The Ultimate Free Traffic Blueprint by Dan King - HTML preview

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Make improvements based on suggestions.

One of the most difficult things I’ve ever had to learn is that I’m not perfect and there will be many people – both friends and foes – who will let me know about my inability to measure up.

Now, let me back up just a second and explain what I mean by that.

I’m not arrogant or ignorant ... I KNOW for a fact that I’m indeed not perfect. I’m nowhere near perfect, that’s why I need Jesus. ☺

But, at the same time, for years I struggled with accepting criticism about any part of my business. To be honest, it’s still a struggle, but at least now I’m able to recognize the importance of constructive criticism.

Constructive criticism allows you to make improvements; to make changes that better yourself or, in this case, your affiliate program.

So, instead of taking offense when someone suggests something about your affiliate program that could be improved, take action.

 If an affiliate tells you that your instructions are unclear, then

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Hot Content Publishing

The Ultimate Free Traffic Blueprint

make them clearer.

 If an affiliate tells you that you don’t have enough articles, then add more articles.

 If an affiliate tells you that you need a better way of notifying them because they aren’t receiving your emails, then find a better way.

Now, understand that some people are just nuts and their “advice” isn’t logical, let alone practical. I’m not talking about jumping through hoops to make every single affiliate happy.

I’m talking about identifying suggestions that are relevant and repeated – and making improvements to your program based on useful feedback.

Warning: Don’t underestimate the impact this can have on your business. Take away obstacles and frustration that are hindering your affiliates from being participants and you’ll see an increase in activity.

And don’t wait for your affiliates to contact you – get proactive and you contact them! Ask your affiliates to tell you what they think about your program – how to improve it.

Want to know what the best possible question to ask them in regards to critiquing your affiliate program is? Here it is ...

If you could recommend ONE change to the affiliate program in order to

make it better, what would that change be?

In most cases, there will be one thing that immediately comes to mind. And, you’ll find that more affiliates will give you feedback because it’s simple. Instead of spending time analyzing your affiliate program, they can quickly identify something that’s been troubling them.