Three No BS Ways To Six Figures Online by Aaron Kearney - HTML preview

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Part 3: Facebook Marketing

Employing Mark Zuckerberg’s Powerhouse. . . . . 50

Making Money Off Facebook.......................51

Bonus: Approved Resources


We currently live in a very connected world. With the advent of the internet our lives have drastically changed as everyone is now online. And where the people go... the money goes.

You’re currently reading this eBook because you’re interested in how you can make money online. And you’ve made a good choice because in this eBook I’m going to explain multiple ways through which you can achieve online stardom.

An internet based business model is one of the easiest businesses to set up, and with little to no overheads and the potential to reach a global audience, internet marketing is one of the best ways to free yourself from the shackles of a 9-5 job and become financially independent.. and free.

With internet marketing you can work anywhere in the world so long as there is an internet connection. Want to take a working vacation to Vietnam, China, Italy, Austria or Canada? If you succeed at making money online you will have the time and money to be able to travel to all of these places.

With internet marketing, if you are successful, you will literally make money while you sleep. Going to the gym? Making money. Enjoying a massage?

Making money. Afternoon nap? Yep, you’ve guessed it...

However, despite what some online marketing gurus may tell you, there are no get-rich quick schemes when it comes to making money off the internet.

It can take a lot of time before you’ll start seeing a decent income because first you have to learn all the ropes. Luckily for you though, I have distilled all the knowledge I have learnt into this eBook... it is virtually a blueprint for success.

If you want to succeed online, first you must develop the right mindset.

• You must be prepared to work long hours on your own whilst making little to no income.

• You must be prepared to invest the necessary money into the various services and programs that you will use.

• You must be prepared to give everything, 100% towards reaching your ultimate goal -becoming financially independent...and free.



“Formal education wil make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune.” – Jim Rohn

Take a look at some of the most successful people in the world: Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg, Sir Richard Branson, Lord Alan Sugar, Simon Cowell.

What one thing do all of these entrepreneurs have in common? No university degree.

Instead, they started their own businesses. Everyone tells us that a degree is vital for our success. This is simply not true. A degree is indeed necessary if you want a job. But why would you even want a job when you can be self-employed and live life on your terms.

The cold hard truth is that you are not guaranteed a job or career after obtaining your degree. A degree is one of the most expensive investments you will make... and there is no guarantee of a good return on that investment.

Unless you want to be a Professor, Teacher, Lawyer, Doctor, Scientist or other highly technical fields, university is not necessary for success.

I strongly believe in the value of entrepreneurship and the freedom that it provides. Being an entrepreneur means being your own boss and deciding where you work, how you work and how often you work. If you have a job at the top of the corporate chain with a six or seven figure salary then that would no doubt be acceptable! But for most people, if you work for a boss then chances are you are underpaid...the reality is that you are nothing more than a wage slave. You are working to put money in your boss’s pocket. He keeps the lion’s share of the profits, you get the scraps. Sounds like a pretty shit deal doesn’t it?

If you’re reading this eBook, perhaps you want to...

• Provide for your family

• Quit your job

• Travel the world


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Well the good news is this... if you succeed at making money online you will be able to do all of these things. Because of the nature of the internet there are no limits on what you can earn...the only limits are your own.

Use this eBook to help you create your very own online business. The earning potential on the internet is unprecedented and very scalable. You can literally make millions online if you set your mind to it and many people have (Exhibit

A) (Exhibit B). The more work you put in, the more benefits you wil reap. It’s as simple as that.

So really all you have to do is follow the simple strategies outlined in this eBook, put in the work, and you will be well on your way to becoming financially independent.

With this eBook you have the power to change your life. All you need to do is act on it.

To your success,

P.S. Make sure you check out the approved resources section after you’ve finished reading the book. There are loads of quality sources in there to enhance your learning and make you a stronger, brighter and more successful person.

Affiliate Disclosure: Some of the links included in this eBook are indeed affiliate links and I do receive a commission per sale. Thank you!

Note: If you want to join my email list head on over to Six Figures Success, and sign up there for awesome emails detailing the latest strategies and tactics to make money online. Also, feel free to share my website with your friends to help them succeed too. Cheers and thanks for reading!


Part 1: Affiliate Marketing

The Lowdown

No doubt if you’ve been in the money making business online for a while then you’ve certainly heard of the term “Affiliate Marketing”.

On the other hand if you’re a total newb and haven’t got a clue what it is then don’t worry because I’m going to give you the full lowdown on Affiliate Marketing.

Affiliate marketing is basically where you sell someone else’s stuff and in return you receive a commission. For example if I sold a Star Wars Lightsaber for $30 and the commission rate was 10% I would receive $3 per sale. Now that’s not much but if you sel 100 that’s $300 right there.

Commission rates generally range from 4% up to 50%, but you can also receive larger commissions through networks such as Clickbank which offer up to 75%

commission rates! So if you managed to sell a product costing $100 and the commission rate is 75%, you’ll make $75 per sale, if you sel 100 thats $7500.

Now that’s what I’m talking about!

Starting off as an affiliate marketer is a piece of cake – simply find an affiliate program that you want to join and sign up.

Generally the link to join a websites affiliate program is found at the bottom of the page, for example check out the ThinkGeek website and see if you can spot their “Affiliates” link.

Loads of websites tend to have their own affiliate programs, so next time you’re on one of your favourite sites, check out and see if you can become an affiliate for them and start making some money off your interest.

Out of the various programs out there, one of the most popular is the Amazon Associates Program. They are very newbie friendly and offer over a million products for you to promote so it’s a good place to start.

Note: For the vast majority of Affiliate Programs, you must own a website before you wil be accepted. If you don’t own a site or just don’t know how, don’t worry I’ll get to that later.


Here are some of the top Affiliate Programs/Networks you can join:

Amazon Associates


CJ Affiliate by Conversant





So how do I make a sale?

By promoting your affiliate links. For example, here is an affiliate link to a cool Amazon product: Clear Bottom Kayak

You see, if you click on that link and buy the product, I will receive a commission. The various affiliate programs you join will provide you with links for all kinds of different products so you can choose exactly which products you want to promote.

There are tonnes of ways to promote your affiliate links e.g. through Forums, Blogs, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and so on, but one way of making steady money with Affiliate Marketing is through building niche websites.

Niche Websites

These are simple websites setup for the single purpose of selling products in your niche, getting commissions and getting paid. Niche websites mainly rely on the power of Google to direct traffic to the site. If your website is on the first page of Google for your niche then you will receive a crowd of targeted visitors each and every day. It goes without saying that getting your site to the first page of Google for its search terms should be your main goal!

The good thing about niche websites is that once you’ve put in the work and got them ranking, they will make you commissions forever, so do not underestimate the power of building niche websites, and indeed the vast majority of successful Internet Marketers include niche websites as a part of their business strategy.


Just keep in mind that it can take anywhere from a couple of months at the earliest, all the way up to a year at the latest before your website becomes profitable. Now this might seem like a lot of work but working a 9-5 job until you’re 65 seems a lot more work to me than putting a lot of effort into one niche site which if successful enough will allow you to quit your job for good.

Niche sites require consistent work to get to the top of Google and in front of your market. Consider your niche sites to be long-term assets; they are not good for making money in the short term, only in the long run. So if you’re expecting instant results through niche websites, you’re going to be disappointed. Anything worth doing takes time, effort and patience.

For beginners it is best to focus on just one site until you get the hang of it. You will probably make some mistakes along the way. However, you should view these mistakes as a learning experience and be positive about your failures, and if you keep at it you’ll eventually become a master at creating these websites.

Once you get good at building niche websites you should move on to building multiple sites at the same time, try 5 if you’ve got the skil s! This maximizes your earning potential and it makes sense to divide your time between different niches instead of spending all of your time on one site only for it to fail.

Take a moment here to imagine you had 5 niche websites each netting you $2000 a month... that’s $120,000 a year on autopilot!

What’s very important when it comes to websites is the theme: having a good website theme is essential to success – you can get a few of these from Elegant Themes. They offer numerous high-quality themes which are among the best in the world, and with 881,346 customers and growing, Elegant themes

provides the best themes with plenty of editing features so you can truly make your website what you want it to be!

Click Here to check out Elegant Themes.

So really, all you need is a good theme that does most of the work for you. You don’t have to pay for one, that is optional, there are plenty of good free themes out there but just keep in mind that paid themes are superior to free 6

themes in their design, ease of use, special features and frankly, they just look much better.

Case Studies

I believe that case studies are one of the best ways to learn in this business and whether you are a beginner or an advanced marketer everyone learns something from case studies.

27 Niche Website

Examples & Case Studies

– tips to make money


These are some of the best case studies I have seen online because they walk you through the entire process from beginning to end and are very transparent about their strategies and tactics for masterminding their site to the top of Google. The sites contained in these case studies are making anywhere from a $1000 all the way up to $20,000 per month so I highly recommend that you check them out.

The case study I would personally recommend that you look at first is: Case


Smart Passive Income is also a great website for affiliate marketers and making money online and I recommend you spend some time reading some of the other posts on the site.


What is a niche?

A niche is basically a specific market which you target, for example, a niche I could create a website about is Gadgets (This is just an example, I don’t recommend creating a website based on this niche for beginners as it is super-competitive).

Your niche can be as broad as you want e.g. Healthy Eating, or as narrow as you want e.g. the Paleolithic diet. Note that broader niches tend to have higher competition, and narrower niches typically have lower competition. However, broader niches tend to be the most profitable as more people are searching for them on Google, whereas narrower niches have less people searching for them so they are less profitable. But because of the lack of competition you can make a lot of money off narrow niches. It also depends on the type of product that you are selling; you will receive more money for commissions in niches such as jewellery or luxury travel.

Examples of profitable niches

I’m going to throw out some possible niches that you could base a website on here just to give you a few ideas:

• Astral Projection

• E – Cigarettes

• Wine Decanters

• Massage Chairs

• Fountain Pens

Here’s a good post on the subject:

Choosing a killer niche

Picking the right niche is of utmost importance. The niche you pick decides how much money you will make. If you pick the wrong niche then your website is practically doomed from the start. A good tactic for beginners and advanced marketers alike is to pick obscure niches that are not well known. This means 8

less competition which makes your job of getting your site to the first page of Google that much easier.

So a killer niche should satisfy the following criteria:

1. There is low competition in Google.

2. There is a good amount of searches for the niche each month.

3. There are products available for you to promote.

Note: For certain niches that are informational e.g. basketball drills, if there is only one product for you to promote i.e. a basketball skills product, it is acceptable for you to create a website around this topic. You do not ALWAYS

need to have a niche with loads of different products available for you to promote. It really just depends on your niche.

One great place for getting ideas for a niche website is Amazon. To do this, all you have to do is click on this link, it takes you to Amazon’s Bestsellers section.

It’s here that we can see the most popular products on Amazon at this time, and this is very important as the products that people are actually buying are exactly the type of products that we want to promote.

On the left hand side we can see all of the different ‘Departments’ that Amazon features, so if you wanted to view the Bestsellers for ‘Electronics’, all you have to do is click on it, then after that you can narrow down your niche, so if you were interested in ‘Car Electronics’ you could click on that to see more. Here we can see general Car Electronics, but we even have the option to narrow down our niche a second time! Let’s say you were interested in ‘Car Safety & Security’, this is a possible niche you could target. You can even specify further but that depends on how narrow you want your niche to be, just keep in mind that the narrower, the less competition there is but also less searches in Google. However, a niche this narrow can often turn out to be your best choice due to the lack of competition, especially for beginners, for example, a niche about car ‘Alarm Systems’ could potentially work. But it’s completely up to you.

Simply explore around Amazon’s Bestsellers section and come up with half a dozen or so of possible niches that you could base a website on, type them down and then you’re ready to move on!


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Doing your Niche Homework

The Google Keyword Planner is excellent for determining the competition of a niche, roughly how many searches your niche is getting a month, and the various keywords associated with the niche that you can target.

To access the Google Keyword Planner simply create a Google account or sign into one if you already have one. Skip the various prompts Google gives you until your account is set up. Then, just select the ‘tools’ menu option and then

‘Keyword Planner’. Then select ‘Search for new keywords using a phrase, website or category’. For example, if my niche was about ‘Magic tricks’, I simply type in ‘Magic tricks’ and click the ‘Get ideas’ button.

Then, to view the amount of searches each month ‘Magic tricks’ receives, along with related keywords, I just select ‘keyword ideas’. For this niche, it receives 135,000 searches each month so there’s plenty of people interested in this niche! As you can see there are also quite a lot of searches for the different keywords or phrases.

Concerning the appropriate amount of searches, anywhere between 2000-100,000 searches a month is a good range for your main keywords i.e. ‘Magic Tricks’ (which had 135,000) but for newbies you should aim for anywhere from 2000-50,000. For the relevant keywords like the ones above, anywhere from 500+ is a good number of searches. So creating a niche website about Magic Tricks could certainly be very profitable for you! The only problem is that when 10

you type in ‘Magic Tricks’ into Google, there’s 19,500,000 results, so it’s probably just too competitive for a newbie to tackle. But if you’ve got the skil s, go for it!

To target each of the keywords, all I would have to do is make posts on my website and include the keywords in the titles, for example, “The Top 10 Card Tricks You Didn’t Know!” or “How To Do Magic”.

Choosing the wrong niche

An example of a terrible niche is Bog Snorkelling. Whilst this niche has extremely low competition, virtually nobody is searching for it and what’s more, there are barely any products available for you to promote.

It’s important in finding the right balance between competition and searches.

There has to be enough people searching for your niche each month in order for you to make any profit from it.

Do not pick a niche that is too competitive or else you are just wasting your time. Do a simple Google search for your niche and see how many pages of related websites are listed in your niche. For example, if your niche was Golf Tips and you did a Google search, you will see that pages and pages of authority websites have already been established in this niche, these are your competitors. Clearly this niche will be a hard nut to crack and is not recommended for beginners. On the other hand, something like Netball Tips has far less competition, namely because Netball is a far less popular sport than Golf.

If you Google search your niche and there are millions and millions of results then this is a sure sign that your niche is just too competitive. On the other hand, if there are only hundreds of thousands of pages to several million, this is indicative that this niche is not that competitive.

Over time as you gain experience you will develop a knack for determining what niche wil work and what won’t.

Spend some time brainstorming and once you have found your desired niche, you are ready to move on.


If you haven’t decided on a niche to target but stil want to own a website, I recommend purchasing your name’s domain (currently I do not own my own name’s domain). It is important to own your own name online to protect yourself against trollers who could purchase your name and use it against you to defame you, mock you, insult you or expose things you’d rather people didn’t see about you online. Employers wil also google search your name to see what comes up on you in the web, and if they view your own website about you that portrays you in a presentable and professional light, this is impressive. If your name is already taken, try different variations e.g.

Setting up a website

By this point you should have selected a good niche so now we can move forward.

To create your own website, you will need two things:

1. A domain name

2. Web Hosting

Luckily there is a way to get your domain name for free and get really cheap web hosting to boot.

Registering a Domain

It is key to choose an appropriate domain name for the niche and products you are going to sell. Your domain name should contain the keywords associated with your niche, for example, if your website is about Golf, make sure you include ‘Golf’ in the domain name. This is good for SEO (Search Engine


You should strive to use only .com domains, people trust .com domains the most, they are seen as more professional and to be frank, nobody really likes anything else apart from .org or .net.

Continue onto the next section to discover how you can get a FREE DOMAIN

(normally around $10) and super cheap web hosting (normally around $12/mo) with excellent customer service.


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Setting Up Web Hosting

There are many different hosting companies out there, but out of all of them I recommend Bluehost as the undisputed King of Hosting. They’re well established, have a stellar reputation, have good customer service and I’ve never had any difficulties with them.

Once you go onto the Bluehost website click the Get Started Now button.


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Since Bluehost is already so cheap I recommend that you choose the Plus plan.

The reason for this is because it enables you to host unlimited websites.

However, if you are just starting out and want to focus on just one site then go for the basic plan.

Once you have decided which plan to go for, click on select and you will be taken to the next page.


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Here you enter in your desired domain name for your Free domain!

Alternatively, if you already own a domain you can go to sign up with your existing domain. You may want to do this if Bluehost is cheaper than your current hosting provider or simply offers better support.

If you haven’t decided on a domain name yet then don’t worry because a pop up should show up that will allow you to continue without registering a domain now, you can do it later instead.

Continue onto the next page where you will create an account.

Enter in your account information as usual and then scroll down to the next section:


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Whenever you get to this point Site Backup Pro and SiteLock Security are ticked. It is up to you whether or not you want to pay extra money for these services, I’d recommend that you don’t as there are ways of getting these services for free, we’ll get to that eventually.

The Domain Privacy Protection is important and I recommend that you keep it checked because if you don’t members of the public wil be able to look up your site and see that you own it and all of your contact information will be visible.

Here you may have noticed that the price is $5.95 a month; if you’re looking for the $3.95 a month deal select the 36 month plan.

Now $83.28 might seem like a lot of money but trust me you’re saving a lot paying for the full year instead of on a monthly basis. Keep in mind also that you got a free domain so really you’re only paying $73.

On other web hosting services if you pay monthly it is around $12 per month (so around $144 per year) and once you get your site up and running you will be committed to paying this because it keeps your site live and visible. I started off paying monthly when I got into online marketing and was paying monthly for almost two years before I caught myself on. Just pay for it all at once and save yourself some money.


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Scroll down to payment information, you can either pay by credit/debit card or select more payment options in order to pay via PayPal.

Using a Domain Registrar

Perhaps you may prefer to register your domain with a Domain Registrar who specialise in domain registration.

I recommend Namecheap as it’s cheap and reliable and it’s where I go for registering all of my domains. I’ve never had any trouble with them before and they’re at the top of their industry so you’re safe with them.

To register a domain simply type in the name of the domain you want, for example if my niche was Magic Tricks I could type in superbmagictricks and then I click the search button.


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Then I simply select the domain I want, add it to cart and checkout. During this process you will also be asked to create an account so simply fill in the relevant details and pay via PayPal or credit/debit card and you’re sorted.

Transferring your DNS (Domain Name System) to Webhost

The next step is to transfer your domain from Namecheap to Bluehost. To do this head on over to your email after you have went through the checkout.

Check your email that you received earlier from Bluehost. It should contain a link to your control panel along with a username and password, and also your nameservers.

Your nameservers are important, these are what you use to tell Namecheap that your domain wants to be hosted by Bluehost. Currently your domain is being hosted by Namecheap. Your nameservers in your email from Bluehost should look something like this:


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Now let’s transfer!

Sign into your Namecheap account and select Domain List. Then select the manage button which is beside the domain you purchased earlier.

You will be taken to a page that looks like this. Scroll down to the

“Nameservers” section and change the drop down select to “Custom”. Then all you have to do is simply enter in the 1st Nameserver and 2nd Nameserver you received in your email earlier from Bluehost.

It can take up to 48 hours at the latest before your DNS transfer to Bluehost is completed. However, most times it’s usually completed within an hour depending on how busy Bluehost is.


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Next, we want to install WordPress onto our site. WordPress takes the pain and hassle out of creating websites and makes it easy, simple and absolutely no coding skills are required. Thankfully, Bluehost makes it really easy to install WordPress onto our site.

Installing WordPress

To install WordPress on your new site just follow the instructions below, it really is that simple.


Using WordPress

WordPress was designed to make it super easy for anyone to use and it’s very user friendly. It shouldn’t take you too long to work your way around it and become familiar with it.

Once you’ve logged into your website, usually at, everything you need will be displayed on the left hand side. To add posts simply select ‘posts’ and ‘add new’, it’s the same with adding new pages, for example, you could add an ‘About Me’ or ‘About Us’ page.

To add a menu to your website mouse over ‘Appearance’ and then click on

‘Menus’. In your menu settings make sure ‘Primary Header Menu’ is checked so that your menu will appear on your homepage.

If your website is about Hiking Boots, you would want to add posts with the title set to the name of the boots, and then write an engaging and entertaining post by yourself and in your own words. Google will see that this is unique content and rank your website higher. Unique and original content is viewed very favourably by Google. Do not just copy someone elses content, to make money on niche websites you need to write your own. Then simply include a

‘Buy Now’ button with your affiliate link attached at the bottom of the post to make commissions.

To add your link to your buttons/images when creating a new post, click on

‘Add Media’, simply upload your desired image, click on it in ‘Media Library’, scroll down to ‘Attachment Display Settings’ and beside ‘Link To’ select

‘Custom URL’. Then simply copy and paste in your affiliate link for that product.

Also, to set your posts image, when you’re writing your post scroll down to the bottom, you wil see ‘Featured Image’ on the right hand side. Click on ‘Set Featured Image’, upload it, select it in ‘Media Library’ and click ‘Set featured image’. Sorted!

To display a clickable ad on the side of your website, just follow these steps.

First you’ll want to click on ‘Posts’ and then ‘Add New’, and then once you’re there, click on ‘Add Media’ and upload your ad’s image. Then, just like how we added an affiliate link to our buttons/images, the process is the same with your ad. Select the ad’s image in your media library, and then scrol down to 21

attachment display settings and select ‘Link to’ ‘Custom URL’. Then paste in your affiliate link for that ad. After you’ve done this, click on ‘Insert into post’.

Next, click on ‘Text’ so you can get the raw html for your ad. Highlight all of the HTML and copy it.

Next, go to ‘Appearance’ on your dashboard and then ‘Widgets’. Here you wil be presented with a number of sidebars and footers. All you have to do is drag and drop in the assembled features into whichever sidebar you please. Click on the ‘Text’ button, and then either drag & drop it or add it to your desired section. Once you’ve added it, it wil open up, simply paste in your HTML you copied earlier into the ‘Content’ section. Hit the ‘Save’ button and then visit your website. You should see your ad displayed on your homepage, so when people click on it and buy the product, you will make commissions! It is best to keep your ads as high up the page as possible because when people land onto your website they always start off at the top of the page, so they will see it instantly.

How To Get A Badass Logo for just $5

Having a cool and attractive looking logo gives your visitors a great impression of your website, it builds your authority and looks impressive. Now hiring a professional to make you a logo could cost you a fair amount, but I’m gonna show you how to get a cool logo on the cheap side. Simply head on over to

Fiverr.  Once you’re there, look for the ‘Graphics & Design’ section and then select ‘Logo Design’. Here you wil see dozens of creators who are wil ing to produce for you a professional logo for only 5 bucks. I’ve used a lot of Fiverr gigs and they always deliver quality end results. You can narrow down your selection by selecting ‘High Rated’ to ensure your $5 is not il spent.

To add your new logo to your website, simply mouse over ‘Appearance’, select

‘Customize’ and then click on the ‘Site Title, Tagline and Logo section’. Then upload your logo and save settings.

Changing your Websites Theme

To change your theme, hover over ‘Appearance’ again and select ‘Themes’.

There wil only be a few displayed here, so select ‘Add Themes’. Now you wil be able to browse dozens of different themes which you can add to your site.


Once you see one that you like, hover over it and select ‘Install’. You also have the option to preview the theme to see what it looks like on your site. Once you’ve instal ed your desired theme, click on ‘Activate’ to enable it.

Premium Themes

Now there are plenty of cool themes for you to choose from, but you can also opt to pay for premium themes. Premium themes just look much better and provide you with a greater array of customization. They are also responsive, this means they look great on all devices which is something that most free themes lack. These are the kind of themes that you would want installed onto your most profitable niche sites.

Elegant Themes is a one-off purchase which gives you a grand total of 87

themes to play around with! It is certainly a good investment to make, but it is not essential. However, do not underestimate the power a great looking theme has to increase your authority and sales.

Recommended Plugins

Plugins enhance your website with features like security to protect your site, back-ups in case you encounter any problems, social sharing so people can share your website and your posts on social media, commenting options like Facebook comments and Disqus, SEO boosting, optimization and so much more. To add plugins just hover over ‘Plugins’ and select ‘Add New’. Here are my Top 5 plugins.

1. Yoast SEO

2. Wordfence Security

3. WPBackItUP Backup & Restore


5. WP Super Cache


Building Backlinks

Backlinks are basically links on another website linking to your site. For example, if you posted a link to your website on your Facebook’s news feed, that is a backlink linking back to your website. Google views every backlink as a

‘vote of confidence’ and ranks your website depending on how many backlinks you have. Note that not all backlinks are worth the same. A backlink from a high-authority website such as Facebook is worth a whole lot more than say a backlink from a comment you posted on some guys blog that he only created a week ago.

You need to build backlinks on high-authority websites, this is how you get to the first page of Google. Now there are two different types of backlinks, no-follow and do-follow backlinks. Basically, no-follow backlinks tell the search engines not to follow that link, so in theory they are not worth that much. All of your backlinks on the social networks for example will be no-follow backlinks. Then we have do-follow backlinks, where the search engines follow the link and this gives more of a boost to your site, compared to no-follow links.

Now, some people have claimed that because the social networks have no-follow enabled, these links are not worth a whole a lot. Whilst this is somewhat true, building links on the social networks is still easily the best way to get your site your site ranking high up in Google. I’ll explain in more detail in a bit.

Backlinks are not the only way that determines how Google ranks your sites.

With the recent Panda updates, Google takes into account how long visitors stay on your site to determine its value and then rank it appropriately:

Your goal should be that when a visitor lands on your page, the content answers all of their needs, encouraging their next action to remain with you. If your content does not encourage them to remain with you, they will leave. The search engines can get a sense of this by watching the dwell time. The time between when a user clicks on our search result and when they come back from your website tells a potential story. A minute or two is good as it can easily indicate the visitor consumed your content. Less than a couple of seconds can 24

be viewed as a poor result” (

matter-for-seo ).

This is where having a good, quality theme comes into play. Good quality, relevant and unique content is also extremely important.

Knowem is a good place to find high authority websites and place your website links on them for additional backlinks. Simply go through them signing up, not all of them allow you to place a link but most of them do, so it’s simply a matter of signing up and looking for a ‘Website’ field to enter your website name into. It’s also good to interact a bit with the site while you’re there too.

Building Your Backlinks on the Social Networks

Now the thing about building backlinks on the social networks is that you can get the people using these sites to build your links for you, so you can basically automate your backlink building process on these sites! This is because people can like, share, retweet, +1, reblog and so on, and everytime someone reshares your content, that is an additional backlink. So imagine you had a Tumblr account where you posted images of your products/posts, along with a link to your site. Thats one backlink in your post, and then let’s say 100 people reblog your post. That’s 101 backlinks right there! And Google is starting to take more of an account of social signals, so backlinks on these sites are golden, and they work wonders for your SEO and position in Google and will only become increasingly relevant as time goes on.

To build up big social followings as quick as possible, you would want to follow as many people as possible each and every single day. Once you’ve done this for a month, you should have big social profiles, a shitload of backlinks and a high position in Google. But before you start building your social profiles, in each social network, you need to post each one of your products/posts, with an image, a short description and a direct link to that product/post on your site. Once you’ve done this, you are ready to start building backlinks!


These are the main sites that you want to target: 1. Facebook

2. Twitter

3. Google+

4. Tumblr

5. Pinterest

6. Reddit


Signup for an account, and then create a new page for your site. Add a cover photo and profile photo to make it look appealing. Also add your website link.

Once you’re ready, search for Facebook groups that are related to your niche.

For example, if the niche was Gadgets, then search for ‘gadgets’ in the search bar and join about 20 or so gadget groups. Then, post a link in these groups to your Gadgets page once a day to get lots of likes fairly quickly! You can also like Gadgets associated pages and post comments on their posts with a link to your page. This will get you additional likes. And when people go onto your page, if your products are cool or your posts are quality they will share your posts with your website link to that specific product or post attached, every share is a handy backlink!


Signup for an account, add the various details such as your bio and website link, profile photo and cover photo, and then what you want to do is search for Twitter accounts with a large amount of followers that are related to your niche. For example, if your niche was gadgets, simply type in Gadgets, go onto these gadget related pages, and follow as many of their followers as you can.

The reason for this is because these are people who have expressed an interest in gadgets, so they are far more likely to follow you back rather than if you followed people on a page about rugby. Once you have reached the maximum amount of people you can follow, you should have received at least 100-200

followers back. Then to get more followers, go through your following list and unfollow a few hundred of these people, and then head back onto a different gadgets page and follow as many of them as you can! This is simply a rinse and repeat process until you have the desired amount of followers. What’s more is 26

that these people visiting your Twitter page will also retweet your tweets with your image and website link. This results in dozens of backlinks to your site!


Create a Google account, and then create a page about your website. Add your websites link in and a brief description of your website. Add a profile photo, cover photo etc. Then, search for niche related pages, and go to ‘About’ when you’re on the page. Click on the link displaying their fol ower count beside

‘Have them in circles’. Then all you need to do is fol ow as many of these people as you can. These people will then +1 your posts and share them, and this results in more of them damn sexy backlinks.


Tumblr is extremely viral. People love to reblog shit on tumblr, so you’ll get a tonne of backlinks from Tumblr if you utilize it correctly. The principles are basically the same, search for niche related tumblr blogs, follow those blogs, they will follow you back, and will also reblog your posts. When searching for niche related posts, you can also click on the ‘notes’ to bring up a list of all the people who ‘liked’ or ‘reblogged’ the post; go through all of these people following them to get loads of targeted visitors onto your blog and lots of reblogs and likes! It’s as simple as that. Rinse and repeat each day.

Tip: When following people on the ‘notes’ pop-up for any given post, if the user’s blog keeps on popping up on the right hand side, hold the ‘Ctrl’ button while following them to avoid this.


Pinterest is another great site for building backlinks on. Everytime someone

‘likes’ or ‘repins’ your content, that’s a backlink! Signup for an account, and once you’re signed in, edit your profile and add a brief description about your site in the ‘About you’ section and your website link in the ‘Website’ field. Then search for your niche, once you’ve done this, select ‘Pinners’, pick a profile, select ‘Fol owers’ and start following the shit out of them. There’s a really good fol ow back ratio on Pinterest so you’ll be able to build up a large profile pretty easily. You can follow maximum 300 (25 for new accounts) people per day.

Rinse and repeat.



If you use Reddit correctly, you will get loads of backlinks and traffic to your site. Reddit is composed of many different ‘subreddits’, these are pages devoted to certain topics e.g. gaming, funny, gadgets, etc. What you want to do is ninja post your links to your products/posts. You have to be very sneaky when posting your links in the subreddits because there is a very heavy moderator presence on the site and if your link submissions are advertising your website or seen as promotional they will get removed.

To prevent this occurring, you just need to portray yourself as an ordinary guy/girl who just happened to stumble upon something cool and just wanted to share it with everyone else. So when posting a link to your post, try to say something like “just stumbled upon this cool article, very helpful” or “this gadget is totally badass!” or “this article blew my mind” or “this could come in handy” or “just bought this last week, best purchase i’ve ever made!” Coming up with a title that is funny is also a great option. Also, limit your link submissions about your website to 3 maximum in a day, and you should also post links that are totally unrelated to your site to appear like you are a real, legitimate user and are not just using the site to promote your website, get backlinks and free traffic. It also helps to set up multiple accounts for promoting your website if need be. And aim to post in different subreddits and not all in the same one if possible.

Every time someone comments on one of your submissions, that’s a backlink.

Your links will also stay on the page for a long time, especially if they are being upvoted, this will result in a tonne of traffic to your website if you implement these strategies successfully on Reddit.

Link Building Services

Now it goes without saying that link building is pretty time-consuming business... and another problem is that most of the links that you build are not quality High PR (PageRank) links and most of them will also be no-follow.

To solve this problem and save time head on over to Fiverr and click on the Digital Marketing section, then “SEO”.


Here you will see many gigs promoting link building services, article creation services etc. I recommend that you try one of these gigs to supplement your link building efforts and don’t just rely entirely on them.

Don’t go for the spammy gigs offering thousands of links as these links will no doubt be low quality and do more harm than good for your site. Go for a well known and established seller such as this one:

I Will Help You Rank First In Google, 55

PR10 Backlinks, 40 Days SEO Campaign

This kind of gig looks legit; reasonable as it offers 55 high quality backlinks instead of thousands of low quality ones, Google will like it as the link building process is spread over 40 days which makes it look organic and natural, and pretty cheap too but also offers two more other expensive packages which will boost your SEO results even more. It also takes its backlinks from a variety of sites including blogs and .EDU and .GOV domains.

I Will Skyrocket Your Google Rankings

With 30 PR9 High Pr Seo Social


Here’s another gig for good measure, these are social backlinks which Google values highly and as time goes on social backlinks will only become more important and relevant, and at 30 links this gig looks pretty legit. Just remember that Fiverr is an awesome place to get cheap gigs from skilled freelancers, and in fact I use Fiverr gigs all the time and they always deliver.

SEO Services

There is a very steep learning curve when it comes to SEO and it is always changing. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced marketer, understanding SEO and how it ranks your websites in Google is the key to success.


Because of this you may want to invest in an all in one SEO tool which will give you an advantage over your competition and help you to get your sites to the 1st page of Google that much faster so you can start making some money.

In this regard I recommend SEOPressor as it is the #1 SEO tool for WordPress sites.

What’s also awesome about this service is that it starts at only $9 a month which is a bargain for SEO services.


Part 2: Email Marketing

The Money is in the List

Email marketing is one of the most profitable ways to make money online. It is a type of marketing that involves continual investment in order to grow.

To effectively conduct email marketing you should have around $250 - $1000

at your disposal, ready to invest. You can do it with less than that but generally the more the better. You also do not have to invest it all at once-you can invest gradually in accordance with your results and ROI (Return on Investment).

Email is still one of the most powerful ways of reaching your niche. With an email address you have direct access to that persons inbox, and can email them at any time you choose.

To demonstrate the potential of Email Marketing, let us suppose we have an email list of email addresses comprised of 50,000 niche related subscribers who are explicitly interested in the niche gaming.

We could send out a single email to all of our subscribers recommending a cool

product and we could include our affiliate link at the end of the email. We’ll assume we receive a $30 commission for each pair of headsets we sell.

Let’s dumb it down a bit and assume that out of our 50,000 subscribers, only 10,000 open our email.

Then out of those 10,000 only 1% buy. So 100 sales x $30 = $3000 from one email!

And that kind of conversion rate (percentage of people who buy) is pretty low by email marketing standards. If your subscribers are targeted enough, you’ve provided value and your previous emails were the bomb anywhere from 1%-

10% of people who open your email will buy. That means up to $30,000 from a single email!

There is a lot of money to be made in email marketing. Perhaps you may have heard the popular phrase “the money is in the list” before. This is quipped by successful email marketers in internet marketing forums, blogs and elsewhere.


Basically, email marketing is one of the BEST ways to make money online, and if you aren’t building an email list you’re missing out big time.

There are various niches that you can target with Email Marketing, but the most profitable one is the MAKE MONEY ONLINE/INTERNET MARKETING


So let’s get down to business as I show you how you can start building your very own email list.

To build a great list and make a tonne of money, we will need 3 things: 1. Lead Magnet

2. Squeeze Page (Also known as an Opt-In Page)

3. Autoresponder Sequence

What is a Lead Magnet and why is this important?

A lead magnet is the free offer that you give away in exchange for a visitor’s email address when they decide to opt-in to your email list. This could be a free report, eBook, video, course, relevant information, coupons, anything!

This is basically a give something cool and unique of great value, and in return you receive the person’s email address.

If the lead magnet you give away sucks then nobody will give a shit about your emails. On the other hand, if you provide value and help people, they are so much more likely to open your emails and buy the products that you recommend. If you’re thinking oh great, I need to actually create something and put in some work then do not despair. You can easily find eBooks online at PLRProducts that you can give away in exchange for the email address.

If your squeeze page is quality then you will get people opting in to your list.

However, beware as this will result in far fewer sales compared to creating your very own product with your own name. There’s also the fact that most of the free “Make Money Online” eBooks out there are complete garbage and it will be a waste of time and money if you are promoting offers like these in the hope of receiving an email address and marketing to it successfully. Therefore, I recommend that you create your own lead magnet (just like I have). The more effort you put into your lead magnet, the greater the reward.


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What the hell is a Squeeze Page?

A squeeze page is a single page designed with one objective in squeeze the email address out of the visitor. Usually this is achieved with: 1. A call to action e.g. “Enter your email address below” or “Download”

2. A Free Gift “To receive my Free eBook “Karate Masters Unleashed!””

3. Fol owed by the benefits “To learn how to do badass karate chops!”

Here are some examples of Kickass Squeeze Pages:


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All you need to be able to create pages like these is your own website (domain

+ hosting, see Part 1 for help), have WordPress installed onto your site (again see Part 1) and you need to have signed up for the fol owing software…



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Leadpages enables you to create Guru-style squeeze pages in just a matter of minutes. It is extremely noob friendly and requires zero experience in coding to set up. It’s very flexible and operates via a drag and drop system which makes creating a squeeze page a piece of cake so there will be no headaches.

Leadpages also provides you with full training on how to use the software through a support site so you’l be ful y educated in its uses. They even also include 24/7 chat support. Leadpages can be used to create landing pages, squeeze pages, sales pages, launch funnels, and even membership sites.

Leadpages also includes over 130+ templates for you to use which is badass!

All you have to do is load the template onto your page and you have an instant, high-converting squeeze page.

Leadpages operates on a monthly/yearly billing cycle and currently the standard plan is $49 a month. This gives you everything you need and with this plan they allow you to host one domain or website which is perfect for our squeeze page. I recommend you stick to a monthly plan, but if you opt for the yearly billing cycle you will save $144 a year. Fortunately Leadpages are currently offering a free 14 day trial, which you can take advantage of by

clicking here.

Examples of Spammy Squeeze Pages


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Note that these squeeze pages typically overuse the colour red. Although red is an attention grabber it is an aggressive and forceful colour and will just put people off and have them visualizing nasty spam emails if they sign up.


Blue, gold, green or orange are far more neutral colours and are more visually appealing to your squeeze page visitors. It is best to minimize the use of the colour red and pointing arrows as much as possible and if you can, don’t bother including them at all.

The industry average opt-in rate for Squeeze Pages is around 30%. If you’re getting 60%+ opt-in rates then you’re doing very well. Only guru-style squeeze pages convert in this range. If you’re using a spammy squeeze page like the ones above, your opt-in rate may only be between 10-30%.

So invest in Leadpages now to start creating awesome, slick pages that are responsive across all devices. This is very important as the percentage of people surfing on non-desktop devices such as tablets or mobiles will soon overtake desktop surfers, and it would be very inconvenient for us if our squeeze page only looked good on desktop! Luckily Leadpages has us covered.

Time for the Autoresponder Sequence

Your autoresponder sequence is a series of automated emails that are sent out to your list. You could have a series of 10 or 20+ emails (or even hundreds if you please) with each one sent everyday or you can delay individual emails by whichever number of days you designate. The autoresponder sequence is where the REAL money is made. It is through this sequence that you build a relationship with your list and build trust. The first two emails at least, (after your initial email sent immediately after someone subscribes) should focus on helping your subscribers and providing them with good, quality information.

Your first few emails should be the best possible emails you can provide. If your initial emails SUCK then no-one will read the follow ups. Likewise if your lead magnet sucks then this also applies. Make sure your first emails rock and you are set!

If your list is about healthy eating provide them with some dietary information, cool recipes or a link to an interesting and helpful article.

If your list is about blackjack provide them with special tips and tactics.

If your list is about gamers provide them with strategies and links to special equipment they can use to enhance their gaming experience.


Whatever your list is about, your focus should be on helping first, promoting later.

Promote a badass product every 3 emails or so for the first 21 emails, then after that slowly even up the helping/promoting ratio and then gradually overtake the helping with promoting. Simple.

And remember...the best way in the world to sell something is through NOT


People nowadays are very savvy when it comes to the internet. Don’t try to be a salesman when you’re pitching these products to your list. Instead, try to tell a story about the product OR recommend to them in the same way you would recommend a cool product to your best friend.

For an expert example of the value of telling a story when pitching your product, read Perry Marshall’s email below: Aaron,

More than a century ago, in 1903, the Wright Brothers achieved their monumental goal of flight at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina.

Most people don't know that there were quite a few other people trying to build an airplane at the same time. One was Alexander Graham Bell; another was the President of the Smithsonian Institution.

All of these men were much better funded than a certain little-known pair of bicycle shop mechanics from Ohio with a wind tunnel in their garage.

But there's a key difference that led to the Wright Brothers' success.

Their better-funded and more famous (at the time) competitor, Samuel Pierpont Langley, focused his attention on the engine. He believed that if he created a powerful enough engine, it would lift his plane heavenward.

One problem: Powerful engines are heavy. Trying to defeat gravity with something heavy is rarely a successful strategy. So, Langley's plane crashed into the Potomac.

Huge embarrassment.


Meanwhile the Wright brothers focused on building an aerodynamic glider. They tested gliders in their wind tunnel. They launched their glider off of hills (without any engine at all) and studied how far it would soar. Tweaking and tweaking until they knew they had a air-worthy plane.

Then, and only then, did they strap a small engine to it...and the rest is history.

Here's how this relates to building out your sales funnel: Most marketers concentrate on traffic.

Traffic is the engine. And, like Langley's bulky air ship, most sales funnels crash into the Potomac. It doesn't matter how much traffic you generate, if your plane isn't aerodynamic, if your sales funnel doesn't CONVERT, you're going to crash and burn.

Even though I'm known as the “Google Adwords Guy” and have made my name in the world of traffic, my secret sauce has always been email autoresponder marketing. That's my glider. That's my conversion mechanism.

It's why I can buy the highest-quality, best-converting, most expensive traffic and know my glider will convert it into profit.

And, in Look Over Perry's Shoulder Email Bootcamp, you can see exactly how I craft compelling emails. For this course, I wrote copy live, without a net, for three hotseat participants without advanced notice or preparation.

I asked each participant insightful questions to literally MIND-HACK their customers and I wrote emails for them right on the spot. And I explained what I was doing along the way.

Find out more about Look Over Perry's Shoulder and learn my email secrets HERE.

To your success,

Perry Marshall

This is a prime example of an email done right. If you can promote your products in this way, through either telling a story or through educating your subscribers with the potential benefits of purchasing your product/affiliate products, you’re a winner!

How do I setup my own Autoresponder Sequence?

The best autoresponder out there is Aweber. There are many different autoresponders, some of which are free to use, but they often lack the depth and detail that an autoresponder like Aweber provides. What’s more is that 39

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Aweber currently offers a free trial for one month so you can test it out for yourself here.

Once you’ve created your account, head over to messages and then click the Legacy Follow Up Series.

There are many different kinds of emails that you can write. You can use pre-designed templates from Aweber to create visually appealing emails. You can also edit the HTML if you have the skills to tweak your emails even more.

Despite the ability to craft impressive looking emails, a plain text message is usually the best choice. Why?

1. They are simple.

2. Less likely to be rejected by anti-spam filters.

3. They are more personable.

However, using the drag & drop email builder does have its uses. You can easily add social buttons in your emails for Facebook & Twitter to build your social presence. You can also add a signature with an accompanying picture at the bottom of your emails so people get to see your face (this builds trust & the relationship). If you like you can even add videos to your emails. It’s completely up to you, but just remember that simplicity is usually the best option. Note: To add your affiliate links you need to use the email builder.


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Dude, I don’t even have time to write all of my emails!

Well, friend, you are in luck. Brendan Mace has very generously gave away his entire autoresponder sequence for Aweber...absolutely free.

On the Legacy Follow Up page, select the link in the sentence, “Looking for campaign sharing?

Then enter the following campaign sharing code: awlist3794060-a1f00-$F

Select load campaign, wait and you’re done! All you have to do now is replace

“Brendan Mace” with your name, edit his emails to suit you and replace his affiliate links with your links. Sorted!

On the other hand, if you wish to write your own emails, that is a wise decision. Emails written by yourself, with the tactics covered in this eBook, will undoubtedly suit you better rather than copying Brendan Mace; his sequence suits him and you need one that suits you, but then again you will learn a lot from reading his emails and seeing the approach he takes.

Setting Up an Instant Offer

This is an excellent strategy for recouping some of the money that you invest on Solo Ads (covered later on). Basically, after someone confirms their subscription to your list, Aweber gives you the option to direct the subscriber to a URL of your choice. To make some money, all you have to do is find a high converting product that is also cheap (in the range of $5-30) and use your affiliate link as the confirmation success page URL. For example, you could promote a product from Clickbank, WarriorPlus, JVZoo etc. To do this, simply select your list (if you only have one list it will automatically be selected) and select “List Options” and then “List Settings”. Then on the left hand side, select

“Confirmed Opt-in”, scroll down to the bottom and enter your desired affiliate 41

link into the “confirmation success page URL”, select “Save Settings” and you’re done. But beware, as this strategy will put some people off and they may not trust your later recommendations when you’re trying to sell to them straight off the bat. To build a proper, fulfilling relationship with your subscribers, setting up an instant offer may not be the best choice. But on the other hand, this strategy is good for use at the start of your email marketing campaign when you may have a shortage of cash and need that return on your investments to continually grow your list as fast as possible.

Let’s take a look at some email marketing strategies.

Email Marketing Strategies

It helps to give away extra free stuff in your first set of emails to gain more brownie points in favour with your subscribers. This is not necessary but it does help. Remember, the more you help your subscribers the more they are willing to help you. You can easily find plenty of free stuff at PLRProducts.

Also, unless you are going to implement your subscribers’ names at the start of your emails, do not ask for the visitors’ first name on your squeeze page. You are already asking for their email address, asking for their name as well is intrusive, it won’t put everyone off but it wil annoy a minority.

When you’re writing your emails which wil include a link to your affiliate product, do not insert your link a dozen times in one email. Keep one link near the bottom. You don’t want to be seen as too pushy or forcing the product upon your subscribers. Also, if you include too many links, there’s a chance that your emails might get sent into the spam folders, so just keep it to one maybe two links.

When you are promoting various Make Money Online products or services, it’s always good to explain exactly how the product is going to make your subscribers more money. You need to focus on the benefits that purchasing the product will provide that your subscribers did not previously have.

It is best to email your list every single day for at least the first week, otherwise your list will soon forget about you and will ignore your emails. You need to be fresh in people’s mind and they need to be thinking about you, emailing them everyday accomplishes this. Some people will definitely unsubscribe out of 42

anger at you for emailing them so often, but to that I say good riddance.

They’re going to leave sooner or later, so you might as well weed them out.

In Aweber you have the option to send a “Broadcast” email. This is basical y a one-off email whereby you can send an email to your entire list. As Aweber puts it, “Broadcasts allow you to do things like inform your audience of time-sensitive content and announcements.”

However, you can also use broadcasts for other things...such as promoting your affiliate products & offers. You will literally have the ability to email your entire list recommending an affiliate product, and then watch the commissions roll in!

Also, when sending a broadcast message you should refer to the time and date so your list knows that this email is not an autoresponder email, e.g. “Hey its Monday morning here and I just stumbled across this cool product you should really check out, etc. .”

When possible use short, abrupt subject lines that induce curiosity in the reader, such as, "Awesome!" "You Gotta Check This Out!" "This is Unreal"

"Unbelievable value" “You’l find this helpful” “What a pristine guide” “Now is this prestigious or what?”

What is awesome? Check what out? Lemme see! What is unreal? What kind of value? Why is that guide pristine? What is prestigious? These are the kinds of questions your email list will be wondering when they view these subject lines.

Subject lines that go like “Earn xxx amount in xxx days using this hidden trick!”

are commonly used and although to a certain extent they DO work, just be wary as they give the impression of being hype-y and look spammy. Coming up with your own unique subject line is the best option.

Write subject lines that appeal to human curiosity. This will make more people open your emails.

These types of subject lines lead to lots of openings from your list and of course, sales. Don’t give everything away in the subject line. Make it essential for your subscribers to click to know all.


Include one call to action after the main body of your email, this is usually just to get your subscribers to click the affiliate link below.

“Check it out below!” “Click the link to see more!” “If you’re interested, here’s a link” “I’l just leave a link here for y’all. Enjoy!”

Another good strategy is to recognize that certain email providers show the first sentence of your email. Use this sentence to build, yep, you’ve guessed it, curiosity!

Another psychological tactic is to include secret language, for example, your dog’s name in several of your emails, so that people who read your later emails would feel left out when they don’t understand who you are talking about, which prompts them to go back and read your previous emails.

Clean your list before sending out any broadcasts. Remove spam complaints and undeliverables. If you amass too many spam complaints Aweber may cancel your account. To avoid this do as I said, but also, BACKUP YOUR EMAIL


This means that if your account gets cancelled, you’re not out of business. To reduce the number of spam complaints, make sure that you segment your list.

This divides your list into relevant parts according to the percentages of people that opened your emails. This means you will only be emailing people who are actually interested in reading your emails, as opposed to emailing everyone and receiving dozens of spam complaints to boot.

People buy from people that they trust. Be a friend to your list.

A friend wouldn’t just market product after product to you relentlessly. They would help you out, educate you, and teach you what they know. Then once in a while they might recommend a great product they tried themselves or heard was the bomb. This is the right way to email to your list.

Another fool-proof method is to only recommend GREAT products!

It’s even better if you have personally purchased some of the products you recommend. Find products that will help people, educate them, increase their learning and knowledge and that helps them to make money. These are the kind of products that you want to promote to your list.


Products that work. Products that sell themselves.

If you try to sell shit products to your list just to make some quick cash, your list wil know it, your credibility wil be damaged and they won’t make any purchases based off your recommendations in the future. So make sure you’ve either purchased the product yourself and can personally vouch for it, or have done your research and know it to be a stellar product.

I have outlined many tactics and strategies here for achieving success in email marketing. Many of these will dramatically increase your open rates, your conversion rates and the numbers on your bank accounts. But above all...

BE YOURSELF. Let your personality show in your emails. Let your subscribers know who you are. They want to know...let them.

Also, use your OWN NAME (or a pseudonym if you wish. But use a name at least!)

Okay. So I know that I need to use a quality lead magnet or create my own, I know how to create a guru-style squeeze page, and I know that I need to use an autoresponder sequence and write badass emails. How do I build my email list up?

Good question. Simply put, you need to purchase traffic to your squeeze page.

You need to invest in traffic from a Solo Ad Seller.

What is a Solo Ad?

A Solo ad is basically an ad that someone else sends out to their OWN list promoting YOUR link. This link will obviously be the link to your own squeeze page. They can usually guarantee a minimum number of clicks, for example, if you purchased 100 clicks at 0.40$ a click, then that’s $40 for 100 clicks. And lets say your opt-in rate was 50%...that’s over 50 new subscribers you’ve just generated! You can purchase clicks anywhere from 50 clicks up to thousands, but generally the maximum is 1000 clicks unless you agree to a deal with the Solo Ad seller.

Now you might be wondering why you should even be paying for this traffic when you can get free traffic from other sources such as the Social Networks, Blogs, Forums, YouTube, Google, and so on. The reason is this: 45

Sending free traffic to your squeeze page results in TERRIBLE opt-in rates as the traffic is NOT TARGETED TRAFFIC.

What’s more is that it takes up A LOT of your time trying to get the free traffic, trust me I know, and it really isn’t worth your while when you can invest in your list appropriately as you receive returns on your investments, and then keep reinvesting the profits to generate MORE leads and sales.

The thing about Solo Ads is that these vendors selling them have put in years of hard work and dedication into building up their own, high quality, targeted lists who are specifically interested in the niche that the seller is marketing to.

For example, the solo ad vendor may say that their list is comprised mainly of subscribers in the healthy eating niche, the gaming niche or the make money online/internet marketing niche.

Obviously if you were to purchase say 500 clicks from a Solo Ad Seller with an email list comprised of subscribers in the healthy eating niche to your make money online niche squeeze page, the opt-in rate would be EXTREMELY low.

This would be a very bad decision to make. Before you decide to purchase a Solo Ad, make sure you know what niche the email list is involved with. Usually the Solo Ad seller wil declare their email list’s niche, however if they haven’t then all you have to do is message them and ask them. However, if you did make this mistake, chances are the Solo Ad seller wouldn’t run the ad as they check all email swipes and links that are sent to them. Refunds depend on the seller, some offer it, some don’t so check. But chances are if you do your research correctly, and check to see if a seller has plenty of positive feedback and testimonials, your solo ad purchase will be a smooth and successful one.

So where do I purchase Solo Ads?

You can purchase Solo Ads through WarriorForum, Facebook Groups or through independent websites Solo Ad sellers themselves have set up.

However, using a website such as Udimi is probably the best thing you can do, they offer customer support and act as a middleman which means there are ZERO scams and you get exactly the amount of clicks you pay for.

My Trusted Recommendation is Udimi.

Udimi Solo Ads ($5 discount)


Facebook Solo Ads Groups:

Solo Ads Testimonials

Solo Ads Sales Testimonials

Solo Ads Marketplace

How do I write a Great Solo Ad?

Most sellers, if they care about their list, (genuine sellers do) will modify the email swipe that you write for them to make it suit their list better and convey your offer in a presentable way. So generally you can provide them with a decent email swipe and you can count on them to improve it, make it work better for you and give you optimal results from your solo ad.

If you are buying Solo Ads off the Facebook groups above usually you do not need to send the sellers a swipe at all, all they need is your link to your squeeze page and they will take care of the rest.

However, it is important to know how to write a good solo ad so without further ado let’s get down to it!

The Art of Solo Ads

You should approach your Solo Ads a little differently than your emails in your autoresponder sequence. Build a promise of value in the subject line and description, followed by a strong call to action towards your link!

However, do not write out a huge ass email, for Solo Ads, keep it short, sweet and to the point.

The Solo Ad you write will depend completely on YOUR OFFER. If your lead magnet is an eBook, talk about the benefits it will provide, for example...

Subject Line: Earn $200 a Week in Just 10 Days Using This Special Method!

Descriptive body: This unique internet marketing strategy is included in this FREE eBook. You are GUARANTEED to make money.

To get it, simply click the link below now!

(Your Link Here).


If your lead magnet is about a video course, talk about what the videos are about and how they will educate, inspire or enable your leads to profit, for example...

Subject Line: Getting LOADED on Autopilot...

Descriptive body: These videos will show you, step-by-step, how you can quickly and easily set up a PROFITABLE niche website and enable you to make an autopilot income! It’s really not that difficult, and if you think it’s out of reach, you’re dead wrong. So if you’re interested, check out the link below.

(Your Link Here).

You don’t have to include $xxx amount over xxx time in your subject lines, those are just guidelines, you can easily create your own subject lines so just remember to... make a promise of value – and then deliver.

If you have no offer present on your squeeze page then you are offering ZERO

incentive for the visitor to sign up to your list and hand over their email address. So having a freebie to give away is PARAMOUNT for your success! If you don’t want to create your own freebie or just don’t have the sufficient knowledge to do so, buy one here! At least you’ll be promoting their stuff so they’l be happy at that. But of course, I recommend that you create your own freebie to give away. The most important part of having a valuable free offer to give away is that it creates a reciprocal effect between you and your subscribers. They will feel the need to give back to you, and they will do this by purchasing the stuff you recommend as a thank you but also to further their own education and help themselves to make more money. Everyone’s a winner!

Just remember, most Solo Ad vendors will either modify your email swipe or use a pre-existing swipe that already works. So don’t worry if you think your swipe isn’t up to scratch. If you purchase through reputable sellers you are guaranteed a certain number of clicks, depending on what you paid for. Solo Ad sellers typically over deliver on clicks to ensure customer satisfaction.


Part 3: Facebook Marketing

Employing Mark Zuckerberg’s Powerhouse

If you follow the instructions in this section you will be able to make a lot of money off Facebook. However, it requires time, money (potentially) and a badass tool.

Just like in email marketing where it involves investment in order to grow, the same applies to growing MASSIVE Facebook fan pages. However, the difference is that in Facebook you just need that initial investment to get your fan page up off the ground, after that you can watch it soar.

That being said, there are methods to grow your Fan Pages for free. This just takes a lot more time. For example, if your fan page was about Call Of Duty Memes, to grow your page for free all you would have to do is: 1. Post 5-10 memes on your page and set an attractive profile picture and cover picture.

2. Join about 10 or 20 Call of Duty related groups, and then post a link in each group advertising your memes page (or share your pages meme posts) every day for about 2 weeks.

3. Go onto related pages and leave humorous comments, insert your pages link along with a call to action, “Like this page for funny Cod Memes!” or insert memes appropriately to get a flood of new visitors and likes on your page.

For your page to start growing naturally you would need around 1,000-2,000

likes. It’s at this point that a decent number of people will be liking and sharing your content, and it’s this process that attracts new likes. Once you reach this point you can just sit back, relax and watch your Facebook Page and your posts go viral and explode with likes (and shares).

However, the best way to build your fan pages quickly is through Facebook

ads. These are targeted ads which are displayed to the right people and build up your pages pretty darn fast. You will be out of pocket until your fan page starts growing naturally but then you will make that money back plus a steady income for years to come.


But how do I make money off my fan pages?

Easy. Include an affiliate link to a relevant product/s in your pages about section. For our Call Of Duty fan page it could be a link to purchase Black Ops 3, gaming equipment such as gaming headphones or a strategy guide. You could also opt to post affiliate products in your timeline, but keep this to a once in a while thing. If you spam your followers with affiliate links, they will either stop trusting you, unlike your page or ignore your content (or possibly all three!).

There are other ways through which you can profit through your Facebook fan pages, just keep reading to learn more.

Making Money on Facebook

The amount of likes you have on a fan page dictates how much you will make.

If you have 1,000 fol owers you probably won’t make anything. If you have 10,000 you’ll make something. If you have 100,000 you’ll make a good income.

But imagine you had 10 or even 20 of these pages.

And even if this were possible, you’re probably thinking how time-consuming it would be to manage all of these pages. Well, you’re dead wrong.

Imagine you could take the time and effort out of constantly researching related images and posts to send out to your Fan Page audience to consume.

Imagine this process was simplified and you could schedule an entire months worth of images in just a matter of minutes. Imagine that there was an all-in-one system whereby you could easily and effectively manage ALL of your Facebook pages and that even EDUCATED you in various ways through which to monetise these pages.

Imagine no longer...this is a reality. FP Traffic does all of this and makes managing dozens or even hundreds of fan pages a piece of cake.

What’s more is that FP Traffic only costs $15 a month. With the price of a pizza you could manage unlimited Facebook pages and profit from them 24/7.

FP Traffic even includes guides and tutorials which are all included in the members area. Even if you don’t have any Facebook pages whatsoever, FP

Traffic provides you with all the knowledge you need to start building your 50

own, profitable fan pages. It really is a no-brainer. If you want to start making money on Facebook, signup for FP Traffic now. It’s as simple as that.

You have now reached the end of the eBook...

I hope you have enjoyed reading it, found it helpful and apply it to your online careers and reach your true potential. However, I have also included a bonus section with approved resources so feel free to check it out if you want, there’s plenty of good stuff in there.

Now you have all the required knowledge you need to go out into the big bad internet, set up profitable niche websites, build a huge email list and grow massive Facebook fan pages. Just do the work and watch the money roll in.

Good luck!

P.S. Don’t forget to sign up for my email list at Six Figures Success. I’ll be sending out tonnes of useful content designed to help you succeed as quickly as possible. Thanks for reading!


Bonus: Approved Resources

Books You Should Read

1. Think and Grow Rich

This book will help you achieve your dreams with the power of Visualization and Positive Thinking. Hailed as the best success book ever written.


2.  The Success Principles

Jack Canfield’s principles wil help you kick life’s ass and succeed like never before. This book changed my life. Simply a must have.

3. Cashvertising 

This book teaches you the psychology of salesmanship and will enable you to write in an engaging way that increases your sales!

4. 30 Days of Discipline

The best book on earth for developing discipline in men. Women will also find it very helpful.

5. Gorilla Mindset

Change the way you think...change your life. A bestseller.

6. Patton On Leadership

General George S. Patton lays down the qualities it takes to be a great leader, and how to manage and inspire others.

7. Body of a Spartan


Develop the body of a Greek God with this simple and effective book designed to help you pack on the muscle - fast!

8. Casual Style Guide 101

If you’re confused by style or simply want to learn how to dress smarter, this book has you covered. Suited for men of all ages.

Blogs You Should Read

1. Bold & Determined (Self-Improvement & Internet Marketing) Hands down the best blog on earth for Self-Improvement for men...the website for winners.

2. Danger & Play (Self-Improvement & Internet Marketing) An excellent blog for the aspiring Gentleman who wants to better himself and get more out of life.

3. Lazy Ass Stoner (Internet Marketing) Jay Wessman shows you how to harness the power of social media to drive traffic, clicks and sales. An experienced internet marketer who can teach you a lot; his speciality is niche websites.

4. Brendan Mace (Internet Marketing) Brendan Maces website is excellent for beginners to affiliate marketing and has many guides and tutorials about how to profit online, ranging from niche websites to building an email list.

5. Charles Ngo (Internet Marketing & Self-Improvement) Charles Ngo is an internet marketing expert who has made millions online and teaches others how to follow in his footsteps.


YouTube Channels You Should Subscribe To

1. Brendan Mace (Internet Marketing) Brendan has lots of very informative and helpful videos designed to help you to make money online, increase your traffic and conversions.

2. Video Creators (YouTube Marketing) Tim Schmoyer displays his expertise with YouTube and discusses the best ways to get views, build your brand and make a shit tonne of money off YouTube.

3. Lazy Ass Stoner (Internet Marketing) Jay Wessman’s videos are among the best videos for newbies looking to make their mark online and cash in on the affiliate marketing game.

4. KingHuman (Internet Marketing) KingHuman is an Internet Marketer who has made millions online, and he shares numerous different ways to make money in his own unique approach to YouTube videos.

5. Tai Lopez (Investor, Entrepreneur, Author and Internet Marketer) Tai shares his knowledge on a wide variety of different topics and provides useful information that you can apply to your own life to increase your wealth, health and happiness.


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