To online Fortunes by Henry Gold - HTML preview

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Community Site -

The idea for this website, is for it to be the central hub for when people look for information on ski resorts in the US and around the world.

It will also be the place ski resorts will want to advertise their services.


So what you will want to do is the following:

1) Create a free and paid directory listing for ski resorts to advertise their services, like does for their advertisers.

2) Create 5 to 10 digital ebooks on all areas of ski resort information. You can find topics for ebooks by going to and having a look at the type of books people are selling based on ski resort and skiing information.

3) A free forum/message board so people can post questions and talk to each other. This builds a nice little community on your site.

4) Create 10 or so articles that you can put on your site and send out to publishers for free traffic

5) Create an affiliate program so people can promote your digital ebooks for you and drive massive traffic to your site for free while making sales.
6) Setup a mailing list people can subscribe to, to get information on ski resorts and things like that.

The idea of the business is to tap a niche market. People are looking to go away for a skiing holiday, but they are not sure where to go, or what to do. So if you can create a site that has good information on skiing and ski resort holidays, people will flock to your site, and so will advertisers.