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22 Time-Tested Techniques That Attract Floods Of Traffic To Any Site, GUARANTEED!

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Thomas Choo


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1 Traffic - A Webmaster's Dream Or Nightmare _________________________ 3
2 22 Traffic Generating Techniques Explained __________________________ 4

2.1 Pay Per Click ____________________________________________________ 5
2.2 Search Engine Optimization _______________________________________ 7
2.3 Keyword Research _______________________________________________ 8
2.4 Web Pages ______________________________________________________ 9
2.5 Newsletters_____________________________________________________ 10
2.6 Free Reports - Viral Marketing ____________________________________ 10
2.7 Submission To Article Directories__________________________________ 11
2.8 Article Announcement Lists_______________________________________ 13
2.9 Submission To Directories ________________________________________ 13
2.10 Submission To Relevant Websites __________________________________ 14
2.11 Forums ________________________________________________________ 14
2.12 Reciprocal Linking ______________________________________________ 15
2.13 Classifieds _____________________________________________________ 16
2.14 Newsletter Exchange_____________________________________________ 16
2.15 Publish An E-course _____________________________________________ 16
2.16 Affiliate Programs_______________________________________________ 17
2.17 Your Blog And RSS _____________________________________________ 17
2.18 Other Peoples’ Blogs_____________________________________________ 18
2.19 Use Tell-A-Friend Script _________________________________________ 19
2.20 Press Release ___________________________________________________ 19
2.21 Newspaper _____________________________________________________ 19
2.22 Magazine Articles _______________________________________________ 20

3 All About Content________________________________________________ 21
4 But Where Can You GET Content? _________________________________ 23

4.1 Write it Yourself ________________________________________________ 23
4.2 Hire a Ghostwriter ______________________________________________ 24
4.3 Get PLR Articles ________________________________________________ 24

5 Special Traffic Generation Methods _________________________________ 26
5.1 Expired Domain Traffic __________________________________________ 26
5.2 Grab Those High Traffic Expired/Deleted Domains ___________________ 26

6 So Where Do You Go From Here? __________________________________ 27

1 Traffic - A Webmaster's Dream Or Nightmare


If you run a website, you need traffic. Not just any traffic, but quality, targeted traffic.


There are literally millions of frustrated website owners waiting endlessly for that elusive flood of visitors to their websites.

Let me ask you one question. How many potential visitors are finding YOUR website? More websites are created each day leading to an upsurge of over crowding, and all are in competition for the coveted visitors.

The Internet is a treasure house of information. It is peddled in all forms. Smart marketers soon realized that there is only one sure way to convince the search engines not to shut them down, and that is to give only Quality Content! Not only do the search engines love content, but visitors do too, and visitors buy.

So how do you harness the power of content? Specifically, how do you attract traffic using content?


There are 22 time-tested surefire ways to get all the traffic you need.


Towards the end of this report, I've also included some special unconventional traffic generation methods, which can complement the 22 techniques.


2 22 Traffic Generating Techniques Explained


Before planning and executing your assault plan to capture that elusive targeted traffic, you need to know one thing first:


Tracking your traffic is crucial!

It is absolutely necessary to track the traffic from various sources. If not, you are shooting in the dark, spending your valuable time, effort and money in the wrong traffic source.

You need to know exactly which traffic source is bringing you results, and which is not. You can shift your focus to those that are bringing you traffic, and improve or even drop those that are not.

There are two ways to track your traffic campaigns:
a) Using an online web-based service such as Clickalyzer, where you pay a monthly subscription. Among the online ad tracking services, Clickalyzer is
one of the most popular options.
b) Using an ad tracking software installed on your server, a one-time investment
with no monthly fees. The one I'm using and would highly recommend is
Adtrackz . You have more control, and you can do split testing, cloaking,
dynamic code creation, plus a host of other features and benefits.

Set up your tracking / ad tracking system first, before you launch head on into your traffic campaigns.


2.1 Pay Per Click

PPC is advertising provided by the search engine providers (Google, Yahoo! and others) where you PAY for top placement. Their strategies for placement differ slightly.

In either case, you pay. Especially for a newly launched site, it is a quick way to get your traffic flowing – but it is not the cheapest. You could spend far more than is profitable for your business if you don’t know what you’re doing.

Despite some people dismissing PPC advertising for its "higher" cost, it is still widely used by many top Internet marketers, as the traffic is highly targeted (which depends on how well your PPC ad is written).

Use proven advertising copy words like “how to…” “learn”, “save”, “free” and “easy” in your description. Create curiosity and provide enough specific information or you will attract under-qualified traffic.

Figure out the statistics of how many customers you need to make a sale. Based on that figure you can work out how much you are willing to spend to attract customers through pay per click

I'd like to share 4 golden tips that many people are not aware of, which cost them dearly in the PPC game:

Tip #1
Make sure that your ad has the right keywords so that you can drive laser traffic to your site. Always include all 3 variations: broad match, phrase match, and exact match. This will triple your keyword list, but more importantly, you can capture lower cost clicks.
Tip #2
Don't lump all your keywords into one big group. Divide into tightly-related groups of 10-30 similar terms, and design ads matching the common words in the keyword group.

Tip #3
Always have two ads for each campaign group, to allow split testing. Vary only one word between the ads. Monitor their click-through rate (CTR). Delete the one with lower CTR, and write a new one. This way, your ads are continually improving in CTR.

Tip #4
Some people spend top dollars just to attain the top position in their ad listing. Statistically, it is found that No. 2 or 3 position get better sales conversion than the coveted No. 1 spot. Interesting huh?

If you have had some experience using PPC advertising, the above tips should make some sense to you.

There are many more PPC strategies and tricks which cannot be covered in this report, but there's a Definitive Guide on Google Adwords by Perry Marshall you should consider getting.

Other than Google and Yahoo, you should also not neglect the smaller ones, like Kanoodle and others (there are more than 500 PPC search engines). These still give you some traffic, and usually at a lower cost.

To see a comprehensive list of PPC search engines, you can visit PayPerClickSearchEngines.


2.2 Search Engine Optimization

Traffic that comes from search engines seems an overwhelmingly attractive option, as it is free. Well, it's not really "free", as you need to spend considerable amount of your valuable time tweaking your websites to get the results you want. Additionally, you are at the mercy of search engines, and their frequent algorithm change can knock you out of business overnight.

There are a lot of companies working ‘behind the scenes’ to help website owners get plenty of traffic from the natural search engine listings. Natural listings mean the search engine has ranked you according to the value it believes your site will offer someone searching for a specific word or phrase.

Understanding exactly what the search engines want to see when ranking sites requires knowledge of the algorithms. These algorithms change all the time.

Be careful here. Don't ever rely solely on SEO to bring you traffic. You need to utilize all forms of traffic sources, not just SEO, if you want to sustain your online business.

Broadly speaking, there are two main areas for SEO: a) On-page optimization
b) Off-page optimization

On-page Optimization
On-page refers to having your primary keyword (or keyphrase) in the meta tags (title, description), as well as in the content (3-7% keyword density). Don’t try to optimize more than 2 keywords per web page. Stick to one primary keyword per page if you can.

This used to be enough to get a high SEO ranking, but is no longer so. More emphasis is now placed on off-page factors.
There are actually a lot to cover on SEO (on page and off page), and here's a good free book you can read: SEO Made Easy by Brad Callen.

Off-page Optimization
This generally means getting the right kind of incoming links (or backlinks) to your website, with your keyword in the anchor text. It can be acquired through article submission, press releases, reciprocal link exchange etc.

Just remember this:


"You do not need to beat the search engine, you just need to beat the number-one-ranked website"

Simply put, you need to "spy" on the competition, and do one step better than them. One powerful software that can do this is SEO Elite, which focuses on improving your off-page factors.

2.3 Keyword Research
Keywords have always been important to search engines. In fact understanding and doing keyword research is key to many successful websites. However, filling a page with keywords will NOT get you a good rating with the search engines, but writing content that uses popular search words WILL.

By researching the popular keywords for your topic or product, you can create information that places these words into the background of an article then simply optimize each page for a separate keyword that you wish to use.

There are numerous keyword research software available, but the one that stands out is The Dowser, which has a free version. Another free and popular Windows-based keyword software is Good Keywords.

2.4 Web Pages

Websites need pages. The more, the better, but having a website filled with keyword-filled pages, or styled templates will not impress the search engines or your visitors. Instead -- create a feeding ground for them. .

Slowly but steadily adding pages of real content will help your site attract the search engine spiders on a regular basis. This is the ‘tortoise wins the race’ philosophy.

One way is to add articles regularly. You can find relevant articles from article directories, and put on your website (with the author's resource box intact of course). Some of the major article directories are:

• Article City
• Article Emporium
• Article Factory
• Article Hub
• Content Desk
• Ezine Articles
• Free Content
• Go Articles
• Hotlib
• iSnare
• Reprint Articles

2.5 Newsletters


Have you heard that ‘the money is in the list’? One guess as to which list?

Your SUBSCRIBER list. Yes, with close to 80% of sales taking place after the first 5 to 7 contacts it is imperative that every website has a newsletter when possible.

But to have a newsletter… again you must have content! So start putting some ideas together and write those newsletters.

Your subscribers will judge you based on the value of the content you send. If you only advertise without giving beneficial information for free, your subscribers are history.

Develop a series of brief, but informative articles. In fact, it is increasingly popular to have just a short email message, with an introduction to direct them to your site for further information. Getting your subscribers back to your site should be the primary objective. This also helps your email get through the aggressive email spam filters which sometimes traps long emails.

Having spent time building your autoresponder messages, you need a reliable autoresponder service, like the top notch Aweber. It is the autoresponder service of choice for many Internet marketers.

2.6 Free Reports - Viral Marketing

Free reports are also a great way to attract subscribers to your newsletter. These reports can spread quickly (on related websites) with the link you placed within it tempting them back to YOUR website. You get the traffic that follows!

Include as a subscription bonus to entice hesitant visitors to sign up for your newsletter.
Identify a problem, or question that might attract your visitors. Write a two or three page report that gives a partial solution. Indicate your product or service as part of the solution, but do not necessarily make it sound like an advertisement.

Example:Men love camping trips, but women hate them with good reason, and oddly enough -- it is for the same reason’.

To create your report you can provide more details to your service than is listed on your web page (ie: ‘Find out how YOU can save money on home repairs with this special report’). You might also try one that warns of a danger (‘Are you putting YOUR family at risk? Find out with this special report’).

Send the report via an autoresponder or manually as soon as possible so they remember to open their email.

2.7 Submission To Article Directories
By writing short articles on the topic related to your website, you can offer these articles by submitting them to an article directory.

These directories get spidered by the search engines on a regular basis because of the high value of the content they provide. If the search engines have not yet picked you up this is the easiest way to get them to find you.

When others make use of your articles you will get the credit as the author along with a link to your website. Not only will you gain visitors, but also you will benefit from the backlinks that are created. And make no mistake here – those links are gold in terms of search engine ranking.

To get the most of your article submission, here are some article writing strategies you can use:
a) Start keyword research. Choose a keyword with enough searches (minimum 100

searches per day), and less competition (< 1million, using quotes). b) Sprinkle the keyword (3-7% density) throughout the article. Start article title with the keyword if possible.

c) In resource box, write some appealing stuff, with a link (anchored with your keyword) to your website. You should also include a non-hyperlinked URL (just in case a particular article directory does not allow HTML linking).

d) Spend time to craft your article title. Your title is like a mini-headline. The title of your article should be short, simple, and offer a main benefit. Some good examples are "Quick And Easy Way To ….", "What You Always Wanted To Know About …."

e) Have an interesting opening paragraph. This will spur the reader to read further, hopefully to the end. You can use a surprise opening, relating a personal experience, an anecdote, or a story.

Why do you need to put keyword in your article? With that one keyword per article, you are making use of the high pagerank of the article directories (or other sites if your article is picked up and re-published). Your article will appear high in the search results for that keyword, giving you an extra visitor boost.

When your article is ready, you can submit to the article directories one by one, or you can make better use of your valuable time by using two submission methods:

i) Use an online article submission service. There are close to 10 article submission services, with fees varying widely. One of the more cost effective ones is Article Marketer, which submits your article to numerous sites, and does not place a limit on the number of articles you can submit.

ii) If you do not like the idea of a recurring cost, you can invest in an article submission software, like Article Post Robot. This software stands out above the rest as it allows you to choose to submit in semi-automatic or fully automatic mode.

2.8 Article Announcement Lists


Article announcement lists are similar to article directories. Your article will be placed before an audience of webmasters and publishers who may choose to use it.

The advantage of article announcement lists is that the members sign up to receive new articles by email. Your article will be directly sent to members who have subscribed to receive it. Yahoo has a ‘Groups’ area where you can browse the lists and sign up to receive announcements. This creates the perfect audience for your material.

For Yahoo Groups, if you do not want your inbox to be flooded by other people's articles, make sure you select "No email - I'll read messages on the web site".


Note: For article submission using Article Marketer or Article Post Robot, the feature of submitting to mailing groups are included in both methods.

2.9 Submission To Directories
People often confuse directories and search engines. Search engines use spiders or robots to index websites, while directories use people. Directories tend to have smaller but cleaner indexes.

Directories are no longer a primary source of traffic. They are, however, an excellent source of targeted traffic, in addition to having valuable backlinks from authority sites.

Yahoo Directory, Ask Jeeves and DMOZ are among the major directories. Some directories are free to submit, some are paid. For a list of web directories, Best Web Directories provides both free and paid listing, with additional information about each directory.
Some directory editors reject sites they consider to be of poor quality. When submitting to directories, make sure your site is completely functional, and follow submission guidelines carefully.

Choose the most appropriate category for your site. Choose subcategories over top-level categories. If you submit to a top-level category even though appropriate subcategories are available, there's a good chance your submission will be denied.

The website description posted with your URL is a big factor in how your site will rank once it's listed in the directory. It is very important to do this right the first time. If you put too much promotional jargon in your description or make it too long, for example, the editors are sure to change it.

If you want to make better use of your time rather than to submit manually, the software I use is Submit Equalizer, which submits to multiple directories in a few clicks. As with all automation tools, use it responsibly so that your submissions will have the highest chance to get accepted..

2.10 Submission To Relevant Websites
Another beneficial use for articles is to offer them directly to sites you would like to

share readers with. This is not only a great way to gain credibility for your topic, but will provide useful backlinks all over the Internet. Sometimes you can even get links from sites that would not agree to a formal link exchange request.

2.11 Forums

Forums – groups of Internet users that discuss common interests online. They are a fantastic way to share information. Search for a forum that discusses something related to your website. Be sure to spend time ‘lurking’.

That means reading the posts and becoming familiar with the style of discussion and written (and unwritten) rules. Most forums forbid spamming. What is considered spam by one forum is perfectly acceptable by another, but blatant advertising rarely is appreciated.

In most cases you can either post a link to your website in your signature, or share information that arouses questions about your website from other posters.

Some forums permit you to post your articles. If you are unsure about their policies, be careful, or you risk upsetting some forumers. Offering free advice can sometimes be enough to establish credibility, and if you have a blog, or other non-marketing site you may be able to send traffic to that first, then encourage visitors to visit your website from the blog.

2.12 Reciprocal Linking
Are you creating reciprocal linking pages to impress the search engines? Create a separate page for each link category and write 200-400 words of content on that subject. Offering your recommended links at the end will make you a source for information… rather than just a bunch of links.

Some may argue that reciprocal linking is losing its effectiveness due to over-use and abuse by some people, but if done properly, it is still a good way to get backlinks as well as occasional visitors who click on your link.

Maintaining reciprocal link pages can be time consuming, as well as periodically checking whether the other parties are still linking back to you. There are two link exchange software I use:

i) A free version is the Link Management Assistant (by Duncan Carver). Being free, you have to bear with some limitations and conditions.

ii) Another neat piece of software that I use is Link Machine. Thi

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