Zyxtology by Joseph Wood - HTML preview

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I’ve been a student of the Internet since 1997. From that time I began to see its tremendous potential. Coupled with that, I’ve been involved in business since 2000. My experience spans from starting a business from the ground up with no capital to running a Fortune 500 company. I’ve also been involved in the church world in various capacities from beginning a church to being on staff at one of the 45 largest churches in America. I’ve run my own photography, marketing and Web design firms. In other words, I’ve had a wide range of experience in reaching out to people and touching them with my message. And if there is one thing I know and understand, it’s the power of the Internet—or more specifically, the power of social networking through popular Web sites like MySpace, Facebook and LinkedIn.

Regardless of the business I’ve been involved with, there is always one constant: One business thrives while other similar businesses are struggling to survive.

How is it that in every industry where there is a need and demand for a business, product or service, one company excels and one doesn’t? And how could I walk into one store that was underperforming and in 30 days or less make it a top performer in its industry, keeping the same employees, products and services? It seems a pretty big claim to make, doesn’t it? Yet I can tell you in two words how I can do just that: Marketing relevance.

You see, it doesn’t matter how good your product or service is. You may even think your product is so good that it will sell itself. But products and services alone don’t build wealth, and they definitely don’t build thriving companies.

Don’t believe me?

Take $20,000 worth of your products and services to an empty field tomorrow. Then pull up your recliner, sit back and watch it. Stare at it all day long. Shoot, take a nap if you want. Then go check your bank account.

Any new deposits? None? Exactly my point: Marketing systems sell products and build thriving businesses; products and services don’t.

You may never have been introduced to real marketing until today. What I’m about to share with you may forever change the way you view marketing your business, products or services.

Let me be the first to show you a brand new concept that will revolutionize your world. Let me introduce you to the exciting world of the Zyxter marketing system and its unlimited possibilities.

I can hear the questions now: What is Zyxter? What does it mean? How do you even pronounce it?

Zyxter, pronounced “zĭx’-ter,” is derived from the word zyxt, an old Kentish word meaning “to see.” It’s the final word listed in the English dictionary.

Zyxter is a premiere social networking site of its kind. It is an all- encompassing marketing system that incorporates live streaming services that literally allow you, your business, your products and your services to be seen and help you become the last word in your community.

The entire point of Zyxter in this new era of marketing relevance is to create well-educated prospects who are affiliated with your business and who can help you acquire a large base of happy, satisfied customers.

The biggest problem the Internet has caused for people trying to market themselves and their businesses is that too often people lead with their product and spam the masses. This results in prospects who want nothing to do with the product pushers. Nobody wants unsolicited products forced upon them.

To be honest, the use of Zyxter in itself will not guarantee your success. However, it will empower you to achieve massive success at a much faster pace simply by applying the strategies and secrets you’ll find revealed in subsequent chapters of this book.

The only way to really succeed in business is to become a leader with a following by establishing yourself as an expert in your field.

So a question to ponder would be, “How are you going to build your business and promote your products and services?”

Do you realize why this is such an important question? It’s quite simple, really. It’s because your business, your product and your services don’t matter unless you find a way to move people from being prospects to customers. Your future wealth and success are not found in the business, product or services; they lie in your ability to move—to market with relevance—your business, product or services.

So how are you going to do that?

I cannot reiterate enough that it’s all about the marketing.

If you will apply the principles of Zyxtology and embrace change, you will never have to “sell” again. Believe it or not, people will pay you to prospect them!

When you apply these principles you can teach anyone to duplicate your success, regardless of their industry. Not only that, but you can be paid to teach them.

When you utilize the power of the Zyxter marketing system you will make money quickly, even from people who don’t buy your products or services.

When you understand Zyxtology and plug into the system, you’ll see how anyone can make money on their very first day. And I’m here to show you how to do just that.

The problem for most people, in my opinion, is that most business owners don’t know how to market.

The individual who thinks he can build a long-term, successful business or service without spending the