Beginners Guide to Making Money Online with Amazon by AMZ Training Academy - HTML preview

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How To Create A Headline Graphic

In this Module I am again going to let you watch one of my training videos which will show you a very easy way to make a custom headline graphic for your website. It really is as easy as typing in a few words and clicking “save” and you will have a very professional headline graphic you can add to your Amazon Cash King Website, all in just 2 minutes!!!

Please visit Amz Free Graphic Creator and follow the simple instructions.

How To Create a CALL To Action Graphic

You will want to create a Call To Action graphic to direct people to Amazon from your website and it's very easy to do so. Again, it is better illustrated by letting you watch over my shoulder as I create it using the Free Header software we downloaded earlier.

It's very easy to do and you can access the video by visiting:

How To Make a Call To Action Graphic