Ian S. Lustick (HTML here at Penn)
q For the People by Henry Reed (page images at MOA)

q For the Public Good: Highlights from the Institute of Medicine, 1970-1995 by Institute of

Medicine (page images at NAP)
q For the Record: Protecting Electronic Health Information by National Research Council Computer
Science and Telecommunications Board (HTML and page images at NAP)
q For the Term of His Natural Life by Marcus Andrew Hislop Clarke (HTML at SETIS) q For Your Sweet Sake: Poems by James E. McGirt (HTML and SGML at Michigan) q Forces Shaping the U.S. Academic Engineering Research Enterprise by National Academy of
Engineering (page images at NAP)
q Foreign and Foreign-Born Engineers in the United States: Infusing Talent, Raising Issues by

National Research Council Office of Scientific and Engineering Personnel (preliminary HTML at


q Foreign Missions: Their Relations and Claims by Rufus Anderson (page images at MOA) q Foreign Participation in U.S. Research and Development: Asset or Liability?, ed. by Proctor P.

Reid and Alan Schriesheim (page images at NAP)
q Forest Buds, From the Woods of Maine by Elizabeth Akers Allen (page images at MOA) q Forest Ecosystem Health in the Southwest, ed. by Cathy W. Dahms and Brian W. Geils (illustrated