Beginners Guide to Making Money Online with Amazon by AMZ Training Academy - HTML preview

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Step 1

Enter the name of your product in the box at the top just under where it says

“Word or Phrase (one per line)”

For demonstration purposes I am going to use the example site I built, for the specific reason of teaching students. The site is

M221nv is the product number of a television and by using the product number it is considered what we call a „buy keyword', meaning that when someone searches on Google for the keyword “M221NV”, you can assume that the person is ready to buy.

Normally a person would not be familiar with the actual product number of this television so this indicates that they have already completed their research and are ready to buy.

So product numbers are always a good indication someone is ready to make a purchase and we will be discussing these more in depth later in this e-book.

So using the name of the product you have chosen, enter it into the box. At this point you may be asked to enter the Spam Captcha, which is the 2 words shown just below the box that you need to enter. This shows Google that you are a real person.

Once you have entered those words, click “Search”.

You will now receive the initial results showing you how many people search on Google for your product each month.

Initially the Google keyword tool will give you results based on a BROAD search which means if you Searched for “M221NV Television” the results would show you how many times someone searched for “M221NV” and also how many times they searched for the word “television”. The keyword tool would then add all those together to give you the result.


This result is not what we are looking for as the numbers will be much higher than the real exact search results and will be misleading.

We are only interested in the exact search results as this will give you accurate results for exactly what you have entered in the box and will tell you exactly how many people searched for that exact search term or word each month.

So what you need to do here is uncheck the “Broad” check box as indicated in the above example and then check the “Exact” box as indicated in the below example.

At this point the tool will recalculate and give you accurate results based on how many exact searches are made on Google for that exact phrase or keyword you have entered.

This is the number we are looking for.


The magic number we are looking for is as HIGH as possible, around 3000 - 4000 is good, although for a buying keyword 1000 EXACT searches is an acceptable result.

I also take into account the EXACT search results depending on the price of the product.

The higher the price of the product, the less monthly searches I will accept especially if it's a good buying keyword, but of course the higher search result the better.

So as you can see from the above M221NV gets 1300 exact searches each month for that keyword which would be acceptable, if your product has over 1000 then it is OK to move onto the next step.

If not then you need to go back and pick another product until you get the correct monthly search volume to continue.

WARNING: Do not use TRADEMARKED NAMES when searching as you will not be able to register those in a domain name which is the next step.

For example the M221NV is made by Vizio, which is the brand name, and I would not be able to register a domain name such as since this could attract a lawsuit by the brand owner due to you having registered their trademark.