Weight loss will occur, however you will have to give up many of the foods you like, just like in the Atkins Diet. This might become a problem in keeping the weight off for the long term.
A strict adherence to this diet might mean that you go too far in reducing your carbohydrates and too severely limit yourself from healthy fruits, vegetables, beans, legumes and whole grains.
It is a good idea to reduce the carbs in your diet as long as you aren’t reducing to the point of limiting the important fruits and vegetables and missing out on important nutrients.
To be successful in a low carb diet you must like foods low in carbohydrates. I realize that saying that sound painfully obvious but people do not always think about the implications of a diet. To be successful on a low carbohydrate diet you have to enjoy eating meats, cheeses, poultry and other high protein foods. These are the types of foods a low carb diet is based on.