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Creating Your Blog Content

In this next section I am going to discuss 4 ways to generate great content that will help you in the monetization process of your blogging efforts.

1. Write it yourself- Best method… after all you are the expert…Your personality is a good thing to be seen in your work. Drawback is that it is time consuming on your part.

2. Outsourcing- You can get short blog posts done for about $2-10 at ,, Warrior Forum, etc…

 Look for writers who have a strong portfolio. Ask for relevant writing samples similar to the type of article writing you need done. Read them… If you want your Blog posts to rank well, make sure they will be written for readers first and foremost..

 Always check the content to assure it is what you want and that it is good solid content. Don’t accept crap.

 Ask for articles not blog posts. Most will charge more if you say you need a blog post written.

Pros & Cons To Outsourcing

Advantages (Pros):

o You don't have to spend time doing the research o The time you save in having someone else do your writing is time you can spend marketing

o The cost is minimal

o It's usually efficient and amazingly fast o You usually can pay only after you approve the work.

Disadvantages (Cons) :

o The writer might not agree to your terms (Keep looking) o The writer may take longer than they or you anticipated o The writer may not write English fluently,

o You may end up with an amateur instead of professional writer.

o The writer may not be as experienced in SEO as you need o The writer may be excellent at SEO, but not be very good at writing for human beings

3. Guest Blogging

Trade posting blog content with another blogger is called "guest blogging.”

One thing to always remember is that, the better your blog, the better guest opportunities you will have!

 Look for Blogs that do not directly compete with each other for readers, when you do you can become an added service to each other and to our respective readers.

 Your blog may pretty much be on work at home opportunities and making money online so you could find another Blog that has to do with something similar or with a target audience that would like to hear about home money making opportunities like a Blog that deals with Stay at home parents.

 You swap "guest" posts… You write content on that Blog with a byline and link (back-link) back to my own Blog

 The owner of the Stay at home parents blog writes content on your Blog with a byline and link (back-link) back to their own Blog

 You now have access to the loyal readers of another blog and they will have access to your blog..

4. Private Label Rights Content (PLR)

Using Private Label rights products or PLR is one of my all-time favorite ways to generating and finding content for my content blogs.

Benefits of PLR

o Time Saver – Who wouldn’t want more time in their day? Writing, even though very worth it, can take a ton of time. That time could be better spent elsewhere.

o Inexpensive – PLR is easier on the wallet. Who doesn’t like that! 

o Flexibility – Rewrite it, add your own spin and personality o Profitable – Turn into Blog Posts with your Affiliate Links

 Focus on PLR reports and Books in particular.

o Unlike PLR articles, private label rights reports make repurposing your content even easier. Get the most bang for your buck.

Affiliate Links in your Blog Posts

One of the most effective monetization methods is to add strategically placed and relevant affiliate links to your sites.

One of the most effective affiliate links can be found within the text of your blog post.

You may be thinking that nobody wants to show up to your blog and be pitched at the whole time they are reading your blog. That is some pretty smart thinking on your part. Your job in writing is not to pitch, it is to presell and lead them to the call to action point of your post. With the increased use of blogs you will find that blog readers are used to seeing links in blog posts.

As long as the link has relevance for being there, leads to a relevant benefit for the reader, and offers a solution to their problem or need, you will not offend anyone and you will find yourself with a higher click through… a click through will often lead to a sale.

What I just said is something that is very important. Pre-sell the click through on your Affiliate Link through your content. As someone reads your content they need to feel they are getting some real value and help. Do not pitch a product.

Your job is to pre-sell the product, and get them to take action by clicking on your affiliate link that you have strategically placed throughout your post.

Here are a couple things to remember while writing your content for your post;

 Show empathy (understanding and entering into another's feelings) with your reader’s situation or problem.

 Offer an Affiliate product or service that will provide them with a suitable solution to their problem.

Don’t underestimate the power of affiliate links when your recommendation reaches thousands daily.