50 Ways to be a Better Relief Teacher by Bob Brandis - HTML preview

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Secondary behaviours are those that occur when you have a discussion with the student and the student wants to take control.

They are 'chase me' behaviours designed to push your buttons, gain a furious response and ultimately distract you from the purpose of the discussion.

Some kids are masters at it, having practised it very well at home.

OK. So you want Freddie (it’s a shame that, statistically, most of the offenders are boys) to leave the room. You have exhausted all of your positive reinforcement, redirection techniques, warnings and sanctions and need him to leave.

The secondary behaviours are the chair being thrown back, stamping, general huffing and puffing posturing. Freddie is building up a real performance for the benefit of his classmates.

He may want to divert the conversation away from the original behaviour or try to encourage a confrontation.

Don't allow him to take control of your behaviour. Resist the temptation to address the secondary behaviours at the moment. Instead, remember them for later.

There is little doubt that Freddie will eventually leave and when he has left the room, he has followed your instructions. The dramatic trail of disruption that he has left in his wake can be dealt with later. Your calm and considered response will be watched by the class and they will be impressed by your confidence, even in those emotionally fuelled moments.

The class will slowly learn that these misbehaviours will not work with you.

Job well done!



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Keep your instruction