YouTube Takeover Sample by Spencer Coffman - HTML preview

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By Spencer Coffman

Also By Spencer Coffman

A Guide To Deception

Relax And Unwind

Work Less Live More

A Healthier You!

Affiliate Marketing Expert

More Facebook Everything

365 Days Of Devotion For Everyone

While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this book, the author and/or publisher assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions, or for damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein.



First edition. August 2017.

ISBN: 978-1-9738284-5-7 (Paperback)

ISBN: 978-1-3709306-8-5 (Digital)

ISBN: 978-1-6622318-7-2 (Audio)

Copyright © 2017 by Spencer Coffman.

Cover Design by Spencer Coffman

All Rights Reserved.

Written by Spencer Coffman.

Discover How YOU Can Generate Income

From YouTube Today!

This Guide Will Show You How To Start Earning Money Directly Through YouTube Videos, Without Any Previous Experience!

Everyone wants to earn an income without having to leave the home. Who wouldn't want to have the freedom to work when you want and to live a better lifestyle?

We've heard the stories of people earning millions of dollars on YouTube and we start to believe that they simply got lucky.

The reality is that thousands of people are generating a full-time income by making YouTube videos!

If one person can do it, another can do it.

We are all capable of earning a solid income online but many of us go about it in the wrong way.

If you expect to have full-time results then you need to put in a full-time effort.

That means treating YouTube as your business rather than your hobby!

YouTube was designed so that even the least tech-savvy person can create his or her own videos. This is also true of making money with YouTube. Google has created the simplest monetization options, where with a couple clicks you can start generating money from the views your videos receive.

Any of us can generate money through YouTube.

But as we all know, simple doesn't mean easy.

That's why you see so many small channels abandoned even though some of their videos have a couple thousand views.

They couldn't transform those pennies into pounds. So how can you?

You Need Guidance

You can learn from my experiences and make your journey easier!

I've put together a guide to share my tips to help you create your own income streams from YouTube.


YouTube Takeover

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You'll Learn:

 Why YouTube is the place to be

 What you need to get started

 What is takes to become a full-time YouTuber

 How to improve the quality of your videos

 How to get your videos found

 Building a community

 The importance of networking

 Generating MORE income from your views

 And much, much more!

This guide will help you to start growing your YouTube channel into a true authority and will share some great ways in which you can monetize your views.

It’s Time To Decide Whether Or Not This Is For You

With the popularity of YouTube, a guide like this could easily fetch $30 or more!

However, today you can own this great eBook for a very special price.

This is a truly incredible value, especially considering the significant difference it'll make in your success.

I want to share it with you and everyone else.

You will have the comprehensive and valuable insight that you need to finally become a successful YouTuber.

I know you’ll be very happy with the results.

" Yes! I really want to discover how to grow my YouTube channel so that I can start making money online and turn it into a reliable income.

So please send me my copy of “YouTube Takeover” - so I can start getting more YouTube fans and finally making bigger profits, starting today!

Order Now!

Table of Contents

Introduction – The Power of YouTube

Chapter 1 – The Right Equipment

Professional Quality Videos

Making Videos Off Camera

Chapter 2 – Logistics

Treat it Like a Business

The Power of Volume

One Final Tip

Chapter 3 – Starting To Grow

Building a Base

Make Your Videos ‘Sticky’

Shorter is Better

Create a Series

Build a Community

Chapter 4 – SEO For YouTube

Thumbnail Images


Title and Description

Channel Details

Chapter 5 – Sharing and Linking

Social Media


Viral Content

Chapter 6 – Networking


Social Media


Making Friends

Chapter 7 – Generating Income

Advertising Revenue

Selling Your Products

Affiliate Sales

Paid Content

Conclusion – Wrapping Up


*If at any time you wish to return to the table of contents. Click on the section heading.

Introduction – The Power of YouTube

Let’s face it. Everyone living in the world of technology has heard of YouTube.

YouTube needs no introduction. It is an amazing video sharing platform that Google acquired for 1.6 billion dollars. Why did they pay so much for a video-sharing site that wasn’t even that popular? It was because they saw the potential. Google knew that YouTube would become the most popular place for videos and potentially the second largest search engine in the world.

Therefore, they bought it. They turned the competition into their greatest asset and now YouTube and Google are the most used search engines in the world.

Even though Google recognized the value of YouTube, it is still one of the most underrated platforms for reaching a massive audience. Businesses vastly underestimate the potential that YouTube has to bring more fans and followers. This is a shocking fact because YouTube has become increasingly popular. In fact, many people don’t realize exactly how massive YouTube really is.

YouTube has billions of users and roughly half of the people online have signed up for an account. Since YouTube and Google are cohesive, everyone with a Gmail account also has a YouTube account. Every single day, roughly five billion videos are watched on YouTube totaling millions of hours of content. In a month, over 3.5 billion hours of content is watched on YouTube.

Every minute roughly 300 hours of videos are uploaded to YouTube. EVERY

MINUTE!!!! Imagine how many are uploaded in a month! Let’s do some math.

300 hours of video is uploaded every minute. There are 1,440 minutes in a day.

That means that each day 432,000 hours of videos are uploaded to YouTube. In a month, that number is almost 13 million hours of content!

Through mobile alone, that means people streaming videos only on their phones, YouTube manages to reach more people between the ages of 18 and 49 than any cable TV network in the United States. In addition, 8 out of 10

people in that same age group watch videos on YouTube at least once each day.

Clearly, YouTube is something you cannot ignore. Google was right. YouTube had the potential to become the second largest search engine in the world and now it is. This is huge because it means that you can get as much traffic from YouTube as you can from Google. However, because YouTube is all about videos, the traffic you receive is going to be highly targeted and they will be significantly more likely to convert into customers.

Videos give you the option to really engage your viewers in a much more powerful way than regular written text. Videos are great for marketing because it quickly captures the attention of the viewer. In addition, videos can make a point several times faster than an article. You can literally show people what you are talking about. You can make them feel and inspire them to think and act. Answer these questions to help illustrate this point.

Have you ever been talking with someone but not really listening because you were too busy staring at the screen behind him or her?

How about staying up late watching something on TV that you didn’t really like?

Has a commercial ever made you laugh or cry?

Chances are that you have said, “yes” to every one of these questions. These are all great examples of the level of impact that video has compared to written content. After all, when was the last time you were reading an article from afar while talking to your friend? Probably never.

YouTube provides this level of captivity and gives you access to the billions of people that are engaged in watching the content. You literally have a captive audience. You have an audience that is searching for one purpose, and that is to watch videos.

Another aspect that is so hugely important for you is the fact that YouTube comes with built-in social media sharing. This means that people can watch your video and instantly like, subscribe, and share it to all of their friends!

Therefore, forget paying the piper to create TV commercials on a network that can’t even reach the majority of people. Instead, create videos to post on your own channel that people can search for, watch, and share with their friends all for FREE!

YouTube videos can have a lasting impact on your audience. People are naturally impressed with high-quality video content because it is something that average people cannot do themselves. Ultimately, anyone can make a website, add content to Facebook, and upload videos to YouTube. But not everybody can create stunning business and marketing videos that look professional, have high definition footage, great music, and excellent wording.

Therefore, the question becomes: Why aren’t more businesses using YouTube?

Clearly, it is an amazing way to gain access to a huge audience that is actively searching for the very content you are going to create! Come on, if there were literally billions of people searching for your product in a certain area of the world are you telling me that you wouldn’t make an effort to put your product out there for them to find? For FREE!

If so, then your business is missing out. You need to take advantage of this free method of distribution, especially because many other businesses aren’t. That means you have the potential to get ahead of your competition and be found a lot faster. You see the advantages. So why aren’t people using YouTube?

The main reason many businesses, perhaps yourself included, don’t use YouTube is because they simply don’t know enough about it. YouTube is so vast that people can’t comprehend what is going on. Take another look at all of those numbers because in a few days they will probably be different. It is growing so rapidly that it boggles the mind and you may feel overwhelmed like you can’t keep up or get a handle on what is going on.

You may have also believed that creating a high-quality video is difficult and expensive. This is not the case. You can create good videos. It will only take some time and effort. The hard part isn’t creating the videos. It is knowing how to get people to watch your videos so that they can start bringing you an income. You saw the stats. Over 300 hours uploaded every minute. Your video

will be like a needle in a stack of needles. How on earth are you going to make it stand out so that people will see it?

Fortunately, you don’t need an answer for that right now because this book is going to show you exactly how to get your video out there. You’ll learn how to get seen by millions of people through YouTube and also how to turn those people into fans or customers for your business. You’ll see exactly how easy it is to start up your own YouTube channel and how to grow it into a reliable income. In addition, you’ll see how you can do it without spending tons of money on expensive equipment, software, or anything else.

You made a great choice when you chose to read this. You recognized the value that YouTube can bring to your business. And after reading this introduction you realize now, more than ever, that it is time for you to become active on YouTube. It is time for a YouTube Takeover!

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About The Author

Spencer Coffman is proficient in many video editing programs and has created hundreds of videos. He has managed several successful YouTube channels and knows what it takes to make video production a job rather than a hobby. Now he is sharing that information with you. Go ahead and grab your copy today! To read more about Spencer, visit his website

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