The YouTube Catalyst by The Moral Blogger - HTML preview

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Part 4 - Finding a Key-Phrase

This is, to many marketers, the very worse bit about this IM

malarkey! But it has to be done.

First, we need keywords to drop into the article, so now I'll go and

get the ones I feel may be able to rank from Google suggest.

The program ‘Epic Soccer’ won’t really be any use to us, there are

thousands of videos and webpages with that keyword so in this case

we would really have to go to town to try and rank for that

keyword. We’ll choose a different, easier keyword for this example.

With the recent Google Hummingbird update, things are changing how keywords are looked at. You are more likely to stand a better

chance of ranking with a key ‘phrase’.

If your content is relevant enough, Google will pick up what your

article is all about.

You will only need to slip in a handful of key-phrases that you wish

to rank for and add other relevant key-phrases to the content for

Google to understand what your web page is all about.

No need to keyword stuff, you will likely end up with a penalization.

So, with that in mind we have to think what someone would type

into the search box if they want an answer to their query, in our

case – ‘to be a better soccer player’ – so maybe they would type

in ‘how to become a better soccer player

Here, we go to the Google search engine and type in a key-phrase.

As you can see below, the Google suggest feature almost filled out

the entire phrase for me!

This means someone out there in the real world has typed this

phrase out. Good Stuff!


As you can see there are people searching for this search-phrase

and plenty of others key-phrases too.

Google doesn’t make these phrases up; they are real phrases

people have historically searched for.

How to become a better soccer player’ is a decent phrase that

someone would type in as a query, they probably want to improve

their soccer skills.

Let’s look at the search volume in the Keyword Planner for that

term. This is not always accurate and I only use it to see if there are

at least 100 people searching for a particular phrase.

You have to be signed into your Google AdWords account to use the Keyword Planner, so go do that now.

Once in, Click on the ‘Tools’ section and then ‘Keyword Planner

Click on the ‘Search for new keyword and ad groups’ section, as




Then put your keyword or key-phrase in the box.

Don’t worry about the other boxes, we just want an idea if the key-

phrase is being searched for. Click ‘Get Ideas

Then click the ‘Keyword Ideas’ tab to bring up the results.



Our phrase does have a search volume, albeit quite low at 390, but

at least it is a phrase being searched for.

Now let’s look at YouTube to see how many videos we will have to

compete against with this relevant key-phrase.

Put the phrase in and see what comes up.

81,900, but none with the exact key-phrase in the top 4, but I did

notice one with the exact phrase at number 8, but it’s 3 years old,

had 53,000 views, and to be honest, is not very informative.

Someone looking for a way to become a better soccer player wouldn’t take much notice of it.

Now, 81,900 results for our relevant phrase is a lot, but with a bit of

optimizing and a few backlinks we ‘may’ be able to rank our video

for our phrase.

If you start thinking, oh jeez, I won’t be able to compete with those

numbers, you may as well give this Internet Marketing Malarkey up!

It’s about testing, testing, testing until something works.

I’ve picked a fairly competitive niche to try and rank for, and

perhaps should have gone for something a little easier, but I must

remind you that this is just a guide and is an example of how I use

a website and video to rank affiliate products.

You may well have a much easier product to promote, but if you

don’t try…you can’t win.

I will now spend an hour or two writing my article for the website

using related keywords and key-phrases for the Epic Soccer


I will use several relative keywords and fit in the ‘How To Become

A Better Soccer Player’ phrase into that article a couple of times.

Don’t go too overboard with this article; it’s only really a back-up for

our video. But we might as well do a little optimizing for the search

engines and a bit of selling…it doesn’t hurt.

Before we do that, we need to set up our cloaked link from that ugly

Hoplink to a Pretty Link. It only takes a minute.

Go to your dashboard and click the ‘Pretty Link Lite’ text to the

bottom left.

Follow the red arrows on the picture below.



Then click create. You will see the page below next. All you have to

do is hover you mouse over the new link and right click to copy it to

your clipboard and paste it into notepad for use in your article.

(just to be sure, paste the new link into your browser first, then go click the checkout button…scroll down and you should see your

Clickbank ID like this [affiliate = YOUR-ID ])

OK, I’ve written the article and placed a few links back to the Epic

Soccer offer as well as a couple of authority links. The authority

links do help with SEO as long as they are relative to your page.

I’ve also uploaded a few pics from the Epic Soccer website and a

Creative Commons pic of Mr Messi and attributed it at the bottom.

There’s no real need for too much SEO here, unless you want to.

I’ve merely used the key-phrase ‘How to become a better soccer

player’ about 6 times; I’ve used it once in a H2 header, and put in

around 6 relevant soccer key-phrases such as ‘how to become a

better soccer player’, ‘become a better soccer player’, ‘epic soccer

training’, ‘improve Soccer Skills’, ‘improve soccer ball control’, but mainly I’ve just talked about soccer training which is what the page

is all about.

When you’ve written your page, go down to the SEO part and just

fill it out relevant to your page content.



Check for spelling errors in the main content, scatter a few pics

around, insert the product image with your affiliate link as well as

linking to the product by text and add a couple of links to authority

pages…and there you have it…page done.

You can see this page here


Don’t forget to publish your page!

What we need to do now is put this page onto our menu. So, back

to the dashboard and ‘Appearance’ and ‘Menus’.



Then change the name to your product, then click ‘Save Menu

You will now have another tab on your website…go and check :)

You’ve come a long way! You now have content on your website

with affiliate links to a product. We can now close and log out of Wordpress because we won’t need it until we get the link from our

video to add to the Epic Soccer review page.

Part 5 – YouTube Video Optimization

Now….for the final part of this epic journey! Lol!

Actually, I’m being a bit thorough…this can all be done in half a day

when you get the hang of it. I’m just making sure to not cut any


On to YouTube…Yay!

Well, almost. First we need to write an article about the product

we’re promoting for the YouTube description and it needs to be

different from the one you did for the website!

This needs to be around 400-500 words with your affiliate link to

the offer inside the content.

Use lots of relevant key-phrases in this, with a few keywords at the

bottom after the article.

You will also place a link to your YouTube video after we have uploaded it.

So, I will open notepad and write an article with keywords, key-

phrases and links for the YouTube description of the product.

Once done, save the notepad file (how many times have I forgot to

do this, then lost all the content!)

You will be able to see the finished article in the video below.

Now we are almost ready to upload our video to YouTube, but

there’s one more little thing we need to do to that video.

Find the icon of your video wherever you saved it. Right click it and then click the Details tab.

Fill in the first 5 fields with keywords and key-phrases, don’t go

overboard, just a few will do. Then give the video 5-stars and ‘Click

Apply’ and ‘OK’. Example below.

This may not give your video a lot more power, if any, but it’s worth doing as it only take a minute.


OK, time to upload that video.

Go to and sign in to your account (if you haven’t already) and click the ‘Upload’ button.

Find your video, then go ahead and upload it.

Whilst your video is uploading, fill in the ‘Title’, ‘Description’

(pasting your saved notepad article you did earlier) and fill out the


NB. You will need to write out the full address for your links in the description, including the http:// bit to make the links clickable.

The tabs are your keywords that need to be entered with a comma

after each one.




If you go over the limit of tabs, a notice will pop up to say you have

‘too many tags’. I usually limit mine to 14 good keywords or


Click the ‘Customised Button’ and find your saved thumbnail

image we did earlier (you did do that…right? )

Once uploaded, we now want to add our clickable video link!



Click the Blue URL Link to your video at the top and you will see the video come up in another tab. Now click the ‘Annotations’


You will see a big blue notice at the top of your account that asks if

you want to include ‘External Links’ in your videos. Click Enable.

It will give you a nice ‘Success’ notice.

We now need to log-out and log-in again for the magic to work; it’s

something weird that happens to me all the time!

Now back to the ‘Annotations’. You can get right back to it by

clicking the ‘Video Manager’ in your YouTube account and then

clicking ‘Edit’ under your video.

Now, Click:

Add Annotation, then Add Spotlight:

Fast Forward the video to where you want the annotation to start

and end.

You can drag the little box to you’re desired place in the video.



Next, Drag the white square in the video and make it stretch to

the size of your ‘Call To Action’.

Next put a tick in the Link box, then choose ‘Associated Website

from the drop down list.

Add your Pretty Link Affiliate Link in here.

Click Publish

Hooray! You now have a clickable link inside your video that sends

visitors to your website or directly to your offer! Cool!

You may choose to send the visitor to your website first to further

pre-sell them, and then link out from there to your offer.

Or you just might link out to your offer.

Please make sure your network, and affiliates, allow you to do this,

as some do not.

Amazon strictly Does Not Allow links from videos and you stand a

chance of getting your Amazon Associates account banned if they

find out!

One last thing is to put your Video URL into your ‘Description’ to add a bit more juice.

So go back to edit the description and add the video URL

somewhere near the bottom and save.

Now copy your video URL and sign out of YouTube and Google.

Put your video URL into the address bar, enter, watch your video

and check to see if everything works (it should).

Make sure your description looks good; all your links work in the

description and most importantly check to see if the CTA works

inside your video.

If it all looks good, congratulate yourself…you deserve it!

If something is wrong, just go over it again, you may have missed a

little snippet along the way.

If everything seems fine but it’s still not working, contact me on the

Moral Blogger website and I’ll see what’s up.


Now, to get ranking with the video we need to do some linking, but

for now, let’s take a break!

Part 6 – Simple Backlinking

The video is already at number 7 in YouTube for the phrase “How

to become a better soccer player” and Number one for the full

title (but it would be because no one has the exact same long title)

Some simple backlinking of our video is coming up that’s needed to

push it up further for more key phrases.

First of all, link the video by text on your website offer page.

Like your video and share it to your G+ account.

Then, if you have Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Pinterest

accounts, share your video there.

If you have another blog (say a blogger blog) link to the video from


Make a RebelMouse and Slideshare page, and if you are using

PotPieGirls Reverse Attack Marketing strategy, use it to set up a

few RAM campaigns.

To really give it a push, use a Fiverr gig to bookmark your video

with a ton of social sharing sites.

For Example:


And maybe some views and likes to boost confidence in viewers.


There are quite a few of these Fiverr gigs around, just make sure

you use ‘Top Rated’ gigs and read their reviews.

Personally, I don’t involve my videos in a ton of backlinks from

Fiverr gigs. Linkwheels and Pyramids may even harm your video

and website.

This has killed many websites in the Google search engine; it will

only be a matter of time before videos get the same treatment.

After all, YouTube is owned by Google.

Final Words

So there you have it. This guide is very thorough, but there are still

things you can do to enhance your websites and videos.

In many ways, this is just a basic guide, but I wanted to go

through everything slowly and there are a ton of short cuts I could have made…but you will find these out as you get more used to

Internet Marketing.

For now, this guide will get you so far ahead of many, many

marketers out there who just don’t do these things.

Some video marketers think cranking out 30 second videos and just

a few slides is the answer. They hold no value, show no enterprise

and are seen as spam. As I said before, Google will come down on

them like a ton of bricks in the not too distant future.

That sort of marketing worked fantastically a few years ago, and to

be honest, it’s working now, if a less effectively. But if you’re serious

about making money long term, it isn’t the way to go.

Besides all of that, you should enjoy Internet Marketing. You should

give out value with at least a bit of thought to the potential


The example video may be short but the info inside the description

and on the website has been written with care and a little personal

input goes a long way.

The video and website give a heads-up to someone looking to get

help, and that’s what searchers, and Google, want.

What they don’t want is spammy little videos and webpages full of

links. OK, some people will be naïve enough to click their links, but

at the end of the day, if you’re doing marketing that way, you will

be caught out. It’s not a proper business either.

(Mini Rant over!)

In this guide you have learned:

- How to build a Wordpress Site

- How to Install a WP Theme

- How to Install Plug-ins

- Make an Optimized Review Page

- Verified you own your site with Google

- Opened a Google Analytics and - Webmaster Account

- Opened an Adwords Account

- Verified Your YouTube Account

- Associated a Website with your Google Account

- Chose a Clickbank product to promote

- Found a good Keyword or Key-phrase with Keyword Planner

- Got a Clickbank Link and Cloaked it

- Downloaded a video from a Website

- Made a ‘Call to Action’ image for a Video

- Optimized a Video

- Uploaded a Video to YouTube

- Linked to an Offer from inside a Video

- Backlinked a Campaign

Now we've done all that, we could improve the YouTube channel

with channel art, make a playlist, link to other videos, rename our

channel, build more videos etc. etc.

We could get really aggressive with backlinking and throw

thousands of links to the video. It may work; then again, you could

lose all your hard work. It’s a gamble.

The important thing is that we can promote almost anything with a

website and video.

Having these two in place gives you a head start (a huge lead!) with

many other online marketers.

I can bet you there are thousands of marketers out there that

wouldn’t know the first thing about what you’ve just learned. Think

about that for a second.

All Done!

Congratulations on getting through this guide, yes it is a bit long-

winded in places, but as you can see…it all works!

Keep popping back to the Moral Blogger website and keep an eye out for some great content emails that will include some of the best

website tools you can get for free.

I will also be giving the ‘Heads-Up’ on what works and what doesn’t.

What to trust in Internet Marketing (and what not to!) and also any

new strategies I come across that could benefit you.

If you haven’t subscribed yet, why not go here and do it.

Thank you for reading The YouTube Catalyst guide, it just leaves me

to share some of the resources I mentioned in the guide.

Happy Marketing!

The Moral Blogger


Free Video Capture

Free Screen Capture Software (SnapDraw)

Free Image Editors

Video Downloader Add-On


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