The Ultimate Free Traffic Blueprint by Dan King - HTML preview

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You can have someone else do it for you.

That is, you can use a service to manage your affiliate program offsite.

The service would be in charge of paying affiliates.

Now, I’m gonna make this simple for you: I’m gonna recommend that you go with Option #2 and “have someone else do it for you”.

Specifically, I’m gonna recommend® simply because it is an easy, turnkey solution that is the best option for 90% of the clients I work with.

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Hot Content Publishing

The Ultimate Free Traffic Blueprint

Note: If you would prefer to use another vendor or “do it yourself”, then please feel free to do so. Everything I’ll explain in the remainder of this course will work regardless of how you choose to setup your affiliate program.

For our purposes,®is my recommendation for a variety of reasons.

1. Firstly, because I personally use them. I’ve been using their service for years, and thousands of other marketers use them, I feel very comfortable recommending them.

2. Secondly, because of what they offer. They have the affiliate program infrastructure in place which provides affiliate links, offers tracking, processes and fulfills order, pays your affiliates on your behalf and sends you a check twice per month. It’s a total solution. So, that’s why we’re going to go with Clickbank during this training.

Now, setting up your account with Clickbank is a relatively simple process.

Everything is explained at their site –

 How to open an account with them.

 How to setup things in order to sell through them.

 How to use your affiliate program admin panel.

 How to check your sales stats.

 How to create payment links.

 How to get listed in their affiliate network.

 How to add products to sell.

 How to test the order process.

There’s really no point in me trying to explain something they’ve already taken years to fine-tune at their own site, so I’m gonna hand off to them.

If you don’t already have an affiliate program in place, then visit their site to setup

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Hot Content Publishing

The Ultimate Free Traffic Blueprint

your account. There is a one-time signup fee to get started. At the time of this writing, the fee is $49.95.

So, by setting up Clickbank®, you’ll have your affiliate program actually in

“working order” ready to begin.

You can normally have a Clickbank account approved within 48-72 hours. So, I encourage you to get that in the works before you proceed so it can be in the process of being established while you’re working your way through the remainder of the course.

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Hot Content Publishing

The Ultimate Free Traffic Blueprint

Step #2: A – ASSEMBLE Tools

That is, you’ll want to create an affiliate center to equip, educate and enlighten your team for success in promoting your product line.

Listen to me carefully –

There is no better long-term strategy for your affiliate program than the

practice of developing an ever-growing affiliate center.

I can personally attest that the affiliate programs which have stayed around the longest during the last half dozen years, the ones that are considered “Five Star”, the ones that continue to produce stellar sales and loyal affiliates are the ones which devote themselves to developing their affiliate centers.

Let me share a little secret with you. If you just breeze by this and don’t give it the proper attention due, then it won’t mean anything to you. But, if you let my words sink in here, this is going to permanently change your business approach and success from this point out.

If you really want someone to point to ONE THING that you need to do in order to make a lot of money online; if you really want someone to point to ONE THING

that will significantly increase your profit; if you really want someone to point to ONE THING that should be your priority among all the “tactics” that are being promoted to your inbox on a daily basis;

If you really want that then...

It’s all about the affiliate center.

You educate and equip your affiliates with what they need to make money and they’ll do it. And they’ll keep doing it for as long as you keep educating and equipping them.

This affiliate center should be the #1 priority of your traffic generation efforts simply because your affiliates can take care of your marketing for you if you provide them with the tools and training they need.

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Hot Content Publishing

The Ultimate Free Traffic Blueprint

Got it?

For the remainder of this step, I’m going to talk about developing your affiliate center. As I make my way through this step, I’m going to give you some great information that will make all the difference in the future success of your affiliate program.

Also, it should be known this isn’t stuff I just pretend, it’s stuff I practice!

Now, if you really want to explode your affiliate program sales, you have to use what I have dubbed Affiliate C4TM.

As you probably know, C4 is a military grade plastic explosive.

Well, I refer to the 4 elements of a great affiliate center for your program as

“Affiliate C4TM”. And if you use it, you’ll definitely ignite some explosive sales from your affiliate team!

So, let’s talk about Affiliate C4TM.

Affiliate C4TM #1: Creatives.

Affiliate C4TM #1 is “Creatives”. That is, you should develop “marketing materials” for your affiliates – both content to distribute and advertisements to publicize.

Let’s talk about these for a few minutes. First, let’s talk about “content”.

There is a long list of “kinds” of content you’ll want to provide your affiliates with to distribute.

Things like –

 Articles

 E-books

 Reports

 Mini-Courses

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Hot Content Publishing

The Ultimate Free Traffic Blueprint

 Blog Posts

 Quick Tips

 Interviews

 Bonuses

 Follow-Up Sequences

 Audio Files

 Videos

 Surveys

 Compact Discs

 Tele-seminars

 Ongoing Series

For example, let’s say I wanted to give out a report that my affiliates could rebrand.

Here are some of some things I would make sure I include for my affiliates. . .