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Creating a Simple Video Package

Another great way to monetize your website is by creating a very simple video package and then using it to drive traffic to your squeeze page and give it away.

These videos are very simple to create and can be done using very simple tools and equipment such as a digital camera with video capabilities or a Flip Video that you can pick up for right around $100-$130.

This process involves finding 10-20 questions that people are asking in a profitable Niche of your choice.

There are many ways to find these questions if you can’t come up with them on your own. Below are a few suggestions.

 Check into forums within the Niche and find out what questions people are asking.

o If you are not finding question being asked all you need to do is create a post and ask people to post the top questions they have on the topic you are working with.

 Check out social sites such as Twitter and Facbook.

o Again same thing applies as with the forum. If you do not see any one asking questions, ask them.

 Check Yahoo answers.

 Do a search on Google for the top 10 questions asked on your topic or the top 10 tips on your subject if you are doing a top tips series.

 If you have a list, do a survey and ask.

 Write a post on your blog asking for people to leave you the questions they have on your subject.

 Attend live offline events as this is a great place to get face to face video time.

 Attend other marketer’s live Q&A calls and write down the questions people are asking. This is also a great time to write down the answer if you yourself do not know.

 Watch your email. Many times marketers will send out emails after doing live calls letting you know what the top questions were asked by the attendees.

 Draw from your own experience and the questions you had when you first got started or that you have now.

Be creative the questions are out there being asked and they are quite easy to find.

Once you have your questions you are just going to shoot a 3-4 minute video on each question, and then supply the answer.

Here are the steps for you to follow:

1. Choose a Profitable Niche that you are knowledgeable about or can research to find the information.

2. Create 10-20 questions on the top questions people want to know about the Niche you have chosen. You may do the top 10 mistakes, or the top 10

problems, etc…

3. Shoot short 3-4 minute videos giving the problem and the solution. 1 video for each of the 10-20 questions

Example: Hi this is Your Name from Your Domain I am an expert

Share What Makes You The Expert and I want to share with you the top 10 questions and answer that people want to know about Your

Niche . Give Question #1 And Give The Answer To Question #1.

4. End your video with something like the following example:

I have created a series of these videos that will really help jump start your Affiliate Marketing Career. To receive the entire 10 video set series of solutions to the top 10 problems New Affiliate Marketers are continually plagued by just go to Your Squeeze Page Domain and I will send them right out to you.

5. Load each of your videos individually up to YouTube with a call to action and link directing them back to your squeeze page. Make sure your videos are properly tagged using the proper keywords being used to search for your topic you just created the videos for. You want to get these videos seen.

6. Next send them to your Squeeze page (or Blog) to opt-in for the other 9

videos in the series.

7. Choose a good relevant Affiliate Product to send your new subscriber to after they opt in to your squeeze page. Once they opt in you will direct them to the sales page of the Affiliate offer you have chosen, 8. Choose a product with a good converting sales page and one that is directly related to the Niche you have chosen and that will make sense in the mind of the subscriber.

Below is the flow process of how this monetization process will take place.

Step 1- Visitor finds your video on YouTube Step 2-Visitor is taken to your squeeze page to receive the entire video package you have created.

Step 3-Visitor is taken to a thank you page thanking for opting in for the free gift and directing them to go to their email inbox and confirm that they do indeed want the free gift.

Step 4-Visitor confirms by clicking on the link in the email and is immediately taken to a sales page for the Affiliate product you have chosen that is relevant to the topic you created the videos on. This offer will add more help on the subject.

Step 5-After purchasing the affiliate product the now buyer is taken to the One Time Offer page of the Affiliate product for a chance of you making more commissions.

There is another way you can approach the monetization process that may seem less painful for the visitor to grab the Affiliate product you have chosen.

Step 1- Visitor finds your video on YouTube Step 2-Visitor is taken to your squeeze page to receive the entire video package you have created.

Step 3-Visitor is taken to a thank you page thanking for opting in for the free gift and directing them to go to their email inbox and confirm that they do indeed want the free gift.

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Step 4-Visitor is taken to the product download page where they will find an un-advertised bonus waiting for them. This bonus can be another free gift for them to sign up to that will lead them through your affiliate link to sign up for the free gift and right into the Product owner of the Affiliate product you have chosen.

Using Bonus offers to enhance Affiliate Product Recommendations One of the best ways to enhance any Affiliate product recommendation is to add special bonus offers to the package.

Actually what we are going to be talking about is adding bonus offers that make it easy for the visitor to say yes because they will see more value in the bonus than the Affiliate product you are offering them.

Something you need to keep in mind from the very beginning is that the bonus offer, Must Make Sense in the Mind of the Person reading The Offer. You must always remember this.

Many times you will see bonus offers that really make no sense as to why someone would add them to a product recommendation due to the fact they have no relevance.

There are many benefits of adding bonus offers to your recommendations in the way we are going to be discussing.

 Benefits:

o Higher Conversion

o Gives You More Credibility

o Better Relationships

o More Money

o You Create A Product

Let me lay out the step by step format of using a bonus offer that seems to really outshine the product you are recommending, and that will help you cash in on your Affiliate promotions.

1. Choose low end ($17-$67) range Affiliate Product. Work towards replacing this with your own product. You can find these products in several places.

Listed below are just 3 of the many places for you to look.

CB Engine Find ClickBank Marketplace Products that Sell. Affiliate marketing professionals use CBEngine to research the top ClickBank Marketplace products to promote.

Pay Dot Com . Com

2. Create Ultimate No Brainer Bonus Offer

 My suggestion is an online workshop; Find Private Label Rights product in the Niche that you have chosen, and that will make sense to become a bonus, or create it from the content of the Affiliate product you are promoting.

 Create a 2-4 module Online training Course that will walk the customer that buys your Affiliate product by the hand through the step by step process of learning the Niche Topic you are an Affiliate for.

 Note: Bonus Offer does not need to be completely ready. It becomes a product that you are going to create as you go. You will deliver this workshop live through inviting those that by the Affiliate product to show up to your live workshop trainings.

Of course it is possible to have this already recorded so that you can deliver the workshop through the use of video recordings.

3. Write an email and a blog post that are very similar in content. The email you will be sending out on day one of the promotion. The blog post is going to be where you will be sending them on day two of the promotion.

One option to consider is the use of video on the blog instead written content for higher conversion.

4. Begin the marketing process by sending out the very first email. You will notice in the diagrams I have provide I show you exactly what should be included in your email that you will be sending out. This same content will be place on your blog either through written content or video.

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Once the visitor reads your email or your blog and clicks on your affiliate link to purchase the Affiliate product, it is now time to deliver your promised bonus.

As directed in your email, the customer will fill out a support ticket letting you know they have purchased by showing you’re their purchase receipt that they will receive from the product owner of the Affiliate product you are promoting Once you receive the support ticket you will send back copy and paste instructions directing them to click on the enclosed link that will give them all of the directions they need to sign up for the live workshop bonus, and when it will be starting.

The link they click on will lead them to a squeeze page to sign up for the workshop placing them on a list to help you communicate with the new buyers.

Remember you do not need to start the workshop the next day. You have some time. I would try to start the workshop within a 7-10 day period to keep everyone excited about attending.

Once the customer signs up for the workshop they will begin the double opt in process of confirming they indeed want to receive this information from you.

Of course you know by now that this is another chance to monetize this process.

Once they opt in they can be taken to a one time offer giving them a great opportunity to not only attend the workshop, but to also own the workshop as their very own high end training course after the workshop is completed.

You may want to keep the training course in the family and just offer resell rights to the product offering your customers the opportunity to sell the product for you instead of claiming it as their own.

Either way you have a great one time offer to monetize your efforts even further at a higher price point than the original product you promoted.

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The whole time the customer is checking out your One Time Offer something magical begins to happen right under their nose that will begin a great relationship.

It is called the follow up email series.

Once they double opt in to your list your very first follow up email will be sent out thanking them for their purchase and also directing them to check out the Affiliate product they just purchased from you.

Remember your workshop is being developed around the Affiliate product you promoted to them. You are going to be teaching them the system presented in the product in more depth than the product itself.

You want your customer to start going through the product so they can familiarize themselves with the methods taught.

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In this same follow up message you are giving the customer assurance that you will be getting with them in the next few days with more information about your live workshop you are creating.

The next step in the process is to hold the live workshop training.

My suggestion is to use Go to webinar service for getting your students on the call in order to be able to see you screen.

I would also use Camtasia to capture the recording of your workshop.

Remember this is becoming a product that you are putting together for yourself and possibly for an OTO you just sold to your customers by offering them resell or private label rights to the training.

Make sure you record.

After each session of your workshop you have a prime opportunity to go after those that have not purchased your One Time Offer to the package.

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The reason this is such a great time to present your offer is because those attending now see the quality of your training and what the quality of the product will be that they will own or be selling.

They will know exactly what they are going to get.

After your Training you still have more opportunities to monetize this amazing process. Remember the magic that began when your first follow up message went out.

If you have done your job properly you still have more follow up messages ready to go out that will continue to build your relationship with your new customers and also promote related affiliate products you want to recommend. You can take them right back through the whole process once again.

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