The Ultimate Free Traffic Blueprint by Dan King - HTML preview

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Join available partner networks.

You’ll also want to consider joining one or more of the available “joint venture partner networks”. There are a growing number of these networks whose primary purpose is –

To connect partners for promotion.

The concept is simple: members are made up of persons interested in promoting offers related to their own market. As a member, you post your offer and those

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Hot Content Publishing

The Ultimate Free Traffic Blueprint

who want to participate do so.

Of these partner networks, there are both free and paid groups available. Just a few include...

You can find others by searching for “JV network” and “joint venture network” at

10. Buy advertisements in affiliate newsletters.

Look for high quality affiliate newsletters (Ex. and purchase classified ads (and/or solo mailings, if available) in these publications to advertise your affiliate program.

Don’t be afraid to spend money to make money!

Think about this –

Let’s suppose you pay $100.00 for an ad in one of these affiliate newsletters. All you’d need to get out of it is ONE quality affiliate to make more than that back from their referrals!

And the results are incredibly fast. While posting at forums, etc. is a great way to get new affiliates, they can take some time. By purchasing ad space in newsletters, you can see results on the same day the publication is released.

To find quality affiliate newsletters to advertise in, consider these four suggestions...