The Ultimate Free Traffic Blueprint by Dan King - HTML preview

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Secondly, think about the aftereffect here. When your arrangement with the partner has concluded, the sales you’ve generated are just the icing on the cake. Think of the list you’ll now have built. Think of the affiliate team you’ll now have in place. Think of the credibility you’ll have gained. Think of the position you’ll have created. All of these things are the real benefit because you’ll be able to profit from them many times over for years to come.

So, one of the things you can do to not only indirectly recruit affiliates, but also to directly build your business, is to find an established business owner and bring him or her in as your equal partner.

I’m telling you the truth, this ONE idea is worth more than the cost for this entire course and can, literally, be worth a fortune to you if you put it into practice. You can thank me later. ☺

Okay, the final way to recruit affiliates indirectly that I want to mention is –