To online Fortunes by Henry Gold - HTML preview

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Service -

This is one of the business ideas which I think has the highest potential to make you a million dollars, it's also the one with the most risks and the probably the most costly to start up compared to the other business ideas I've suggested.

The idea is based around two of the most Popular services on the Internet to date, dating and pay per click search engines.

The idea of the business is to start your own pay per click dating site. There is nothing like this anywhere on the Internet, and it will no doubt make the person who can make this work a lot of money.

The way I see this business going is as follows. The site will be a pay per click search engine, but instead of search results for websites, people will search for profiles of people looking for dates online.

The person with the profile on the site will pay so much per click to be listed under certain categories just like a normal pay per click search engine. For instance, if someone is from Texas and has brown hair they could bid to be in that category.

All the people have to do who are searching for dates is select the categories they want to look under and the all the people who wish to have their profile listed on the site have to do is bid for positions in categories they want to be listed under just like any normal pay per click search engine.

I would also charge a small fee to enter the site for people who haven’t put a profile on the site but are browsing. This way the people who have a profile on the site won't just be getting clicks from freebie seekers. The only problem would be getting everything setup with the site. It will take some programming knowledge, but that can all be hired from

What I would do is buy an existing pay per click search engine script, which you can find on and get someone on elance to modify it so its exactly what you want.