Zyxtology by Joseph Wood - HTML preview

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I want you to really think about something: It doesn’t matter how much you know what matters is what you do with what you know.

Imagine with me for a moment that you have a million dollars. It’s in the basement of your house, locked away in a safe to which only you have the combination. This safe is 100% impenetrable without that combination.

Now, the house you live in used to be quite a beauty. It was constructed with the finest of materials by the most skilled craftsmen in their fields. The yard used to be a testament to landscaping but that was long ago.

Remember, you have a million dollars locked up in the safe in your basement. But somewhere along the way you decided that you were all set. You had enough, all safely stashed. So day after day you’d wake up, watch TV, eat and go to bed. The next day you’d repeat the process. But as days turned into months, little things started happening. First you ran out of groceries; then your water was turned off; then your electricity was turned off yet you did nothing.

The sad part is that you have that million dollars in the basement. But unless you get up, go to the basement, open the safe and pay your bills, you’ll starve and die alone.

It isn’t enough to have a million dollars if you don’t use it. A fortune unused does nothing to enhance your life. It is only when you apply that treasure toward something that you see results.

It’s the same thing with the knowledge you are assimilating within the pages of this book. It doesn’t matter how much sense these principles seem to make to you today. It doesn’t matter what your intentions are of applying them.

The only way to receive the benefits of the knowledge you have gained is to begin applying it, one day at a time. Nothing happens overnight. Too many businesspeople and entrepreneurs give up too soon and never achieve to their full potential. Everyone wants immediate success, often because they have gotten themselves into a situation where they have to do something right away or lose everything.

Don’t be that person. Don’t try something for a week and decide it doesn’t work. A week is not long enough to know. A month isn’t long enough to know. It takes time to build relationships, but well-built relationships will yield much.

It is said that it takes at least six to eight exposures to your product or service before the majority of people are ready to buy. Those new to business may decide on a direct mail marketing plan and spend thousands of dollars to mail out four different postcards, only to quit because they don’t see the results they wanted. Yet if they had stuck with the plan and mailed a few more times, they would have experienced maximum return on their investment.

My challenge for you is to apply what you have learned in this book and stick with it for at least 12 months. If you develop a specific plan for your business, products and services around the principles I’ve outlined over these chapters for 12 months, you will have no competition in your field. Everyone is going to be asking you how you did it.

Don’t procrastinate. Start today. Don’t waste another day.

I know wasting a day doesn’t seem like a very big deal, and truthfully it’s not until you waste enough days and you see that you have wasted a week.

Wasting a week isn’t too bad, either, until you have wasted enough weeks that you have wasted a month.

And a month wasted isn’t too bad—until you’ve wasted enough months that you have wasted a year.

The problem with wasting a year is that once you have wasted a year it doesn’t take long until you have wasted a lifetime

I know that it can be confusing to enter new territory. Often it is overwhelming to know where to begin. So come along and dream with me for a few minutes.


Imagine a Web site that expanded upon the tools of this book and provided you a turnkey platform to use what you have learned to change your world.

Imagine a true social networking site with mass appeal to people of all industries, a site that actually encouraged you to conduct business and taught you how to use their platform for your business.

Imagine a social networking site that enabled you to build an opt-in e-mail subscriber list and taught you how to effectively market with that e-mail list.

Imagine a social networking site that gave you the tools to build an opt-in cell phone list that you could use to market via text messaging.

Imagine a social networking site that not only allowed you to create blogs and upload videos, but allowed you to stream yourself live. A site that allowed you to host product release parties, webinars and live educational events from the expert—you.

Imagine a social networking site that actually provided cutting-edge tools to help you build your community and increase your revenue at the same time.

Imagine a social networking site that actually paid you simply for conducting your business and referring people to it.

Imagine a social networking site that paid you a 10% commission on all memberships and services sold to people referred directly by you.

Imagine a social<