Zyxtology by Joseph Wood - HTML preview

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Do you want to know the real secret to business success? Then I’ll tell you: If you are going to be successful—truly successful—then you have to understand one thing.

True success is forged through relationships.

Marketing relevance begins with people. The more you know about people, the more you are willing to learn about people, the more successful you will become.

To successfully implement Zyxter marketing secrets and strategies, you will need to go beyond the surface. You will have to build real community with your target audience and learn to understand everything about them— everything from how they think to why they think what they think. You’ll need to understand what they want and why they want it. You’ll have to grasp what motivates them to buy a particular product or service.

As we delve into the psychology of marketing there are a few constants that we need to remember while we develop our strategies and pitch our offers.

First, believe it or not, the vast majority of people are lazy. It is part of our human nature. Our culture has catered to this need. As a result we have fast food restaurants; if that’s not fast enough, we have drive-throughs so we don’t have to get out of the vehicle to go into the restaurant to get our food. People today want better everything; they want it faster, cheaper and easier.

UPS, FedEx and others have really capitalized on this. Not only can I get expedited delivery by tomorrow; in some cases, if I’m willing to pay for it, I can get same-day delivery!

Now, I’m just like everyone else in this. I’m not afraid to work. Believe me, I’ve done some hard work in my life. It’s just that my laziness drives me to be more successful. I don’t work harder, but I do work smarter. It’s ironic, but true: It is because I am lazy that I am successful.

Another thing to keep in mind is that people make decisions based upon the principle of pleasure vs. pain. What is this principle? Simply put, it states that a person will make decisions and act upon them based upon whether his choices are going to bring pleasure or pain. It doesn’t matter what the decision might be—it could be anything from a decision to marry to a choice of whether to cook or buy take-out after work.

Strange as it may seem, a person’s desire to avoid pain is even greater than his or her desire for pleasure. Amazing, isn’t it?

I have met many people who have big dreams and aspirations, yet they never do anything about them. I can’t tell you the number of people who say they would do anything to have what I have and do what I do. I always smile when they tell me that and ask a question: “Why don’t you?”

Of course, I already know the answer—they give in to their fears and avoid even the possibility of pain. Consequently, they never do what is needed for them to fulfill their dreams and aspirations. The perceived possibility of pain at leaving their comfort zone is greater than the perceived potential for pleasure at achieving success and living out their dreams.

It doesn’t usually take long for such people to start to make excuses and try to justify their lack of initiative. Sadly, while they may be speaking to others, in reality they seem to be trying to justify their actions to themselves.

Not long ago I gave one young man who was struggling to make it a great opportunity. He had said he was tired of how his life was going and of the laziness and inertia that had kept him from being successful. He said he’d love to live in a house like mine, drive the vehicle that I drove and not have to live paycheck to paycheck.

So I tested him.

I offered him a dream job. I gave him the opportunity to work from home, to set his own schedule and make as much money as he wanted. To put it into perspective, I was offering him the ability to make as much money in one day as he normally made in a week. Sounds like a no-brainer, right? Well, my offer came with one catch.

I love to help people, but experience has shown me that unless someone is willing to face his fears or the pain of failure he will not be successful. So I gave him the opportunity of a lifetime—but I put it in his court to take the initiative of getting started.

Unfortunately he is still struggling with the same old dead-end job, wondering when his big break will come. He’s waiting for success, power and prestige to drop into his lap without requiring him to leave the comfort of the familiar daily struggle.

There are so many excuses one can make to justify giving in to fear and never actually doing what is required to become successful.

What about you? Are you ready to leave your comfort zone and try something new? Are you willing to be stretched in the ways you currently operate and do business?

As stated earlier, you will need to build real community with your target audience and learn to understand everything about them. You’ll need to learn everything from how they think to why they think what they think. You’ll need to understand what they want and why they want it.

Here’s a good beginning to understanding: People will do just about anything to avoid or cure pain. If you understand them well enough, you can expose that pain and offer them a solution. Then, by their nature as humans, they are wired to do what is necessary to attain the solution. It is a