14-Day Accelerated Fat Loss Program by My Fitness Hut by Mark Dilworth - HTML preview

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4. My Fitness Hut’s Accelerated Fat Loss Workout Guidelines


1) A strength training workout should not exceed 1 hour. An interval cardio workout should not exceed 20-30 minutes. Doing one 20-minute cardio session, resting, and then another 20-minute session will give you even more fat-burning benefits! Always do the prescribed warm up on the workout program.


2) Do strength training workouts 3 days a week, M-W-F.


3) Do interval cardio workouts 3 days a week, T-Th-Sat. Do the sprint interval cardio workout on Tuesday and Saturday. Do the bodyweight interval cardio workout on Thursday.


4) Don’t do strength training and interval cardio workouts on the same day. You should have at least 1 day of active rest (such as walking for 30-45 minutes on Sunday).


5) Follow the exercise programs as they are laid out. This includes taking the prescribed rest periods and doing the repetitions at the prescribed tempo. A 1-1-1 tempo means that you lower the weight or body for 1 second (eccentric contraction or force reduction), hold the weight or body static for 1 second (isometric contraction, or force stabilization) and lift the weight or body for 1 second (concentric contraction or force production). Many core exercises just require that you hold the body position for 10-20 seconds. If the prescribed tempo is “FAST” then do the exercise at full speed.


6) The Monday and Friday strength workouts will be with lighter weights and higher repetitions (10-12). The Wednesday strength workout will be with heavy weights and lower repetitions (6).


Do static stretches after your workout to return your muscles to their normal length.


SMFR means Self Myofascial Release with foam rolls. You will basically be your own massage therapist. Listed below is a summary of the benefits of SMFR:


1. SMFR releases tension in your muscles due to overuse, tightness and aging.

2. The SMFR process restructures and realigns your skeletal system.

3. The SMFR process improves balance and body awareness.

4. SMFR can be used in the rehabilitation process and massage therapy.

5. SMFR can be used for Pilates exercises.


Here is an example of a SMFR hamstring exercise:




1. Place hamstrings on the roll with your hips unsupported.

2. Crossed your feet to increase leverage.

3. Roll from knee toward posterior hip.

4. If a "tender point" is located, stop rolling, and rest on the tender point until pain decreases by 75%.